Why is half of everything made in China?
Momen Gola, lifelong learner
First let me correct an assumption in the question, China does not produce half of everything in the world. According to data published by the United Nations Statistics Division, about 28% of global manufacturing output is in China.
That puts the country more than 10 percentage points ahead of the US, which used to have the world’s largest manufacturing sector until China overtook it a decade ago in 2010. Overall, China, US, and Japan combined comprise about 52% of the world's manufacturing output..
Now, why is that?
The reason is that China’s manufacturing accounted for nearly 30% of the country’s total economic output, with a total value added by its manufacturing sector amounting to almost $4 trillion in 2018.
On the other hand, the US economy is much less reliant on manufacturing these days, for example in 2018, the manufacturing sector in the US accounted for just 11% of its GDP.
Boon Kuan Chung, Professor at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (2008-present)
Chinese are able, willing and ready to make almost everything. They are hungry. China has 1.4 billion people. There are almost no hard-core poor due to aggressive efforts in eradication of poverty. However, most people are still poor in the sense that they earn above $2 a day but not much. Fortunately, the government provides subsidies for housing, school, healthcare and other basic needs.
Because they are poor, they are very willing to do almost any work and they work very hard, partly due to the sense of responsibility and partly because they fear losing their jobs. They work 9 am to 6 pm every day and 6 days a week (they call it “966"). They will grab any available opportunity and willing to deliver exceedingly good quality at lower prices. It's hard for multinational corporations not to give them the business. If you are not ultra-nationalistic, and these Chinese subcontractors are your friends, and they are really hungry for your business, why wouldn't you give it to them?
Hungry for business alone is not enough. Chinese are ready to deliver. Imagine if you have a small factory and you have the necessary skills to manufacture parts and components for a multinational corporation. However, the infrastructure and supply chain don't work for you. You will have problems delivering.
If you are willing and ready, but you don't have the knowledge and skills to do the work, you will not be able to make the things which your customers want. China has produced so many high-quality STEM graduates. There's a famous saying among the graduates which goes like this: getting out of university means going out of job (毕业既失业). Many can't find jobs. That means there is a big pool of high-quality STEM graduates for companies to select.
Many SEA countries will have difficulty to compete with China. Like in my country, it's hard to find good STEM graduates; the complacent culture can't produce many graduates who are better than the average-quality Chinese STEM graduates. Furthermore, the really good graduates would find better jobs in China or other developed countries.
My people are as poor as Chinese, but are not so willing to work; partly due to the complacent culture and partly because of government welfare. They don't like 3D jobs: dangerous, dirty and difficult.
Some people are able and willing to work. However, they are not ready. A lot of essential supports are lacking. Nobody are ready to take the risk and start investing, except in low-risk businesses.
Able, willing and ready are three essential elements for success. In Sun Zi Arts of War, it is known as: Dao, Heaven, Earth, Leader, and System. You need to have the right Culture, Time, Place, People and Management to win in any competition. We only have ourselves to blame for losing the game.
David Miller, former Entrepreneur and Company Co-founder
False assertion.
“Half” of everything is a made-up claim with no basis in fact, but China is indeed a manufacturing giant, and that is driven primarily by price. If your manufacturing cost for an umbrella is $18 in the US and $1.04 in China, it’s easy to see why. There are few reasons to manufacture umbrellas in the US since in order to make a profit, they’d have to sell at several times more than the cost of those manufactured in China.
But price isn’t everything. For some items, quality is more important than price. For other items such as food, “freshness” matters, and that can’t easily be done if these items must spend a month on a ship before arriving in the US.
Other items are simply too big to produce and ship from China. You don’t see SpaceX’s rockets being shipped from China for instance, nor Boeing’s planes.
Rudrabha Mukherjee, A SEO Engineer, Vocalist, Mathematical Soul & ML enthusiast
Because that is how they are planning for a unique kind of World War (IMHO).
I know Quora “may” delete this answer because I am going to be brutal honest in this answer (in brief).
Want more insights?
Let's understand this in short.
You can refer the book called - Art Of War by Sun Tzu.
In this book you will get rough idea about how does China lay their strategy to conquer their enemies without any actual war. Then you can clearly understand that - Why is half of everything (as you said) made in China?
