

If you're from a country that was colonized in the past, how do you feel about the countries who once were your rulers? How do Vietnamese feel about France; how do Brazilians feel about Portugal, etc.?





Indian here, once a colony of British.

Today we are a country of 135 crores sprinting towards 150 by 2030,spread over a wide geographical area .naturally in such a huge country there is bound to be different opinions and feelings towards the people who once ruled us.

we certainly respect and are thankful to them for teaching us about de ocracy and creating a national consciousness.

however, one feature I’ve noticed is that the majority of Indians show this Respect by tryIng to IMITATE THE WHITE MAN.the reason being,we equate actions of white man with class.even though most of the time our imitation game frustrates us.





let me give you few examples

  1. cricket is the most popular sport.
  2. all new buildings have glass windows which cannot be opened, in a tropical climate.green house effect doesn’t work here.
  3. Upper class people usually wear multilayered suits and clothing again in our climate.
  4. then we install ACs everywhere because it’s too hot inside, I wonder if the glass windows and suits have something do with this.
  5. we build western toilets and then buy a squat stool after discarding the traditional Indian toilet.
  6. american film industry calls themselves Hollywood after the place they are located , our film industries have similar names rhyming with Hollywood .
  7. how to make a progressive cinema/web series, make them on homosexuality.and the reasoning behind this is if white people are making this then it’s cool bro.
  8. we love English but our vocabulary is limited to you know,like,I mean,ya mostly.
  9. celebrate halloween

so it would be safe to say we don’t hate our colonisers, we Love them and hate ourselves


  1. 板球是最受欢迎的运动。
  2. 在热带气候地区,所有的新建筑都有不能打开的玻璃窗。温室效应在这里不太合适。
  3. 在我们这样的天气,上层人物通常穿多套件的西装和衣物。
  4. 然后我们到处安装空调,因为室内太热了,我不知道是不是玻璃窗户和衣服的原因。
  5. 我们建了西式厕所,抛弃传统的印度厕所后,又买了印度传统的蹲便器。
  6. 美国电影业以他们的地名命名了好莱坞,我们的电影行业也有与好莱坞押韵的类似名字。
  7. 如何制作一部新潮电影/网络片呢,选同性恋作为主题吧。这背后的原因是,如果白人正在拍摄这样的片子,那可就太酷了,兄弟。
  8. 我们喜欢英语,但我们的词汇量有限,只会你知道的,比如,我的意思是,是的没错,基本上。
  9. 庆祝万圣节



Dean Tilley

I’m an Englishman, and we have two notable colonisers:


For whatever reason, we have an almost 100% positive opinion of the Romans, who conquered and enslaved us. You could say we romanticise the Romans. I would even go as far to say that we think the Romans are cool. Whilst the Romans were conquerors and slavers, we mostly try not to think about that, and instead we we think about how advanced they were. There are still a lot of Roman buildings around, and I was actually born in a Roman city, which still has the roman walls. Some of our modern roads today, even motorways, were originally Roman roads. We even still learn Latin in school, even though it’s a dead language, that’s how much we love the Romans. We learn about the Romans in school, and again, it’s pretty much positive. My graduation ceremony, some 15 years ago, was even done in Latin. Any citizens of former British colonies out their wondering when you will stop viewing British as superior, if our view of the Romans is anything to go by, I guess never, sorry.




It’s interesting because I don’t think every country thinks this way about the Romans. The French have a cartoon called Asterix, and in this cartoon the Romans are very much the bad guys, with the Gauls being the good guys. This is pretty unheard of in English culture, I can’t think of any depiction of the Romans as the “bad guys”. Can any French people back this up?



Speaking of the French, our second notable coloniser was William the Conqueror. William wasn’t an all out conquest, he wasn’t the ruler of France, he was a French Duke who claimed he was the rightful King of England through an alleged promise made to him by his friend, the King of England. Either way, his “claiming” of the English throne was done on the battlefield. Again, we really can’t deny that the French were more advanced than we were at this time, William and his descendants really strengthened the country as a whole, advancing the economy and the legal system and strengthening the army, which is significant because for hundreds of years England was besieged by Viking raiders. Anyway, to answer the question, we don’t have nearly as positive a view of William as we do Caesar, and we don’t really like the French much at all. This is probably because after this conquest, we had a lot more history with France, and we ended up fighting the French an awful lot. However, we also fought Italy in WWII, but this doesn’t seem to have soured our opinion of the Romans even a little bit.

