

 17 dead as Air India Express flight overshoots Kozhikode’s table-top runway


KOZHIKODE/NEW DELHI: An Air India Express flight from Dubai trying to land in torrential rain with 190 people on board overshot the tabletop runway at Kozhikode’s Calicut International Airport on Friday and went 35 feet down a slope at 7.41pm, killing at least 17, in a chilling reminder of the 2010 crash at Mangalore’s table-top airport.


The aircraft, a Boeing 737, broke in two. The deceased include the flight commander, Deepak V Sathe, and co-pilot Akhilesh Kumar.

这架波音737客机断为两截。死者包括机长Deepak V Sathe和副驾驶Akhilesh Kumar。

According to flight tracking sites, the aircraft made two attempts to land in heavy rain before touching down the third time, leading to the accident. The flight was part of the Vande Bharat repatriation mission and most passengers were stranded non-resident Keralites returning home from the UAE following the Covid-19 pandemic.



Sources said at the time of the third attempted landing the wind speed was 15 knots and there was heavy rain. The aircraft was high on approach, possibly due to strong tailwinds. It landed beyond the touchdown point on the runway, which was why it failed to stop in time.


The nose of the aircraft and the cockpit area were completely destroyed and the fuselage had broken into two pieces. Many passengers suffered serious injuries, including to the head and fractures, due to the crash impact. Fortunately, the plane did not burst into flames.


Aviation minister H S Puri said in a series of tweets: “Unfortunately, 16 people have lost their lives. I offer my heartfelt condolences to their next of kin and pray for speedy recovery of the injured… The flight… overshot the runway in rainy conditions and went down 35 feet into a slope before breaking up into two pieces. A formal enquiry will be conducted by Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB).”

航空部长H S Puri在推特上表示:“不幸的是,16人失去了生命。我向他们的亲属表达衷心的哀悼,并祈祷伤者尽快康复。事发时在下雨,这架飞机冲出跑道,并从35英尺的斜坡滑下,最后摔成两半。航空事故调查局将会进行正式调查。”

“Pained by the plane accident in Kozhikode. My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. Spoke to Kerala CM @vijayanpinarayi Ji regarding the situation. Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted.

印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在推特上写道:“为发生科泽科德的飞机事故感到痛心,我的心与那些失去亲人的人同在,愿伤者早日康复。以就此事与喀拉拉邦首席部长vijayanpinarayi 沟通。有关部门正在现场,为受影响的人提供一切援助。”

“Two investigation teams of professionals from AI, AAI and AAIB will leave for Kozhikode at 2 am and 5 am (Saturday). Everyone has now been rescued from the aircraft. Rescue operations are now complete,” Puri said.


Firefighting personnel and hundreds of rescue workers immediately reached the airport and the injured were taken to government medical colleges in Kozhikode and Malappuram and private hospitals in Kozhikode and Kondotty. State health minister K K Shailaja said many passengers had serious injuries.

消防人员和数百名救援人员立即抵达机场,伤者被送往科泽科德和马拉普兰姆的公立医学院附属医院以及科泽科德和康多提的私立医院。喀拉拉邦卫生部长K K Shailaja称,许多乘客受了重伤。

According to Air India, there were 174 passengers, 10 infants, two pilots and five cabin crew on board the aircraft. It is the first major accident at Calicut International Airport in its 32-year history.




译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/50515.html   译者:Jessica.Wu

Hamar Ismail

Stop blaming anyone. Pilots are dead. Just pray for the survivors who are injured to recover soon and for the deceased to RIP. Even the world's best pilot can make mistake.




Bad news is never ending under Feku Panauti the Yamraj of India.



Jay Boro

With so much of science we still cannot avoid such circumstances. Real sad. RIP to all the deceased



Sridhar S

Why was the flight not guided to a different airport if landing in Calicut was difficult



James Manohar

Pilots are not to be blamed. The chief pilot was a seasoned air force pilot. Maybe the fault lies with the incompetent air traffic control room staff, who did not issue proper guidance to the pilots about the weather situation.

Pilot fault is ruled out as the flights are usually on auto pilot mode at the time of landing.



Rama Krishna B

Human Error. Although weather did play a part, a good pilot would have been able to dodge this. My sympathies to the daprted and their families.




The plane could have been diverted to Kochi or Trivandrum airport as an emergency instead of trying to land here.



Jay Narayan

Its collasuss and carelessnes attitude of the Air Traffic controllers allowing aircraft to land in such a trecherous condition, they could have denied the permission and directed the aircraft to land in a nearby safe airport



Humanity comes first

Since the feku government took charge nothing is going good we r seeing worst situations day by day



Tom Diwan

with this amount of rain,and a table top runway,the flight should have not flown to this airport.



Makes sense! The flight should not have left Dubai in the first place!



desi Bharatiya

Under feku and his gang of religious fanatic thugs, India’s development will only be visualized with building temples and statues.



Ujjal Nahardeka

very sad. innocent lives had been lost




Bhakts are googling to see if by any chance tbe airport was constructed by Nehru.



Suicide bomber

Kerala CM Pinarai Vijayan is a bad omen for keralites. since he joined the office kerala started to see many disasters.

对喀拉拉邦人来说,首席部长 Pinarai Vijayan是一个灾星,自从他上任以来,喀拉拉邦灾难不断。

Jack Saunders

Just like Modi



Sheik Mohamed

May departed soul to be rest in eternal peace. Convey our heartfelt condolences to bereaved family members. Let us wish and pray for quick and speedy recovery for those got injured.



Justice Freedom Equality

In the absence of proper maintenance, software upgrade, safety training, no wonder AI is known as Coffin Express.



Abdul Qadeer

Whole India is unsafe under Bjp rule


aaaa bbbb

U better go to Pakistan.




One thing is certain! Modi is bad omen to India!. After he came to power everything is going bad for India! Internal or external things!.


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