China is just after to create a global monopoly in every segment of the global market. Hence they are investing on other country's companies and startups too. I guess you are already getting the idea.
Patrick Chong, former Medical Devices Executive
The short answer is China is super efficient, has the manpower to switch and make changes in no time and has the supporting industry that any manufacturer needs to be successful. That is why the talk about bringing back manufacturers is so difficult. The biggest and most important factor of all is simple this hard truth: China is a market worth between US$600 billion to US$800 billion a year to all the US corporations. Do you think they will abandon the goose that lay those golden eggs?
Majed Jammal, Seeker of knowledge.
“Why is half of everything made in China?”
More like a third.
It is due to their willingness to compromise on standards if it can result in a cheaper product that attracts the poorer markets. Chinese manufacturers are also notorious for their 'fake' knock offs, which they dump on develo countries with poor regulatory oversight…predominantly Africa.
Christopher Stanton, former Ph.D Graduate From the School of Hard Knocks
Western nations have foolishly exported their manufacturing bases and helped fuel the economic rise of china
Roberto Santocho, Working with manufacturers in China since the 1980s
Q: Why is half of everything made in China?
A: Its Simple!
Q: 为什么所有东西一半是中国制造的?
A: 很简单!
1.Labor rates in China are extremely low
2.The Chinese labor rate is so super low that its almost for free when compared to the rest of the price of the products being assembled in China
3.That super low labor rate makes it profitable so send raw materials or sub assemblies to China, to have them sewn together or assembled together and then shipped back to your country, than it is to use the high cost labor in your own country
4.Thats it. That is the only real reason that products are assembled in China at such a high rate
David Wand, lives in China
China is more competitive. They work hard and compete with themselves and the rest of the world. It is capitalism at it’s finest. You have an issue and message a chinese supplier at 10 pm on Sunday they answer and solve the problem.
Peter Kvint
80% everything made in China, because it is cheap to get things done in China
Samuel Chukwudi Ogbonna, Structural Engineer at SCE (2002-present)
Cheap labor.
A: Bloody idiotic globalization.
Aishwariya Ramachandran
I have been traveling a lot to China for the production of IoT products. This falls on the Engineering triangle. China can produce Quality, Fast, Cheap.
I feel all the answers about cheaper labor is missing the point of the question. Since the majority of the third world countries have cheaper labor. From most of Africa, South America, India, and so on... Cheap labor has already been pointed out. Here are a few more:
Mostly because it has a billion people, about the same as the rest of the developed world combined, but isn't yet developed enough to be heavy in service industries.
China has invested a lot in infrastructure. Factories have reliable power, good highway and rail system to port, and large modern ports.
Educated, young and reliable labor force. People that can read and a good primary school science education.
Stable government policies
Good neighbors. The majority of the Chinese factories are owned by Japanese, Taiwanese, Singaporeans and South Korean.
The economy of scale. If you are making shirts, you want to be near button factories, zipper factories, and so on.
About the Quality, time, Cost. You can only pick 2.
If it is Time and Cost:
A bulk of Chinese products are designed to be available fast and cheap. Therefore the "Good" suffers. And it's because of the fast and cheap, those items generally fail quicker than their other counterparts.
If you pick Quality and Time:
China has the capacity for quality items too, the bulk of electronics like Lenovo, Apple products come from China. They are generally high quality and available immediately. But those products are not always "Cheap." Let me ask you this? Do Apple products have this reputation?
China only makes whatever quality someone is willing to pay for. iPhones are made in China but you don't see people complaining about the build quality on them.
Lastly, when you see a product with "made in China" sticker, it's not all made in China. China usually is the assembly point for most products, the parts come from a wider range of places.
Case Engelen, titoma.com Electronic Design For Asian Manufacturing
Well,not everything is made and assemble in China,but definitely there are many thins that have that made in China label on.
Because China has the most complete and cost-effective ecosystem of component manufacturers in the world.
A lot of different parts are needed to build a product such as a smartphone: batteries, touch screens, camera modules, circuit boards, and plastic housings. Many of these are custom made in China, and unfortunately, for many of these parts there are simply no suppliers left in the US
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