So tldr: We love the Romans (for some reason), even still desperately clinging on to their language. We have an open, if somewhat tongue in cheek, contempt towards the French. If I were to guess what the difference between France and Italy is, I would say the language. Italy doesn’t speak Latin now, so we don’t really see the Romans as being the same thing as Italy. Where as the modern French still speak more or less the same language as the French who conquered us 1000 years ago. I remember learning Latin and French in school, but I was never taught Italian.





Kevyn Nightingale, I live in Canada

Canada here. Colonized by the British and French.

Most of us feel pretty good about the United Kingdom. Some of us feel good about France. Some are angry and resentful.

We don’t have - and never had the same relationship with our former colonizers that many countries had. We didn’t need violence to cause them to leave. And to a large extent, they didn’t. A majority of Canadians trace their origins back to the UK and/or France.

Most Canadians (me included) came after Canada gained independence. We are neither British nor French, and don’t really connect emotionally to the process of moving from colony to independent country.






David Efremov, lives in Israel

I’m from Israel, and we were a British Mandate territory. While not a colony on paper, the territory was governed by Britain for 30 years.

The relations between the British administration and the Jewish population were bumpy.

At first, the Jews were enthusiastic, having high hopes and believing that the British would act according to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, taking steps towards establishment of a Jewish state in Mandatory Palestine. However, the hopes were replaced with disillusionment after outbreaks of violence against the Jewish population by an Arab mob (largely incited by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem and later a buddy of Hitler). Not only the British failed to persecute the rioters properly, but also limited Jewish immigration after each round of riots. The British rationale was that their top priority was to keep the matters quiet, so if limiting Jewish immigration was required to keep the Arabs content - so be it.




译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/51233.html 译者:Joyceliu

The matters got really ugly when the British denied entry to Jewish refugees, who were fleeing the Nazis. There were numerous attempts to run the blockade illegally, sometimes successfully, sometimes - not (then a common outcome would be to have the refugees transferred to a displaced persons’ camp on Cyprus).

Overall, I think the overall sentiment towards the period of the British Mandate is “We trusted you, but you let us down”. The British are remembered with a certain amount of bitterness, but it doesn’t really carry over to the present day.

The main remnant of the British Mandate in Israel is the legal system - not only in the principles of the common law, but also in the laws themselves. When the state of Israel was established, the British legislation was provisionally carried over (since we couldn’t just replace the entire bulk of laws with new ones overnight). Needless to say, the process of passing new legislation hasn’t been done in its entirety and the British laws and regulations are still in effect in Israel (assuming they weren’t explicitly cancelled or superseded by new Israeli laws). For example, the measures taken by the Israeli government against the COVID-19 pandemic are partially based on the “Public Health Act” of 1940.

Also, English remains a semi-official language. We have English writing on our money and (besides Hebrew and Arabic). You can still legally petition the court or a government office in English.






Rodney Pole, lives in Colombia

I’m from Colombia, and the point of view the average person has on Spain is quite complex. From an historical point of view, there even isn’t an agreement between the two Nations about the history of colonialism in Colombian. In South America the education the population receives differs from the European point of view, as I’ve been able to see, and I think none of those interpretations are really objective.

Basically, the independence wars were financed by the colonial aristocracies, formed by the “criollos” who were descendants of the spanish conquerors and were owners of the lands, held great power, privileges and education. They were the ones who, for obvious reasons, orchestrated and financed the independence.




Phuong Tran, lives in Tokyo

We don’t feel anything.

I’m Vietnamese. In college, when I told my British friend that I was going to the US for study exchange. He was surprised and asked: “Why you’re going to America? Don’t you hate American? You know, the Vietnam War… ”. That was the first time I realized that people from other countries might think we Vietnamese probably hate French and American. That hatred has never crossed my mind, and many of our people as far as I know.

Funny thing though, I live in Japan and when I said I’m from Vietnam, some Japanese people (rather old people) reacted like we’re on the same side;) because of what happened between Japan and the US in World War II. It was just some old Japanese people though, I doubt my Japanese friends who’re around my age are hostile towards the US.

At the end of the day, our country was under a series of wars for what feels like forever and only gained independence since 1975. My parents grew up during the Vietnam War, I’m a lucky generation born and raised in peace. If we were like holding hatred towards all the countries that had invaded our country, like Japan, France, the US, etc., we would probably hate everyone lol, and it’s just gonna make it harder for us to develop, grow the economy, trade, cultural exchange, etc.

So in short, most of us don’t feel anything different about those countries than how we feel about any other country.






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