

Are you proud to be a Chinese person?




David Barry, lived in China for Many Years

I am not Chinese, but can answer this question as a British man.


When I was a child, I thought that the UK was the center of the Universe so I would probably say: “I am proud to be British!” As a teenager I was an idealist and would probably say: “If Britain changes in such and such a way, then I will be proud!” In my twenties, I became more regionalistic , so I would probably say : “I’m proud to be Yorkshire!” In my thirties as I lived abroad, I clung to my roots more and would have said: “I’m proud to be Yorkshire with Irish ancestry!” Now I’m in my forties and would not say anything like the above.






I don’t think “pride” is worth the candle. It leads to ignorance. Also, why would anyone be proud of being any nationality? We are born into a nationality, that’s all. It’s nothing we have done. We could be proud of our nation’s achievements. We could be proud of something we have done, including something we have done for our country. We can say : “We are happy to be…” British or Chinese or whatever.

我认为“自豪”得不偿失。它还让人愚昧无知。而且为什么每个人都要为自己的国籍感到自豪呢?我们出生在某个国家,仅此而已。我们什么都没做。我们可以为我们国家的成就感到自豪。我们可以为我们所做的事情感到骄傲,包括我们为我们的国家所做的事情感到自豪。我们可以说:“We are happy to be…”(作为X国人,我们很高兴……)

Now I will say that I’m happy to be alive and human and part of the Universe. National pride is a load of old cobblers in my thinking. The British did some great things and not so great. The USA , now, hasn’t been the perfect state and if China does become the total superpower, I hope the Chinese are smart enough to not start to believe that they are superior to others. It makes my heart sink when our leaders start to blame other nations for their political gain. National pride is for the ignorant. For those who choose ignorance.



Andreas Mihardja, PhD from Georg-August University of Göttingen (1969)

From what we know from history; Most Chinese are NOW proud to be called a Chinese. The question now is why and not before , when they are regarded in the lowest classification of the society as the Pariah of the world.




I am proud of being Chinese and will always be. Since I am living in US right now, there are so many people who ask me when I will change nationality to American, but I will never do it because I am a Chinese and will always be one in my life.


In terms of things that I am proud of:

1.The long history: there have been so many things in Chinese history. Of course, there are lots of ups and downs, but those ups and downs teach me how to treat politics and life with a calm attitude - no matter how great or miserable you are right now, you won't be like that for your whole life. Things change.

2.The great literature. It's great that there are thousands of years of literature that I can read right now. Chinese culture is so rich and I am proud to be part of it.

3.How hardworking Chinese people are. Chinese people are hardworking, which is something undoubtable. Everyone works for a better life, more benefit for his/her families and more fulfillment. I






Stein Schwiz, A Fake Chinese :p

Haha, let me be blunt:




Then, no worries, your purpose is fulfilled at this second.

I am a mix of Chinese and other South East Asian. Well, I admit that I have more Chinese blood than the rest.

I admit that ancient China was great. Indeed, China was among the first to discover the world, among the very few to influence our world, among the very few to get over hundreds of pages in world’s history text books.




But, I am not proud of these.

They have nothing to do with me. Then am I proud of being born in current country instead of being proud to be Chinese?





I am not Nationalistic, nor patriotic. I grew up in very multicultural environment and am still in that environment. But, I am not on multiculturalism either coz I know the pros and cons of multiculturalism.

I have studied ancient Chinese philosophies, and I admit that China was very progressive in education, science, and philosophy, probably the most progressive among the whole East Asia at that time.



So what about now?

Their education is just all about training, practicing. There is no space for creativity. Do you think Chinese education is the best because of those high scores in Math Olympics and international competition? Don’t think, coz they spend hours of training, and practice. Students didn’t use their own original creativity to get that high score. They scored it through intense training, and practices given in their school, in other words, they were trained using manual-like methods.



Do you think China is so progressive in science just because you can see very technologically advanced gadgets from Chinese companies on the screens? Just to make sure you understand the differences between science and technology. Technology is just connecting the pieces together whereas science is finding the missing piece. When you play jig-saw puzzles, you are doing technology. But, when you have to find a missing piece in the middle of nowhere, that’s science. No one really knows where the missing piece could be hiding, so you will have to depend on yourself, find your own way out for yourself.


