In what way is China doing better than the West?
Pete Truman
After living in China for the last few years, I feel that China is a very unique country. For example, the language is different, food is different, the whole culture is different. In fact, there are several aspects where China is doing better than the West.
#1. Cost of living is an important parameter for most of us. You can spend one month in Shanghai, one of the most expensive cities in China, for RMB 5,000/month/person. You gonna be poor in Seattle/California, even if you earn US $5,000/month (US $1= RMB 7).
#2. Safety. When was the last mass shooting in China? Last terror attack? Illegal immigrants? Well, in terms of safety, as the western countries are becoming less and less safe, China is getting safer and safer. You just won't be allowed to disturb the social harmony.
#3 Food: China offers a huge variety of traditional cuisine. Each province, and most of the cities, have their own distinguished food. You can grab a filling meal for RMB 20. I mean just compare with western pizza and burger, full of carbs, and ultimately the source of numerous diseases, obesity and diabetes.
# 1. 对我们大多数人来说,生活成本是一个很重要的参数。在中国物价最高的城市之一的上海住一个月,你可能需要花费5000元/人。即便你每月能挣5000美元(1美元= 7元人民币),在西雅图或加州,你也只能算是个穷人。
# 2. 安全。中国最近一次大规模枪击事件发生在什么时候?最近一次恐怖袭击呢?有非法移民吗?在安全方面,西方国家越来越不安全,但中国却越来越安全。中国不允许民众扰乱社会的和谐。
#3. 食物:中国有花样百出的传统菜肴。每个省和大多数城市都有自己的特色食物。花20元就能饱餐一顿。我的意思是和西式的披萨和汉堡相对比,西式食物富含碳水化合物,是许多疾病比如肥胖和糖尿病的根源。
#4 How many western countries have the fast bullet trains? I can't believe Australian trains are so slow.
#5 One language: one of the advantages of learning Mandarin Chinese is that you can use it almost everywhere in China. Everyone over here understands Mandarin. Imagine over 1.4bn people speaking the same language?
#6 Dating and relationship: most of my expat friends in China have long forgotten western girls.
#7 Cashless payments: in China, we generally don't carry paper money. Just bring your phone and scan the QR codes. In fact, now the facial recognition system is replacing the QR code system. No need to bring even the phone.
#4. 有多少西方国家拥有高速子弹头列车呢?澳大利亚的火车这么慢,我都难以置信。
#5. 学习普通话的一个好处是你可以在中国的任何地方进行使用。这里的每个人都懂普通话。想象一下,居然有超过14亿的人使用同一种语言?
#6. 约会和谈恋爱:我那些在中国生活的大多数老外朋友都早把西方女孩忘到脑后去了。
#7. 无现金支付:在中国,我们一般出门都不带纸币了。只要带上你的手机,扫描支付二维码就行了。事实上,现在人脸识别系统正在逐渐取代二维码系统。以后甚至连手机都不用带了。
#8 Travelling: China offers wonderful historical sites. There are over 50 UNESCO world heritage sites in China, the highest in the world.
#9 China is a peace-loving country. It doesn't go out to capture Vietnam and the Korean peninsula. When was the last time China fought a war? The US is still messing up in Iraq and Afghanistan. In January, Iran war looked almost a certainty (when General Qasem Soleimani was gone). Maybe Covid-19 avoided Iran fiasco.
#10 When the western countries are losing past glories, China is a rising star. About 40 years ago, the Chinese economy was struggling and the US was the superpower. Now the story is quite different. China is driving the world economy, and the US has lost its political hegemony, especially under Trump administration.
#11 China has controlled Covid-19 pandemic in a much better way than the West.
#8. 旅游:中国有很多精彩的历史古迹。中国有50多个联合国教科文组织世界遗产,是世界上最多的。
#9. 中国是一个爱好和平的国家。它不会主动占领越南和朝鲜半岛。中国上次打仗是什么时候的事了?美国至今在伊拉克和阿富汗还无法抽身。今年1月,伊朗战争看起来几乎已成定局(当时Qasem Soleimani将军已经去世)。也许Covid-19避免了伊朗战局的惨败。
#10. 在西方国家不复往日辉煌的同时,中国却是一颗冉冉升起的新星。大约40年前,中国经济陷入困境,而美国是个超级大国。现在的情况完全不同了。中国正在推动世界经济,而美国已经失去了政治霸权,尤其是在特朗普政府的领导下。
China has seen tremendous social issues in its 5000 years long history. Gone are the days! Time has changed…
No nation can bully China!
I look forward to a more balanced global power structure.
Rei Tanotsuka
Every country has its virtues and vices, China is no exception, but here are some things that China is doing well in.
Quick to admit that it's fallible and willing to change.
China, just like many Asian societies, are quick to point out their weaknesses and will genuinely attempt to rectify the error. China is making major headways for foreign companies to enter, compete and profit from the lucrative Chinese market BUT WESTERN MEDIA keeps mum on China's willingness to open its markets
In the latest Mckinsey Global Institute report, which no WESTERN MEDIA will quote from, shows China being more welcoming to global companies into China, than Americans are to outsiders competing in America, with Japan being very lax to foreign competitors. You would not think so listening to US rhetoric lamenting how protectionist China and Japan are supposed to be.
麦肯锡全球研究所(Mckinsey Global Institute)的最新报告显示,中国对进入国内的跨国公司的欢迎程度,超过了美国对在美外国公司的欢迎程度,而日本对外国竞争对手的态度非常宽松。如果你只听美国哀叹中国和日本的保护主义之风盛行,你是绝对不会相信的。
Learning from past
China needs to experience things once to learn the lesson…other countries? Meh.
