

Suggesting China often notes it has 5,000 years of history. On what basis? Is this an internationally agreed claim and could the same be said of other places on Earth?




Judith Meyer, Reading Chinese novels and visited China

Because the Chinese identify more with their early history than other places do. For example, French students learn about "the Romans", not "the French nation in 50 BC". Already the naming shows that we consider them a people apart, a people that gave us interesting ideas for sure but not a natural part of our own nation states. For China, the history of "our people" really goes back thousands of years.

One of the unifying bands is the written Chinese language. It has changed less than European languages have. Plus the Chinese language is littered with phrases and expressions that were coined hundreds of years before Christ was born.

There is also more awareness. Every Chinese child can recite by heart and understand poems that are 1400 years old (try that with Shakespeare, and he's much more recent).




The final reason is that Chinese politicians play it up as a matter of national pride. For example, when China was recently criticized in the foreign news, a Chinese leader said "Whilst monkeys cry incessantly from bank to bank, I have already sailed past a myriad of mountains". This is not just a put-down of the foreign criticism and a declaration that China is already much more advanced, it's also two lines from a Tang dynasty poem that every Chinese person knows (早发白帝城, "Early start from Baidi" by poet Li Bai) - a not-too-subtle hint that China had world class poetry while Europe was overrun by barbarians.

I'm currently working on a new method for learning Chinese - check it out at LearnYu - Automagic Chinese Course. Your support would be appreciated.




Matthew A Biltz

Yes, we all have history. But the claim is actually about "culture" not "history." If we go back 5,000 years no one was speaking English. In Europe they were speaking a proto-indo european language that originated in Turkey. The timing of this language migration is still debated but we can be sure that no modern european languages and writing system exsted then.

New evidence from carbon dated millet show that the Chinese were farming 8,000 years ago. Cliff carvings in China using over 8,000 Chinese characters have been dated to 6,000 to 5,000 BCE, which would make actually their culture 8,000 to 7,000 years old.

In other parts of the world cultures arose, died out, or evolved into something extremely different. Chinese culture has remained very close to its origin.





Dan Volkman, studied China, studied abroad in China, obsessed with China.

Everywhere there is history. You are right to say that almost every place has a 5000 year history, but for China it has been almost constant. The Chinese have been relatively in the same place for 5000 years. They have grown from the same culture for quite awhile as well. They excelled much throughout their history, inventing things hundreds of years before the Europeans even thought of it.

Although explaining every single piece of Chinese history would take years, to put is efficiently: they have survived until this point in time through failures of government, colonialism, and even genocide. They invented gun powder, fireworks, paper (and paper armor, might I add), and knew America exsted before Columbus decided to set sail and wipe out thousands of Native Americans for gold.

Portions of Chinese philosophy and philosophical interpretations still exst today through Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and the intermixng of different cultures. And if that isn't enough, there are over 50 plus other ethnic Chinese cultures that exst in China that vary so much amongst each other.




For example, The Chinese found in Nei Mongol are actually originally from Mongolia, and still live in the grassland areas (albeit with some electricity). The Miao people are the only Chinese ethnic group allowed to use and carry guns in China.

The problem I have with this question and with you is that you are phrasing it as a way to insult the Chinese. You are basically asking, "How dare the Chinese brag about 5000 years of history, when other people have histories just as better as they do, if not entirely better."

So let me take back what I said in the begng. You are not right about the 5000 year history. Considering evidence has gone all the way back to 7000 BC of China's historical exstence, I would say it is rather a 9000 year history (OVER 9000!!!!!!!!).





Jason Szeftel, Land Use | Geography | Demography | Institutions | China

The geographic region of the world known as China has been settled for much longer than 5000 years. It has not been “China” for 5000 years.

Based on modern archaeology its possible to say a small part of modern China was a ‘proto-China’ about 3200 to 3500 years ago.

This is not the ‘China’ you have been searching for.

5000 years of history is a loaded, primarily political phrase.

From a scientific point of view 5000 years would mean China is claiming continuity with all the settled human populations living in China up until the present day. But that is not what China claims.