Oh! or do you still want to argue China is progressive because of it’s current economy? Then what you are looking at is not at Chinese people’s individual ability, but at their desire for power and collective greed. Just because they are economically advanced, they didn’t invent a new economical theories and philosophies. They just make use of exsting political and economical philosophies. In other words, just another technological game.



Jack Bohannon, P

Honestly, yes and no!

As many countries, China has had its ups and downs. Should an average American be proud of their nation? If you look at how their ancestors broke free from the prosecution of the UK, traveled across the seas and build the most powerful and vigorous nation in the world, they are totally entitled. But then if you think what their country did to those natives and slaves, maybe not so much.




Maggie Lin, studied at Beiing University of Posts and Telecommunications

If I have a next life, do I want to be a Chinese?

It’s Ok to be a Chinese, I would say.



Any country will do as long as my parents like me, trust me, be honest to me, and support me unconditionally during my growth.


Am I proud to be a Chinese now?

I am not proud, I am still not satisfied with myself, I am still not happy. But I am lucky to be a Chinese. Despite all the ugly and nasty and false things, I found enough good things to feed my soul. They are:

Traditional Chinese Medicine. The name is misleading actually it is healing arts.

Religions. The diamond of Taoism, rules of Buddhism, part of Confucianism.

Chinese, the language, especially Hanzi.







Charlotte Schell, Co-Founder/Owner at Unfamiliar China

I am proud to be a Chinese doesn’t mean I believe China is the best country in the world. What that does mean is I am proud to be a descendant of a nation that has a very very long history, with tons of natural and man-made wonders, so many different sub-cultures to explore (such as the 56 ethnic groups including Han which is what I am), and so many interesting advancements in the recent years.


Just like in the States, not all Chinese are the same. There are strict and conservative families in US and Canada, there are also many open and liberal families in China. My values are formed through my country background, but also more importantly my family background, as well as where my current chosen surroundings are, what I read, what study, and what I choose to pursue with intensity.


After living in Canada for the last decade, I don’t necessarily fit in with the current Chinese culture and lifestyle anymore, but I am really glad that I am Chinese and that gave me the ability to communicate and connect with a huge population in the world.


 译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/50196.html 译者:Joyceliu



To be brutally honest, NO. I am Malaysian Chinese and have never lived in China. I am answering this anonymously since I will definitely get bashed by nationalists etc. Let me give you some reasons why:


1.Too common. With 1,2 billions and its diaspora, there isn’t the “exotic” feel anymore since Chinese are a pretty common sight. This gives you an disadvantage in socializing especially in Western countries, unlike Japanese or Korean, who would normally get more attention and awe from foreigners just for being who they are. People often brush Chinese off easily and dismissed Chinese as “not interesting” in their mind.


2.Not-that-decent image around the globe. I just went to Seoul and what I noticed is pretty interesting. Shopkeeper tend to judge customer by appearance. So on the first day I and my family was just wearing some Uniqlo jacket and the shopkeepers thought we were from China so they didn’t even bat an eye. On the second day, I already bought some nice jackets in Myeongdong and went into the same shop. They were surprisingly warm and spoke Japanese to us so yeah you get what I mean. People would be more welcoming if I said I am a Malaysian. And recently the Chinese/HK lady who “saved” a parking space by standing on it? It isn’t just them, even Malaysian Chinese do that and I feel so ashamed of it.


3.Fanatic worship of ancestors. I don’t think this applies to every Chinese household but most of it. Even if some are atheists, they will still worship their ancestors. It’s absurd in two ways: a. They believe their ancestors will become deity. b. The worship takes lot of time for and money. Even if the ancestors are drunkard/cheater/loser/败家子 ,as long as they are dead, family members would worship them as if they are Jesus/Allah/Buddha. Pretty counterintuitive.


4.I never lived in China so I don’t know the situation but I assume is not anywhere better. Backstabbing among Malaysian Chinese are quite common. Luckily I’ve never experienced it but I’ve seen it quite often. People who are honest and kind are often taken advantaged of and regarded as dumb. Siblings would fight for money and properties till the point of suing each other in court.


5.Over-importance of money. No money = Everyone looks down and spits on you. My family was poor at first and grew wealthier over time. Relatives gradually then pay more attention and would come for visits more often. These are the people you need to watch out for. They would definitely turn against you when you are broke or what.

If given a chance to choose, I don’t think I would want be of Chinese descent. No offence to Chinese as this is just a matter of personal preference.


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