In Phaedo, Socrates engages in a discourse about the afterlife, when one of his followers, Cebes, asks Socrates, who will continue to enlighten them after Socrates departs? Socrates says:
“Hellas, is a large place, Cebes, and has many good men, and there are barbarous races not a few: seek for him among them all, far and wide, sparing neither pain nor money, for there is no better way of spending your money.”
You would think that America, after falsely accusing Saddam Hussein of hording WMDs, (btw all America Intelligence kept telling the Bush Administration that there was no Saddam connection to terrorism nor WMDs) and turning a nation into a failed State (only briefly recovering) with a burgeoning hatred for Americans, you would think, oh complete unbridled fabrication of reality may not be looked upon as a good thing and should at least be condemned right?
Fernando Ramirez
In numerous ways to be honest. First unlike most countries in the west (especially the U.S) China is not undergoing an internal fight in their own government. In western countries, political parties are struggling everyday to get over their opponents and achieve their self interests. You have liberals decomposing society and clashing conservatives (who pretend to be decent but they are just like the liberals), capitalists taking over everything, and socialists selling their false dreams to stupid people. In China you have a united nation working together towards a common goal that is good for the nation.
China has been very effective in achieving social stability and economic growth. Another thing is safety. China definitely have created a safe country. China is very harsh towards organized crime, mob dealers, drug dealers, and any criminals. . In America you have mob dealers, drug dealers, murderers roaming on the streets. If the DEA, FBI, CIA, whatever gets to catch them, their skilled lawyers will eventually get them out and they will go back to the streets as if nothing had happened. If a crazed husband threatens to kill his wife, he will be arrested, then released, and then he will KILL his wife, because in a de ocracy if there is no clues, no evidence against you, you are just as free as any man or woman in the world, even though you may be skilled murderer, drug dealer, drug kingpin who is always getting away with it. Yes we know, in a de ocracy you can vote, WOW!!. But at the end of the day, every politician who represents you doesn’t give a dime about you. They give many promises and little responses. They tell you what you want to hear, but they don’t tell you what you need.
中国在实现社会稳定和经济增长方面卓有成效。另一件事是安全。毫无疑问,中国已经成为了一个安全的国家。中国对有组织犯罪、乌合之众、毒贩子和任何犯罪分子都非常严厉。在美国,暴民贩子、毒品贩子、杀人犯在街上游荡。如果缉毒局,联邦调查局,中央情报局等部门抓住他们,他们的高明律师最终也会把他们保出来,让他们重回大街,就像什么都没发生过一样。如果一个疯狂的丈夫威胁要杀死他的妻子,他将被逮捕,获得释放,然后杀掉他的妻子,因为在一个民*国家里,如果没有不利于你的明确线索和证据,你就能跟世界上任何人一样自由,即便你就是个熟练的凶杀犯,毒贩,大毒枭,总能轻松脱身。是的,我们知道,在民*国家你可以投票,哇!! 但是到最后,每一个代表你的政客都不会为你付出一分钱。他们作出了很多承诺却很少回应。他们会告诉你你想听的,但他们不会告诉你你需要的是什么。
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
We are so busy in our jobs, baby showers, track meets, friends & family, Netflix, and sports that we ignore what people in the White House, congress or Parliament are doing. In a de ocracy like America, you are safe as long as you keep quiet and stay out of sight and trouble, but the moment you cross your paths with MS-13, The Bloods, the Aryan Brotherhood, young drug dealers, high school bandits, a crazy man who wants to kill you because of your race/religion/nationality/ethnicity, a mega corporation who wants your property for some reason, or a corrupt politician who dislikes you for some reason, that moment where you cross paths with any of them, you are done. Ain’t no gun, rifle, or weapon that will protect you against many of them. And don’t bother to ask help from the government, they are to busy filling up their own interests.
我们忙于工作、新生儿派对、田径运动会、朋友和家人、看电影和体育比赛,以至于我们忽略了白宫、国会或议会的人在做什么。在一个像美国这样的民*国家,只要你安静,不碍眼,不惹事,你就是安全的,但当你挡了MS - 13犯罪集团,雅利安人兄弟会,年轻的毒品贩子,高中混混,一个因为你的种族、宗教、国籍和民族而想杀你的疯子,由于某种原因想要霸占你财产的大公司,或出于某种原因不喜欢你的腐败政客的道,从你挡道的那天起,你就完蛋了。没有任何枪、来复枪或其他武器能保护你不受到伤害。你也不用麻烦向政府求助,他们忙着中饱私囊呢。
Paul Johansen
China is inevitably doing better than the west because so many countries are now very dependent on them for the supply of manufactured goods, both good and poor quality. In this way the west has conveniently played right into China’s hands, because we all stood back and let it happen. They can endure good times and bad because of the strength of their own internal economy which is one of the largest in the world tends to take up the slack. China becomes more powerful every year as the world population grows and they have the international consumer markets in the palm of their hand. This could be regarded as a good thing if the trade was mutual but China is very careful to protect its own market. If every country produced what it was best at providing the entire world could benefit from a level playing field but this option does not appear to be on the table. The Chinese people can openly purchase real estate in my tiny country yet we can’t buy any in theirs.
China is gradually edging into a position of commercial domination world wide and all we can do is watch. They have no need to use military aggression because they are wng anyway. However, the cost of their goods is definitely on the rise so they will need to be very careful because out there lurking in the background is India, who also have a massive population base and quite rightfully and deservedly want a piece of the action. At least the west can play one off against the other and no doubt will. India need to be nurtured and encouraged to get in and compete at every opportunity. The trouble is they seem slow to get organised or perhaps they are just plain lazy.
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