

If you're from a country that was colonized in the past, how do you feel about the countries who once were your rulers? How do Vietnamese feel about France; how do Brazilians feel about Portugal, etc.?




Edward Johns

I’m born in New Zealand (A former British Colony, and a current Commonwealth Realm, with HM as Head of State and as our Queen). Short answer, as I’m from what is called a “White British Colony”, we love the Brits, we are Brits, and we have fought every war Britain was apart of, since our formation.

We see Britain as our mother, with our national personification, Zealandia, being the daughter of Britannia. We are proud of our heritage, and of the British Empire.




Hieu Luu

In Vietnam, people mostly have a neutral to positive feeling about France and the French. France is now a distant country and doesn’t have much influence on Vietnam. But its culture is considered exotic and romantic. To the point that Vietnamese companies build theme parks that are inspired by French castles and hire Western people to perform as French.



Pablo Emanuel, Born and raised in Brazil

Brazil has a unique situation when compared to other former colonies.

First of all, there wasn’t a Brazil before Portugal. India, for instance, already had several millenia of history before being conquered by the British, and an identity (identities are, by essence, a mythological concept, so it’s pointless to discuss how “idealized” an identity is) to get back to, and to oppose to their colonial history. Brazil has none of that. Before 1500, the territory that’s now Brazil was home to a scattered mix of small to medium-sized tribal societies, with no globally shared identity. The current Brazilian identity and culture was forged during the colonial era, as a mix of European elements with a bit of native American spice and the massive influence of the huge influx of African slaves.



Second, Brazil became so much bigger than Portugal that, by the time of independence, it didn’t have the status of colony anymore, Rio having been the capital of Portugal for almost two decades in the begng of the Xthth century. The independence movement was much closer to a separatist movement of a province that didn’t feel it had the proper representation in the United Kingdom’s governance than a true anti-colonial movement. It suffices to say that the leader of the independence of Brazil and its first Emperor was actually the son of Portugal’s king, and went on to succeed his father as the king in Europe when he died.

Third, even after the independence, there’s been a constant flux of migrants in both directions, which kept the Portuguese culture and the bonds to the Peninsula much alive in Brazil. In cities like Rio there’s a lot of Portuguese clubs, restaurants and events, which are seen as an integral part of the city’s cosmopolitan culture. More recently, especially after the EU, most of the flow is Europe-bound, with several Brazilians using their Portuguese ancestry as a gateway to an European passport. That created some reaction in Portugal, which feels somewhat threatened by having its small 10M-people population to directly compete with 220M potential migrants - even if the Brazilian migrants only represent a tiny percentage of Brazil’s population, it’s still very significant when compared to Portugal’s. Even with that recent scar on our relationship, it’s still mostly friendly and respectful - since around 90% of all Portuguese speakers are in Brazil and, therefore, most of Portuguese-speaking culture is currently produced here, a significant part of it is consumed in Portugal (especially the telenovelas - TV soap operas). Conversely, most of classical Portuguese literature (and some modern authors, such as Saramago) is still highly regarded in our side of the ocean.



To summarize, we see Portugal as an old uncle, that, with all his defects, was a key influence for us growing up; then, for a while, asked us for help when he was becoming older and we were getting more successful than him; but that recently got a big inheritance. So, while we mostly respectfully tolerated him in the past, now we’re suddenly much more interested on getting close to him again.



Simon Anderson

Australian here. I now live in London if that’s is any indication.

Although, me living in London was not due to some romantic idea about reconnecting to my past or visiting my roots.

I was simply ever so slightly bored with my post-graduate life work life and several years of working in my industry that I got the travel bug and wanted to travel through the U.K. and mainland Europe for a couple of years while still working in Europe (and, by that I mean, live and work in London for a year or two, while taking many short holiday breaks and city stays in Europe).

That sort of thing is actually pretty commonplace for Australians under the age of 30. The visa requirements for Australians (and New Zealanders and Canadians and many Commonwealth countries for that matter) make travel to the U.K. easy, and work visas are also relatively easy for us to obtain.





