Is Mexco more developed than China for always having a higher GDP per capita (nominal) until 2019? Why do many people view Mexco as a poor country?
How is Mexco the “New China”?
Qi Chen, Electrical Engineer (2017-present)
Question: Is Mexco more developed than China for always having a higher GDP per capita (nominal) until 2019? Why do many people view Mexco as a poor country?
In a sense, China’s GDP is kinda of a mystery. No, this isn’t the “China overstated its GDP” as craved by many Americans. Just the opposite actually, having been to a lot of places around the world, China’s development and living standard is way higher than its GDP per capita would indicate, especially in high end education, R&D, public infrastructure, etc.
And no, PPP doesn’t fully explain it either. In fact, China’s ranking in GDP per capita by PPP is lower than its GDP per capita by nominal amount and living standard on the ground in countries with comparable GDP per capita isn’t anywhere near China’s level.
问:在2019年之前,墨西哥的人均GDP(名义上)一直高于中国,难道墨西哥就比中国更发达吗? 为什么许多人认为墨西哥是一个穷国
答: 从某种意义上说,中国的GDP有点神秘。许多美国人并不希望这样,说中国夸大了GDP。事实上恰恰相反,我去过世界上很多地方比起来,发现中国的发展和生活水平远远高于其人均GDP,特别是在高端教育、研发、公共基础设施等方面。
Haoyu Wang
In 2020, the Chinese GDP (PPP) per capita was 20,984 PPP dollars.
This is in comparison to Mexco’s 21,363 PPP dollars.
As you can see, although many people view GDP per capita figures as being rigged for their lack of ability to take into account the cost of living, PPP figures do. And, as the figures suggest, Mexco still has a higher GDP per capita than China.
I think that when we are trying to assess whether a country is poor or not, we should not really be looking at the average level of GDP per capita or household income, but also take into consideration inequalities levels within the countries itself.
For many years, china has been portrayed as being prosperous etc. because all the pictures on the news that we would see often come from large cities, where the standard of living is certainly higher than most other cities in the world. This is in comparison to Mexco’s Mexco City.
Yet when you take a look at the rural villages located in china’s western area, you start to notice the difference.
Sadrak Cina
Now China has more gdp per capita than Mexco
This is the photo of world map based on gdp per capita by imf
As you seen that Mexco has gdp per capita lower than $10000 and China now has more than $10000
And the reason for other countries look Mexco as a poor country although has higher gdp than 10 european countries is that the Mexco GDP heavily influenced by this guy,
Carlos Slim, the richest person in Mexco. Carlos Slim has net worth $54 billion compared to Mexco GDP of $1,04 trillion dollar which make Carlos Slim make 4 percent of Mexco GDP although he is only 0,0000000078 percent of Mexco’s population so average gdp per capita without Carlos Slim and his wealth is $7664 dollar
Alexander Novikov
Because Mexco does not develop nearly as fast as China,
David Liu, master Economics & History (2000)
higher per capita GDP is not equal to more developed/industrialized.
those second world countries like russia/East europe /china/north Korea are always much more industrialized than most 3Rd world countries like Mexco .
even when russia/china per capita GDP was less than Mexco in 1990s, rusdia/china could still produce many high~tech industry products that only most developed countries can master,such as spaceship/nuke~subs.
Ngee Kiat Low
If per capita are a measure of success and importance, Qatar, Liechenstein and Macau are world champions, all exceeding usd100000. They only reflect a small population. By now, economists realised that gdp on ppp basis is a better measure of influence and importance of an economy, and here China is world no 1 at usd28trillion.
Oscar Wright, BA from The University of Texas at El Paso (1976)
Let’s get one thing straight:
NO COUNTRY, all things considered, is more developed than China
Stats taken out of context to scaffold personal biases are useless
Jack Garbuz
With a per capita GDP of over $21,000 it is not that poor. That’s still 1/3rd the US, but it’s now considered a middle income country.
David Terron
They want to see us that way, is their problem, we just live our lives.
Henry Yeh, lives in Mexco
Slogans (by people who have been to neither country) aside, since I’ve lived in both countries, I can tell you that NO, Mexco will not become the “New China” (economically) unless there’re fundamental changes in its culture & politics. The economy of Latin America as a whole has stagnated, with personal wealth shrinking by as much as 6.5% (the only continent to see negative growth in that respect: even Africa is doing better).
They say science & technology is the driving force behind modern economy. If so, then how much is Mexco investing in R&D vis-a-vis China? How much is Mexco (government & citizens alike) investing in STEM education, or education in general? More importantly, are Mexcan citizens embracing education with ACTION (not just answering “education is important” on questionnaires)?
BTW, stop quoting the rotten GDP figures. GDP are not directly proportional to incomes. The average wage of Mexco is US$450, whereas that of China’s is US$910. Mexcan working class are being paid FAR below their productivity in a way that would make China look like a workers’ paradise.
Len Gould, I`ve read and studied economics for many years. Particularly interested in economics of energy, which I discu…
Mexco seems to be stagnating, e.g. it used to be the most wealthy Latin American economy by a large distance, but has now been overtaken by Chile and Uruguay.
The problem may be in the GINI index of comparative equality, higher percentage is less equality of incomes. Mexco 52.7, China 47.4, Chile 52.1. List of countries by income equality. For comparison USA index is 45, Canada is 32. So it looks like income equality doesn't show much difference between them.
Chen Xu, Engineer at Cannon (2011-present)
Any country, as long as there are wise leaders, and excellent government. Through the efforts of all the people, they can all develop very well.
Through unremitting efforts, they can usher in a revival. Like their ancestors, they established a great civilization. But that does not mean that it is a new China.
Maybe it will bring some shadow of China, but it is itself.
Mark Krause, Laboratory Director (2002-present)
It’s not, and it won’t be. Mexcans are very industrious but the political system is (and always has been) incredibly corrupt. That has held Mexco back, and it will continue to do so.
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