How do Chinese houses differ from American houses?
David Phillipson, lives in China (2013-present)
“How do Chinese houses differ from American houses?”
A lot of concrete is used for starters. But depending on which part of the country you live in can determine the difference between insulation etc.
There are a lot of single pane windows here. It seems double glazing is something which it either just too unheard of, or too expensive for many.
It’s not uncommon to hear the footsteps or voices of your neighbours through the walls of your home. Particularly so if if you live in a block of flats (Thats’s apartment building for the non Brits), which everyone seems to just ignore and get on with their lives.
I was lucky that I was able to puchase a terraced house at the end of 2018. The only downside to my home would be that the construction was poorly done and I have had to fork out extra money on the waterproofing of the exterior as well as interior walls. This is not a reflection on todays current building methods, as my home and the ones surrounding it were constructed in the early part of the 2010’s and there were still many “cowboy” builders running amok and doing half arsed jobs with their work. My cellar (basement) often had leaks coming from the wall above and creating a rising damp problem.
I do a lot of DIY and carpentry here, so it has given me a unique insight into the world of construction here in China as I have often been invited to view different construction sites in and around the city I live in. It is nice to see that there are some fantastic new practises in place and improve the quality of homes being built today.
Adrian Lee Dunbar, China Hand
The two main differences are that Chinese homes are made primarily from poured concrete, whereas American homes are usually made from a plastic-wood composite material, typically fiberboard and plywood materials. Builders often describe engineered wood as having the strength of concrete with the flexbility of plastic. However, it’s difficult to deploy compared to the older poured concrete approach so builders in China have not been using it. I would expect engineered wood to become dominant in the future as builders get a handle on the technology. Engineered wood uses formadehyde and melamine, which most people are firmly opposed to, thanks to the milk scandal and the floorboard scandal of past years, but this I think will be temporary.
Second, American kitchens more often use an open floorplan whereas Chinese kitchens currently use a closed, separate room. This is a newer approach apparently not seen in ancient Chinese architecture. In recent history, stir fry has become extremely popular in China, and kitchens have adapted to accommodate the huge amount of oil smoke that would otherwise get everywhere. The “stir fry and white rice” fad in China has been going on for several decades, but top scientists in China are firmly opposed to this habit, and are encouraging things like black rice and convection cooking. So, we can expect the return of open kitchen floorplans in the future.
Tony Wu, lives in Hong Kong
Based on my experiences in mainland China, the houses can be divided into two types.
- The high-risers in urban areas. These vary in terms of their size and height, but they will not be crushingly small(Unless you live in Hong Kong). Usually, they are well-supplied and have a convenient location, allowing ease of access and a vibrant lifestyle.
- The shorter ones in suburbs and rural areas. These vary in terms of their height, but are usually large enough to accommodate larger families. For the ones in the suburbs, they are well-developed but with a lower population density. People live ‘quiet’ lives. For the ones in the rural areas, some are well-developed, while others are older. These are usually connected to farms.
- 城市里的高层建筑。它们的面积大小和高度各不相同,但不会小得让人窒息(除非你住在香港)。通常,这种房屋供应充足,地理位置方便,交通便利,让住户能享受便捷的生活方式。
- 郊区和农村地区的底层建筑。它们的楼高各不相同,但通常面积较大,能容纳更大的家庭规模。郊区的房屋建得很好,但是人口密度较低。人们过着平静的生活。而农村地区,有些房子建得不错,也有的较为老旧。基本都跟农田紧挨着。
As for the American houses, they are either apartments in not-so-tall buildings in the city, or actual modestly sized houses in the suburbs or rural lands.
The major difference is in their design. Chinese houses tend to follow a more industrial design, with most of the modern ones having a blocky appearance and are built with concrete. They are usually a few stories tall, but with a thinner base. American ones follow the more picturesque ‘house’ design, where the roofs are most likely angled ones giving them a pretty cliche appearance. These usually are at one to two stories tall, but they have a wide base. More houses are built with wood as the primary material.
Lilly Morris
- Splashing Showers
Apartment bathrooms in China are generally built as a multi-use room. The small room usually has a tile floor and the first thing many expats will notice is that there is no bathtub or shower door. Some apartments will have a bar and curtain installed to help contain the water, but it is not uncommon for the shower head to be exposed to the rest of the room.
- 淋浴
- Kitchen Appliances
Nearly all Chinese food is cooked using a stove top, so ovens, microwaves, and toasters are typically not included in apartments. Small appliances can be purchased for the countertop, but it may also be fun for expats to experiment with traditional Chinese cooking techniques, like using a wok over an open flame and steaming in bamboo baskets.
- 厨房电器
- Laundry Time
Although this won't come as a surprise to Europeans, Americans will be interested to learn that Chinese apartments rarely have clothes dryers. They may, however, have a small outdoor area that can be used for drying clothes. Be sure to pick up some clothespins or a drying rack on your first shop trip.
- Firm Furniture
Chinese people generally prefer harder surfaces when it comes to chairs, sofas, and beds. For Americans, it may be more comfortable to buy a mattress topper and cushions for chairs.
