

Why does Chinese culture seem to have so little influence on western countries?




Edward Conway

I respect Chinese culture, and my answer is not intended to be a judgement on that culture, but rather why it has not exerted much influence on western countries.

This is unfortunate, of course. China has a rich and fascinating culture, and many things about the Chinese worldview, in my opinion, could be tremendously useful to Westerners to explore (for example: Chinese insights into group dynamics). One of the biggest benefits I’ve found on Quora is the ability to learn about other cultures, directly from people living in the culture, without the filters that come from media companies translating and distorting the culture.

Hopefully over the next few decades we will see more people step forward who can share Chinese culture, philosophy, and ideas in ways that we in the West can understand and appreciate. If we are to coexst, and if both China and the West are to grow culturally, we need to understand one another better.





Jimmy Burhan

False assumption.

Are you sure that Chinese culture seem to influence so little on western countries? I actually think on the contrary, Chinese culture has influenced western countries so much that you hardly noticed things you do and use are Chinese!

Let’s start with the basics:

Pork, Rice, Tea, Silkworms, Porcelain, Noodles. in some countries these inventions formed the foundations of their culture. Don’t we all associate the English with their tea drinking culture? That is Chinese? Is it not? How about the CHINAware they drink with? And how would Italian cuisine have evolved without pasta?

Paper. This is an extremely important invention of human civilization that led to the invention of toilet papers, gift wrap, banknotes, books, printing that are all Chinese inventions. What is a Christmas without paper-wrapped gifts under your Christmas tree?

and of course fireworks! Didn't we just celebrated New Year’s day with a Chinese custom? Watching fireworks?







You could also blame the Chinese for inventing the national examination ;) which was first adopted by the English after learning about imperial examination. This is the origin of Meritocracy. Before then, rulers were selected based on their aristocratic lineage in Europe.

We shouldn't ignore the impact of Confucianism in Europe that triggered the age of enlightenment. Philosophers like Voltaire were a huge fan of Confucianism. They realized that the people actually have a right to overthrow evil king. The French Revolution wouldn't have occurred without Chinese influence.

That is just ancient Chinese influence. Chinese influence on western countries was greatly diminished when China declined 100 years ago. But afraid not, as China ascends its cultural clout is expanding again. To observe the maxmum impact you can visit South East Asia.





Angelos Alexandros

Because the root of the West is Greece & Rome in cultural terms (in terms of political boundaries and polities, it is Charlemagne, but this is another matter).

As a result, we have our own canonical literature, ideas about the world, philosophy, artistic movements, religious and theological ideas etc. Why would you expect Chinese culture to predominate?

More broadly, traditional Chinese culture has a sense of rigidity that would surprise even a Roman. This rigidity has helped to preserve China, giving it a sense of identity in spite of all the tumult inside and outside the “heavenly kingdom”, but it also served to harshly penalize innovation.

If anyone dismisses this as a mere talking point, then do this: Go to the Temple of Heaven Park in Beiing, take a look at the vacant lot near the Temple and read the placard that sits next to it. It will tell you that there used to be another building there, but shortly after construction it was torn down by the Qing authorities as the celestial government felt the building did not accord to Feng Shui principles.

Chinese architecture tends to be very uniform: Two broad styles exst outside of ethnic vernacular architecture - Pagodas and roofs with curved gables. That’s two entire architectural styles in the space of three or four thousand years. Western architecture has more variety in a single architectural movement spanning a few hundred, take neo-classicism for example. That’s not to say western architecture doesn’t have continuity (think the classical orders, sacred geometry etc), but it’s more innovative within those boundaries of tradition.







Sam Arora

I am Canadian citizen and soon in a few years my family be here for 50 years and I am from the east Indian background. I have dealt with Chinese from all over the world and been to China several times. I had worked in the Canadian dairy/food/flavor industry for 30 years, at managerial to executive positions and now gainfully self employed for the 15 years. In addition I have two M.Sc. degrees, one from India and other from Canada.