But I have to say that although I since have made my life in London (long story short, I had intended to live and work and trace for two years and then return to Australia) life and serendipity had other ideas, I ended up meeting someone who became the love of my life and so now I’m married and live in London permanently), this was not because of some colonial love of England.

Australia is very much its own country. There is no longing for the past, nor resentment about having been a colony (with the valid exception that Indigenous Australians, who, quite understandably have legitimate grievances about their historical treatment during the European colonization of Australia - and very real repercussions of that still affect the indigenous population to this day).

The fact that the Queen is Australia’s Head of State is completely, legally and functionally meaningless in every sort of day-to-day and political sense. It’s purely symbolic. The Queen has zero political power over Australia, both in a real sense or a legislative sense. Australia doesn’t see itself as a colony.

To that end, Australia has no nation-wide or universal collective ill-will towards England or the United Kingdom. Some older generations (and by that I mean really old generation people, not merely senior citizens, but the truly elderly Australians) have strong monarchist sensibilities. But even they aren’t suggesting a return to colony status. They just mean they like the status quo and functionally meaningless symbolism of the Queen being the head of state and having her on the backside of all our coins and $5 banknotes.





Overall, whether one is a monarchist or not, it’s inevitable that Australia will eventually become a republic, and even died-in-the-wool Australian monarchists realise and will admit that they are simply delaying the inevitable rather than preventing it from happening for good.

But a desire for an Australian republic among Australia s is not out of hatred to England, but more pride in self-identity as a nation and also, logical next-step national progression.




Leon Tay, lives in Singapore

I’m from Singapore, born and raised here although I can be considered one of the younger generation. I have not lived through colonisation but I do know about it through stories passed down in my family.

First, some history. Singapore was colonised since 1819 by the British led by Sir Stamford Raffles. It used to be a tiny fishing village owned by the Sultan of Johor. Back then the Sultan was controlled by the Dutch so Raffles sneaked the Sultan’s older brother in, recoginised him as the Sultan then made him sign Singapore over to the British. Singapore grew to become very successful but due to poor planning and defense, she fell to the Japanese in WW2. The British came back after the Japanese surrendered after the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki due to their surrender terms forcing them to return all conquered land to their owners. In 1955 started to break away from the British to start self governance.

So how do my people feel about all that currently? Its a mix to be honest. The older generation still has some reverence for the white man as a superior race. This is most evident with the “Sarong Party Girls” of the 1940s and 50s. These were local girls who exclusively date and socialise with white men for social or monetary gain. They tend to have false foreign accents. I think even now dating white people is seen as something above your social class. Probably due to years of racism and being put down as an inferior race.




译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/51223.html 译者:Joyceliu

As for the younger generation, we tend not to put too much thought on race. Younger Singaporeans have not lived through all that and the government has been very focused on teaching racial harmony. So this leads to the younger ones not caring about the colour of somebody’s skin compared to their abilities. Although one lasting impression to show that race means nothing was when the British were defeated during WW2. Showing that a seemingly superior race got beaten by Asians(Japanese) woke people up. Even now Singapore has a strong notion of self defence and independence.

To conclude, theres probably tiny traces of the effects of colonisation on the Singapore population, but its slowly diminishing with the younger generation. Ask any random Singaporean now about how they feel about the British they would probably tell you they don’t care or that they treat them the same as everyone else.




Ali Khan

I'm from trinidad and tobago which is an ex British colony. We recieved independence from the UK in 1962, and became a republic in '76, which eliminated the queen as the head of state.

The general opinion varies a lot depending on race, wealth and age.

With the rise of the US and they establishing a military base during WW2, the US had massively impacted on the culture of Trinidad in that the British has a lesser role in our everyday lives especially when it comes to the media.

It's a love-hate relationship. The British and the locally born whites were beyond cruel, especially towards the majority blacks and east Indians. They treated slaves as if they were lower than animals while they reinvented slavery with Indians.





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