

Why is Ukraine so poor?




Gilda Farrell

The land of Ukraine itself is very rich. It has some of the best farmlands, orchards and mineral deposits in Europe. Where Ukrainians have been poor is politically and/or militarily. Ukraine is a weak have country.

Russia on the other hand has always been poor in land resources being far enough north not to have the best farmlands, orchards and fishing. But Russia much more often been strong politically and militarily. Russia is a strong have-not country. Strategically it does not bode well for a close-by weak have country. Russia has always lusted after Ukraine’s resources. Its rulers have been bullying Ukraine for about 6 or 700 years and have managed to make sure that Ukraine never developed political or military strength.

Ukraine is also surrounded by Poland, Hungary and Lithuania - all countries with more political and military strength than Ukraine and whose interest it was to keep Ukraine weak.




In many ways Ukraine has been as occupied and exploited by its neighbours as Africa has been exploited by Europeans. Ukraine made a strong attempt to liberate itself in 1918 when Lenin announced that any countries in the former Russian Empire who no longer wanted to be part of the Empire could leave. Immediately Finland, the Baltic States, Ukraine and Belarus declared their independence. Lenin, of course, was not prepared for any countries wanting to leave and promptly launched the muscle of the Russian military against them. Only Finland got away. Western Ukraine always remained in Poland.

When Stalin took over he was determined to crush an idea of Ukrainian autonomy. First was to force wealthy Ukrainian farmers to farm in collective farms, which they refused to do. Stalin’s strategy was to create the Holodomor, where these farmers were prevented physically from rea the harvest in their fields and as a result starved to death. Numbers who died directly or indirectly of the created famine, or whose lives were tragically disrupted have been numbered to be around 10,000,000.



Stalin then proceeded to rid Ukraine of as many Ukrainians as possible. Approxmately 20% of the population was randomly removed from their homes and dispersed all over the Soviet Union, usually to the most bleak and remote places like Siberia and Kazakhstan.

After WWII the Soviet Union took over control of Poland, and Western Ukraine also fell under its auspices.

When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991 Ukraine voted some 80% to leave the Russian Federation. This was always a thorn in Russia’s side because again, the rich grain fields, orchards and mineral deposits. And because oil, one of the few resources Russia has would have to be pipelined through Ukraine to reach markets in Europe. Since 1991 Russia has tolerated Ukraine’s independence because the West supported any country who wanted to transition away from co sm. But Ukraine has always been aware of Russia hovering over it and felt its heavy breath on its neck.



1991年苏 联解体时,乌克兰以80%的选票脱离俄罗斯联邦。这一直是俄罗斯的眼中钉肉中刺,因为乌克兰拥有富饶的粮田,果园和矿藏。而且,作为俄罗斯仅有的少数资源之一,石油必须通过管道经过乌克兰才能进入欧洲市场。自1991年以来,俄罗斯一直容忍乌克兰的独立,因为西方支持所有希望摆脱*主义体制的国家。但乌克兰一直摆脱不了俄罗斯的压力和遏制。

Russia does not have much of a history of diplomacy. Russia may have tried to sincerely befriend Ukraine and thus get its needs met. But Russia prefers to bully and intimidate so thus the current political situation. And why Ukraine is poor.

My grandparents were born and raised in Ukraine and experienced most of the above. That’s my claim to expertise.




Ross Khanas

Ukraine is not poor. The are a lot of smart people and a lot of resources, but they are controlled by wrong people.

That is something that used to happen to all post-soviet countries, some of them could get rid of that more easily, some not. In case of Ukraine, we had too tight economical and political relationships with Russia and too much pro-Russian politicians which were not considering Ukraine as a strong independent country, but just as a tool for getting wealthy.

Corruption kills the economy and the potential growth. Most of the richest people are literally criminals, not really educated and do not think about investment in future, but think about only the current situation. That is why biggest companies like “Metinvest” make and sell a low-quality steel, but do not think about applying modern technologies and sell more value-added products.





Alex Ladov

In Soviet Union Ukraine on average was richer than Russia, especially Russian-speaking South and East of Ukraine where Russian Empire and USSR created a lot of industries like coal mining, metallurgy, ship building, aviation (the biggest commercial airplane in the world was made in Ukraine), rocketry etc. Of course all Ukrainian industries were absolutely integrated into Soviet system and relied on cooperation with Russia and other former Soviet republics.

However, Western Ukraine which was not part of Russia Empire and became part of Soviet Union in fact only after WWII was very poor and uneducated agricultural land. It still remains mostly agricultural, there is no any significant industry and many people are even not able to speak Russian.

前苏 联时期,乌克兰平均而言比俄罗斯富裕,特别是在乌克兰南部和东部讲俄语的地区,俄罗斯帝国和苏 联在那里打造了许多产业,如煤矿、冶金、造船、航空(世界上最大的商用飞机是在乌克兰制造的)、火箭等。当然,乌克兰所有的工业都完全融入了苏 联体系,并依赖于与俄罗斯和其他前苏 联共和国成员国的合作。

但西乌克兰之前并非俄罗斯帝国的成员,直到二战后才成为苏 联的一部分,这里是非常贫穷,教育程度很低的农业地区,以农业为主,没有主要工业,许多人甚至不会说俄语。

Unfortunately, Western Ukrainians got support from US and EU that helped to arrange coup and capture all power in 2014, so currently Western Ukrainians are imposing their model of de-industrialization and rural poverty. These crazy nationalists (led by US masters of course) managed to destroy all cooperation with Russia and to split Eastern Ukrainian industrial Donbass area, so some very important for Ukrainian industry territories now became independent republics - and Ukrainian nationalists killed all cooperation between Eastern regions of Ukraine by blocking railroads.

