Why do you love China?
Michael Moldenhauer
Let’s see.
1.For one, China is perhaps the only surviving ancient civilization in the world, in the sense of still strongly retaining its roots. From the language and distinctive writing system, to the philosophy, and the structure of government itself. Ancient Egypt, which can (depending on what your dating conditions are) be considered as originating earlier, also died out a long time ago and modern Egypt is very, very different. Nobody cares about the gods like Ra and Hathor anymore, and hardly anyone worships them. Hieroglyphics have been a dead writing system since 1500 years ago. The dominant language is Arabic. Egyptian, now called “Coptic”, is relegated to limited use in religious services. No modern Egyptian president or ruler will get a pyramid, or even a rock tomb of the traditional style in the Valley of the Kings.
2.But in China, the native languages are spoken as much as ever, though having naturally undergone their own evolution just as English. The writing system in use bears a straight line of connection to the original one invented at least 3500, if not more, years ago. (There is good reason to suspect that the reason there aren’t earlier samples of writing is not that the script was invented at this point, but that this was the first point they were written down in durable media. Likely, before this point, all writing was on things like Bamboo, which decays away. The actual time, thus, is quite unknown and may not ever be known.) The old gods still get their worship at least by some - it’s called “Shenism”. Moreover, while foreign religions were introduced like Buddhism, and there are also non-theistic native religions like Daoism, all these go back far into history. While most Chinese are “officially” atheists, there’s some saying that goes something like that Chinese are, at different points in their life, Daoist, Confucian, Atheist and finally Buddhist at death, or something like that - don’t remember the details or the order of “stages”.
2. 在中国,人们自始至终都使用汉语作为母语,虽然汉语和英语一样也自然地经历了自身的演变。现在中国人使用的书写系统与至少3500年前发明的原始书写系统有着显而易见的关联。(我们有充分的理由怀疑,之所以没有更早之前的文字样本,并不是因为文字是这个时候才发明的,而是因为这是第一次使用了能抵御时间侵蚀的媒介来记录文字。很可能,在那之前,所有的文字都写在竹子之类的东西上,而时间一久,竹子就会腐烂。因此,真实的时间是未知的,可能永远也不会被发现。)有些人仍然崇拜旧时的神——这被称为“神论”。此外,虽然引进了佛教等外来宗教,中国也有本土的非有神论宗教,如道教等,这些宗教都有着漫长的历史。虽然大多数中国人是无神论者,但也有这样的说法:中国人在人生的不同阶段,分别是道教信徒、儒家门徒、无神论者,最后在去世前则是佛教徒,或者类似的说法——我记不太清具体说法或这几个“阶段”的顺序了。
3.China has made amazing progress compared to most other develo countries in building out a modern infrastructure, all while still retaining these strong traditional roots. While your typical Chinese city may not quite be up to snuff for the typical big cities in the West, they sure have come a long way and are well ahead of the pack.
4.The Chinese philosophy toward foreign relations - despite all the much-ballyhooed concerns regarding so-called “debt traps” which are much less clear-cut but let’s just say that there are no pure saint countries anywhere - I’d say is still generally better than that of the West. It’s much closer to the “live and let live” kind of way I think it should go in most cases. China does not, despite all the media rhetoric saying otherwise, seek to destroy Western values or destroy “individual freedom”. It has its own standards for what freedom is does and doesn’t allow its own citizens, and it also applies those same standards against foreigners operating within its own borders. Those standards are at variance with Western standards, and while as a Westerner one may disagree with them, the point to make is that unlike the West, it is not seeking to demand others abide by those standards in their countries. China is not seeking military, economic or subterfuge operations to sabotage and destroy “Western de ocracies” and convert them into little clones of the and its techno meritocracy. Instead, people ask for development, and China gives them development with no strings attached. If the West wants to compete honorably with this, it needs to make its development aid similarly unconditional and lose the colonizer/moralizer attitude.
5.Chinese food. What else can I say?
Wish I could have some more DanDanMian :(
Kong Thao
I think my love for China stems from my research of finding out what I really am. It was quite a transition.