Now the answer:

Sir/Madam : With due respect to your knowledge, education and general knowledge, I guess you are in still in denial. The reality is Chinese culture is spreading very fast, never mind in the western world, in fact all over the world.




Chinese culture is visiting every house hold very gently and subtle way:

You start the day and end the day with Chinese made stuff:

Now sir/madam please look around your room, and see the how many things you use are made in China, from your tooth brush to floss. Little johnny’s school bag to shoes, and in fact your shoes, oh what about the your xmas tree, if it was artificial, it was most likely made in China.




Chinese food has taken over the world by storm:

This story will explain my point: my ex boss was sent to trouble shoot for another plant in France, for an extended time, when he came back he was like a brother to me, I asked him about French cuisine, he said Sam most of the time he ate Chinese, I was shocked, when asked why?

He : Chinese restaurant was around the corner, I used to be tired to go out, I got it delivered at work and room. It was tasty, fast and healthy, and since company paid fixed per day expense, in fact saved a bundle, and lost some weight also, due to lot of stir fried and steamed vegetables.

I and my wife are big fan of Spain, and visited several times, our favorite place was Chinese restaurant and bakery in Girona, Spain, right at the railway station.





When we visited Aruba, it appeared all the food businesses were owned by Chinese, from groceries to restaurants.

In Canada where I live 80 percent neighbors are Chinese now, the neighborhood has changed in fact it is all almost Chinese say about 80 percent, they brought tremendous value to the real estate. Regardless now we have huge grocery stores, restaurants and related stuff, there is not any Chinese cuisine we are not aware of it or not tried.

I am sure USA is not behind, my have had son worked in Seattle, his work area was near Chinese dominant shops, he and his colleague almost ate at those restaurants everyday. In Seattle there is fair number of Chinese population, I believe some Chinese colleagues had very positive impact on my son,

Chinese immigrant in almost every Canadian city are taking over the food service industry for example in Waterloo (Ontario) where I do my most of the business, now it appears every major intersection has at one, two may several restaurants.

I know it is a big fashion wave in India when I visited last time, about the Chinese food, in fact it is not authentic, and it is just soy sauce in almost everything, but in urban sector it is new trend. Given, I believe if Indian food done right is no less than any cuisine in the world.

All major chains of stores carry Chinese groceries and food items, just visit any Walmart.







Chinese influence : Try to put your next generation to learn mandarin, I believe it will be second official language of the world in coming few decades after English.

I am personally big fan of Chinese history, food, and all the other stuff, I also know in coming decades to be some thing and advance in life Mandarin will be an essential language to learn. That is why I am enrolling my two monkeys (grand kids 3 and 5 in Mandarin classes), my both boys grew up with Chinese friends, and grand kids are not far behind. Results my both boys did extremely well in school /college /university and I believe part was due to cut throat and extreme hard work attitude of Chinese friends, and some teachers in their schools.








Vikraant Singh

Ahh. This is due to the influence being downplayed, not acknowledged, or just forgotten as many have mentioned before.

So, I'll state the influences of Chinese culture both directly and indirectly here with historical context.

So, let's start with early dynastic history.

Chinese culture and civilization has been around for many centuries now, a testament to its greatness.

Since the onset of the early dynasties, Chinese culture greatly influenced two cultures that more visibly influence the West today. Any guesses as to which ones? (The Japanese and Koreans).

It was as early as the Three Kingdoms era that China started to influence its neighbors, most notibly Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.







译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/50784.html 译者:Joyceliu

It was around this time that the predecessor of the Kimono, the Wu kingdoms Hanfu, had reached outside of China proper. Though the dynasty that greatly influenced the creation of the Kimono was the Tang Dynasty Hanfu and the dynasty that greatly influenced the Hanbok was the Ming dynasty Hanfu, both are now cultural dresses of their respective nations yet owe their origins to Chinese culture.

The Chinese writing system was also the foundation of the Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese (pre French) writing systems.

Now, there is also the influence of Chinese thought and religion which greatly influenced these neighbors.

So, the foundations of the Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese cultures lies with Chinese culture itself, even though now they have their own unique, local aspects as well.





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