Ukrainian industry is currently in ruins and it will never fully recover because Russia already replaced most of Ukrainian goods and parts with more modern analogs made in Russia.

Actually, Americans wanted to implement the same model of “development” in Russia, like in Ukraine they also financed all kinds of nazi and other opposition to Putin - but Putin and Russia did not give up and survived, that’s why today Russian PPP per capita is 3 times better than Ukrainian.





Alexander Pugachev

Ukraine is historical, core, very important part of Russia.

Overall ex-Russian Empire is a colony of others, more wise countries. Profits go abroad. For this situation to be stable certain action is required. Examples from Ukranian life: lack of proper rules about property, tribalism in politics, self-denying ethnical identification. Ideological and even political decisions can’t be taken inside the country.

During USSR years Ukraine was more or less wealthy (comparing to RSFSR) but it was poorer than Pribaltika (Latvia, Litva, Estonia) and much poorer than Caucasian republics (Georgia, Armenia, etc.). Technical lifestyle was inherited because it was important part of USSR industrialization (after civil war chaos of 1914–1921). Currently you witness massive deindustrialization.

Saying all that, it’s not an uncommon situation. Think of Bangladesh, or Maybe China will also face some changes in future, but I wish your current period of wealth and stability last long.



在苏 联时期,乌克兰还算是富裕的,但它比普里巴尔的卡(拉脱维亚、利瓦、爱沙尼亚)穷,也比高加索共和国(格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚等)穷得多。技术生活方式得以延续是因为它是苏 联工业化的重要组成部分(1914-1921年内战混乱之后)。现在你会发现他们正在进行大规模的去工业化。



James Joseph

Ukraine is now coasting on the last of its Russian education system, which is rich in mathematics and engineering. Now Ukrainian schools are not even teaching math to younger students. It’s not needed now. The once-mighty Antonov Aircraft enterprise, builder of the biggest planes in the world, is now bankrupt and reduced to making trams for cash. Within one generation, Ukraine will be a nation of poorly-educated farm labourers working for foreign land-owners. Meanwhile, Russia is still pushing forward with advanced science and math, astrophysics, nuclear science, scientific agriculture, cars and trucks, and medical sciences. Ukraine’s GDP per person has fallen to 1/3 of the GDP of Russia, which means the average Ukrainian is now about 66% poorer than the average Russian - and getting poorer with each passing day.



Martin Suster

No European country is among Low Income Countries (includes mostly African and some Asian Countries).

Only four European countries are Lower-Middle Income: Kosovo, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

After the break-up of the Soviet Union Ukraine was at about the same level of development as Belarus and Russia (upper-middle today) or Poland (high income).

What has happened was mainly enormous corruption and a bunch of oligarchs completely hijiacking the government. While the rest of the former socialist countries did some market reforms (some did a lot of good reforms - e g. Estonia), Ukraine has regressed and is now poorer than 25 years ago. The Russian invasion of Crimea and the russian-sponsored war in Donbas did not help either.



苏 联解体后,乌克兰的发展水平与白俄罗斯和俄罗斯(今天的中上)或波兰(高收入)差不多。



Paul Ashby

Ukraine is not ‘poor’.

It might well not have the GDP of many Countries, the wages are not as high as some other Countries, but the people are not destitute or poor, because of this thing called relativity.

Compared to for example Dubai, most Countries are ‘poor’.





Alexander Zyznewski

Statistically it may be one of the poorest countries in Europe, but if you visit the country you get the feeling it is doing fine. Cities like Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa are world-class and very cosmopolitan. Ukraine has a sizable gray or underground economy, maybe more than 50 percent. Millions of Ukrainians work and live in richer countries. Their remittences sent to Ukraine are into Billions of Dollars/Euros. Visit Ukraine and see for yourself.



Yuliya Ko

No, I dont thjnk so. Economy is growing GDP growth this year 3.5%, higher than European average and higher than Russian GDP growth 1.8%. Currency reserves also growing and have reached now 20 billion dollars. Average salary according to official statistics equivalent of 400 usd, in Kiev 500–6 00usd, prices are lower than in western Europe about two times.

不,我不这么认为。经济一直在增长,今年的GDP增长了3.5%,高于欧洲平均水平,也高于俄罗斯1.8%的GDP增长。外汇储备也在增长,目前已达到200亿美元。据官方统计,乌克兰的平均工资相当于400美元,在基辅500 - 600美元,物价比西欧低约两倍。

  译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/50799.html  译者:Joyceliu


Taras Kryvko

What do you mean by so poor?

South Sudan is really poor, North Korea is poor… Ukraine is much richer than these really poor countries, so the question is no a question, but an attempt to humiliate Ukrainians.

Ukrainians are not poorer than Belarusian or Russians




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