India reassures Nepal after Jaishankar’s Buddha remark
NEW DELHI: India moved to quell a new controversy over the birthplace of Gautama Buddha after the Nepalese government took exception to foreign minister S Jaishankar claiming Buddha was Indian.
Addressing a CII event on Saturday, Jaishankar had said, “Who are the greatest Indians ever that you can remember? I would say one is Gautam Buddha and the other is Mahatma Gandhi.”
To the extraordinarily sensitive Nepal, already tense about the downward spiral in bilateral relations with India, this was added insult. Nepal’s foreign ministry issued a sharply worded riposte said, "It is a well-established and undeniable fact proven by historical and archaeological evidence that Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal. Lumbini, the Birthplace of Buddha and the fountain of Buddhism, is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites.”
On Sunday, the MEA said reassuringly, “EAM’s remarks yesterday at the CII event referred to our shared Buddhist heritage. There is no doubt that Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini, which is in Nepal.”
Nepal’s foreign ministry statement added prime minister Narendra Modi had, during his visit to Nepal in 2014, said that "Nepal is the country where the apostle of peace in the world, Buddha, was born."
"It is true that Buddhism spread from Nepal to other parts of the world in the subsequent period. The matter remains beyond doubt and controversy and thus cannot be a subject of debate. The entire international community is aware of this," the Nepal statement added.
The new controversy, ironically, comes on the day when the Indian Army donated 10 ICU ventilators to the Nepal army, which was handed over by the Indian ambassador Vinay Kwatra in Nepal.
具有讽刺意味的是,这场新争议发生的当天,印度军队向尼泊尔军队捐赠了10台ICU呼吸机,并由印度驻尼泊尔大使Vinay Kwatra转交。
Nepali Congress spokesperson Bishwa Prakash Sharma took strong exception to the Indian foreign minister's claim. "Lord Buddha was born in Nepal. We have reservations toward the Indian foreign minister Jaishanker's statement against historical facts that the land is in today's Nepal," he tweeted in Nepali.
Since Nepal changed its political map and included Indian territories in Lipulekh, the Indian system has frozen out Nepal. The Indian government has refused to hold talks on the territory issue while these new maps, which India considers to be illegal are around. India believes Nepal PM KP Sharma Oli is bent on ruining bilateral ties while cosying up to .
Nepal government is trying hard to hold talks with the Indian system, but neither the Indian government, nor the ruling party BJP wants to give any opening to the Nepali government to start talks. However, the Indian government has made it clear that its problems with the Oli government notwithstanding, there would be no let up in its engagement with the Nepali people.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Jessica.Wu
Siv Sarkar
Did Nepal exst when Lord Buddha was born? It was all India then.
佛陀诞生时,尼泊尔存在吗? 那时的尼泊尔所在的地方都属于印度。
Rajat Lahiry
Time India conveys this information to this Nepali idiot.
In fact, all Nepalese are Indian.
Anonymous Delhite
Cool. Declare Nepal a disputed territory.
Shubham Parashar
India gives GIFTS , IMPORTS of all essential commodities to Nepal and Nepal shows ungrateful eyes to India .. We cant let Nepal fall in hands of just becoz one FOOL Oli .. BJP Govt will do the same what it did to Maldives .. Just wait n Watch
Shyam Mohan
Siddhartha was born in Nepal, Buddha was born in Gaya under the Bodhi tree, thats why he is called Buddha and not Lumbina
ersanjeev Koul
Now India has to bow to petty fries like nepal also because they are run by fuel.
Gaga Gamer
Anyway, Buddha is always referred to as a philosopher, spiritual leader of "ANCIENT INDIA" ( see any book, history, Encyclopedia, etc), not ANCIENT NEPAL.
scarface Chattopadhyay
What else do you expect out of the stooges.
Rudraksha Mehta
Siddarth was born in Lumbini but Buddha was "born" in India. Without India there would be no Buddha, period.
Ullatt Subhas
My historical understanding of the birth place of Gautama Buddha was Bodhgaya.
Stud baker
When Buddha was born perhps nepal was part of Greater India. Most of the surrounding countries except were carved out of India. Hence Buddha was born in then Mahabharat.
stupid Indians
Why not India a part of Nepal?
Nemam Natarajan Pasupathy
There was neither Nepal nor Afghanistan during the time of Buddha .It was one big Bharath Varsha. Where he attained enlightenment? The birthplace of Buddha is presently in Nepal. That is about all.
Valen Tino Hick
Nepali politicians are good capitalist.
when will India start to tighten the screws on Nepal by sowing down the supplies.
Maverick Tiranga
There was no foookkking Nepal when Buddha was Born. Get over yourself you Nepalese little thapa boys.
Prince Gautam was born in Lumbini. This is fat. He left Lumbini at a very young age. This is also fact. After enlightenment he became Buddha in Bodh Gaya, Bihar (India) THIS IS THE BIGG FACT....
Think before you speak
Tomorrow Pak calls Shri Guru Nanak as Pakistani. There was no formal Nepal at times of Magadha empire and all parts were under India. Lumbini in present day Nepal doesn't mean that Budha is Nepalese..
When and where did Nepal born? Nepal is part of united India and it will be united to India soon.
AnuRajesh Bhartia
We as Siddart in Nepal ,in Bihar he became Buddha
Balachandran Menon
Nepal can claim Ram but India cant Budha?
Puran Prasad
Nepal is older than India
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