- 结实的家具
Nathaniel Brown
I’m not an expert but these are the things that I’ve noticed:
- Chinese houses often have a shoe area at the front. You leave your shoes since you don’t wear shoes inside.
- Chinese houses are often bought undecorated. Basically a concert shell. This means that the outside often looks the same but the inside is VERY different from one house to the next.
- The shower is not always enclosed if it is a “wet” bathroom. This is less common in wealthy houses. (the same is true in a lot of Asia)
- Sometimes there is a double kitchen with a storage area. The second mini kitchen is for cooking very spicy dishes. Newer kitchens with less room sometimes have a special turbo-vent instead above the cooking area.
- 220 Volts and the same plug as Australia by default with the Europlug supported as well
- 中国的房子通常在玄关处有一个放鞋的地方。你把鞋子脱在那里,因为大家进家门后不穿鞋。
- 中国人买的房子通常都是毛坯房。这意味着,从一个房子到另一个房子,外面也许看起来一样,但是内部装饰会千差万别。
- 如果是“湿”浴室,淋浴间一般都不是隔断的。这在富裕家庭中并不常见。(亚洲很多国家也是如此)
- 有时会有带储藏区的厨房。第二个小厨房是用来做非常辣的菜的。面积更小的新式厨房有时会在烹饪区上方安装一个特殊的涡轮通风口。
- 电压是220伏特,默认与澳大利亚插头相同,同时也支持Europlug。
John Lombard,、
- Very, very few Chinese have houses. Almost everyone lives in an apartment.
- Ovens are almost non-exstent in most homes
- Many homes have ‘squat toilets’ (a hole in the floor that you squat over), although western-style toilets are gaining in popularity
- Almost nobody has a bathtub. Showers only.
- Showers are usually not enclosed, and frequently beside the toilet (you could take a shower while sitting on the toilet if you wanted)
- Virtually all buildings are just built with concrete. The western-style wood-frame kind of building is very rare.
- In China, nobody ‘owns’ their home. Officially, their homes are leased from the government.
1. 拥有独栋住宅楼的中国人很少。大家基本都住在公寓里。
2. 大多数家庭都没有配备烤箱。
3. 许多家庭都有蹲式厕所(地板上开个洞,你蹲在上面如厕),但是西式厕所越来越普及了。
4. 几乎没有人有浴缸。大家都是淋浴。
5. 淋浴区通常不是隔断的,通常位于马桶旁边(如果你想的话,甚至可以坐在马桶上淋浴)
6. 几乎所有的建筑都是用混凝土建造的。西式的木结构建筑很少见。
7. 在中国,没有人真正“拥有”自己的房子。官方来说,他们的房子是从政府租借来的。
Sudhamma Au Yeong, Special interest, Chinese modern history
I won’t be able to list the differences or similarities between a Chinese or American house. But, from little I know of Chinese houses, traditional ones at that, you can compare its features with the American design.
Most traditional Chinese houses were built with:
- a fire-break wall all the way to the roof. the height of the rooms is about 4.5 m.
- the main entrance has an elevated step.
- on entering the house, there is the living room where guests will be seated.
- further in, there is an air-well and a dining room, and next to it will be bed-rooms for single-storied, otherwise, the bed-rooms will be on the upper floor.
- after the dining room is the kitchen and toilets
- there is normally a back-door at the kitchen.
- 防火墙一直延伸到屋顶。房间的高度约为4.5米。
- 正门有数级台阶。
- 一进门就是客厅,客人们在那里就座。
- 再往里,有一个通风井和餐厅,如果是单层建筑,旁边就是卧室,否则,卧室会设在楼上。
- 餐厅后面是厨房和卫生间
- 厨房通常有一个后门。
Leon Tao
Most people in China lives in apartment, not many people lives in house.
People in rural area lives in house, these type of house are generally not nice looking, lack of good designing; very rich people in city may live in house, which are usually called as “villa” and looks very like the house in the USA.
If talk about traditional Chinese houses vs American house, that’s a different story. Different areas in China have different style house, the architecture is distinguished different from what the style the normal American house has.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
No Nono
In China and other countries in the part of Asia, most of the buildings are built on top each other, they call it blocks/stories. For example, Singapore, it’s a small country with a population more than 5 million people. They have stories/blocks everywhere, which makes their country look dense. They do not experience and natural disasters that could tumble the buildings down. While in American houses are built to save themselves from natural disasters.
Wendelin Charlie
Chinese highly value ownership and land space is scarce in cities. A small apartment to buy there could be 10x price of similar in USA. However there is even bigger difference when going out to the country. Rentals are relatively much less than owning-also different than the us.
Michael Wright
For me, the most obvious one is Chinese housing typically built with reinforced concrete and bricks walls while American house are built with wood frame plywood.
George Soong
A few things I noticed about the interior: wardrobes are independent instead of the American houses I have lived in which have them built in. No closets like American homes have built in, These are normally done after the homes are bought and modified according to owner’s needs.
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