I didn’t start out loving China like today. I actually grew up with negative stigma against it, with the same reasons mentioned above. In fact, it took me a long time to open up and actually see eye to eye with it. I was already in a phase where I hated and felt shame about my background, and doing research on my origins helped a lot. I figured “well, I should probably look into my country of origin. It’s the least I could do.”
Looking deep into China’s history gave me a lot of mixed feelings. For one, it’s long rich history gave me a tiny bit of pride, and looking up it’s Century of Humiliation, Naning Massacre, and Cultural Revolution gave me a lot of feelings. I cried, I was angry, I empathized with the victims. Many of my interactions here with Chinese people have been quite positive, some were even surprised that they were talking to a Miao American.
Axel Felix
There are many things that I love and admire about China. But for me the most important reason is that China is one of the few nations in Asia that was able to transform itself for the better. China is one of the few countries in Asia that can, did and will continue to transform itself.
It had transformations like land reform, end of warlordism, end of backward costumes, radical change in the economic system, population control, order in society and so on. Not many nations have this ability. In some countries things are the same as they were hundreds of years ago with minor differences. What makes China unique is the scale of the transformation.
When we look at some other countries in Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India), let’s forget about transformation, they have not been able to reform themselves. Worse than that it seems like they have big fetish for everything traditional.
Richard Kenneth Eng
Maybe you love China’s great 5,000-year history. It’s been very rich and interesting. China has achieved many wonderful things throughout its history.
Maybe you love China’s culture. It has many beautiful elements, as well as awful ones. Maybe you love China’s cuisines (there are many different ones, and they’re all diverse and fascinating). Maybe you love the language, which can be very lyrical and beautiful.
Maybe you love China’s magnificent achievements in modern times. In a span of less than four decades, China has climbed out of poverty to become the largest economy in the world (by PPP GDP), or the second largest by nominal GDP. Even by nominal GDP, China is expected to become the largest within the next decade.
In less than 40 years, China grew her economy sixteen-fold!!! That’s mind-boggling, even by American standards.
In less than 40 years, China elevated nearly a billion people out of poverty and into the middle class, the greatest economic achievement in human history!
Jean-Marie Valheur
I don’t know why you love China. Only you can answer that question. It could be the food. It could be the people. It could be the nature in certain areas, or the weather. It could be a million different things, and only you know. But I am glad you like another country and I hope you have fun in it. Me, I hate no country in this world. And I love pretty much all of them, although I do not always agree with the politics of every country. As for China… I’ve always wanted to visit the Forbidden City. Maybe some day!
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/50453.html
Donal Kirk
Lifestyle in China is good clean, safe and fast. As s Westerner who has lived in Beiing 20 years, always been treated respectfully and made very welcome but you must obey their laws, they apply them.
Allen Allington
Lotta of reasons to love China..
If every American could go visit China for a few weeks we would return to fire all of our propaganda producing politicians, preachers and many of our journalists.
Then rewrite many of our book to correct them.
Bing Bling
I only started to notice that I love China so much when I come to UK to study for some years. Life in China is much better than UK and I’ve no idea where is the proud that British have that they think UK is much better than China, every time when I go back to China I just feel like a countryside person going to downtown, but I got a bf in UK and he is from a poor country, he told me he worked so hard to come to UK so he wants his kids to be British, for me I’m so mad about that because China is much stronger than UK so why can’t my kid are Chinese??? will see how thing goes and decide later
Mark Lai
I love China because of its people as many of them are gentle, kind and adorable especially the kids and elderly. Probably due to its long history of refinement and culture, they have learnt how to lived and treat each other accordingly to ensure a harmonious relationship in various aspects of relation whether is within the immediate family or distant and friends or work, school etc. Then there is also the beautiful landscapes all across the vast country with different seasons offering different experiences. Of course, not forgetting the many varieties of fruits, vegetables and cuisines of many different regions at different seasons. One would not be able to live all over China in one lifespan and get to taste the foods and have met and get to know it’s people.