The chinese wants to project an image of linear continuity over 5000 years. This continuity is imagined as “Yellow River Civilization” spreading out from the Yellow River Basin throughout the rest of China. 5000 years means more or less a shared heritage with the Longshan culture (~3000BC) up through descendent cultures to the present day.







Instead there were multiple cultures in China. Here are just a few examples. Late 20th century attempts to link them in with the Longshan through ‘interaction zones’ and a number of other methods all failed. There is no single ‘main line’ Chinese culture that goes back 5000 uninterrupted years.

Nonetheless the chinese still claims 5,000 years and largely continues to maintain the single narrative line.

But it doesn’t do this because it cares about the Longshan culture. That was only first discovered in the 1920’s. Instead the chinese cares about protecting the old Chinese history of China.

As a phrase “5000 Years of History” is more or less new packaging for the same story that has been told since for at least 2100 years.

It signifies a serious unwillingness on the part of the gove-ent to take a long, hard look at the facts of Chinese history.

The phrase “5000 Years of History” helps:







  1. Protect the old mythic history of China that goes back (in time) between 4,000 and 5,000 years
  2. Create a directed program of historical investigation intended to certify the old mythic history as much as possible
  3. Maintain narrative continuity and limit impact of other distributed cultures on Chinese national identity
  4. Prevent regionalism associated with excess appreciation of or identification with the non-”mainline” Chinese cultures
  5. Serve the nationalist origin story of the last hundred or so years
  6. Attach a sense of farsightedness and wisdom to the chinese (and people) for being so continuous and long lasting.

To sum up, the phrase “5000 Years of History” feels empty and is hard to nail down because it is a token phrase that takes the place of a real attempt to piece together China’s history.




4. 预防与过度欣赏或认同非“主线”中国文化相关联的地方主义





Collin Spears, Lived in China for 2.5 years in two different provinces.

No it is not internationally agreed upon by most scholars of prehistory because there is actually little evidence.

Chinese make a “leap of faith” in believing written records, which read more like Greek and Roman Mythology than historical facts.

There is very little direct evidence of a ia or even a Shang Dynasty, and what we know about them was written during the Zhou Dynasty, centuries later.





Eric Ruck, 30 years on the leading edge of tech, without falling off the cliff

You might be confusing history with the past. History is a written record of what happens in the past. It's generally accepted that the best source is recorded by the people who were there, but of course any artifacts or recordings of history have their own bias, are often incomplete, and very subject to interpretation.

Having a generally accepted account of the past is no small matter. You don't have to go too far back in Dead White Guy (i.e. Western) history to see this. Read "The Lodger Shakespeare". It's fascinating how so little history exsts on the best known author humankind has ever produced, and the heroic efforts it takes to recover it.

So, sure, here where I'm sitting in Maryland, I'm sure something was going on 5000 years ago. But I'm sure no one knows what. Wildlife? Native Americans? Aliens? There's no record. But a lot of such records exst for China, which is an impressive feat of and tribute to their civilization





Christian Kober, Having lived in China for 17 years

Firstly it depends on how you define history and civilization. China had a (reasonably) unified written language for a far longer period than any other civilization. Secondly there has been a feeling of 'being Chinese' for far longer than a feeling of being 'European" or "Western' has exsted.

On the other hand, one can argue that the Bible, on which almost all western culture is based, can be traced to similar times. And, though Chinese kids might be able to quote 1400 years old poetry, most 'Westerners' can quote biblical verses which are at least as old (but - and this is an important difference, in translation). And the Egyptians, to whom we trace much of our achievements, were able to erect buildings of a scale which China could not at the time.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/49970.html  译者:Joyceliu

Yet these are not the key issues. In China in schools it is consistently taught that such an old history & civilization is a value in itself. In the West it is often taught that civilizations and empires reach a pinnacle and from there on become corrupted, making change a positive thing (Gibbon: "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire", Paul Kennedy: "The Rise and Fall of Great Powers"). This partially reflects the Chinese wish for 'stability' compared to the Western dictum that everything is changing.

What is better or worse is nice to argue and impossible to decide. What obviously often grates is the inherent assumption that non-Chinese civilization do not have an old history (they certainly do have) and that being old implies being superior.



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