

 Army showcased intent to use 'drone swarms' in offensive operations in future



NEW DELHI: India on Friday for the first time demonstrated its intent to deploy drone swarms for offensive military operations in the future, including Kamikaze kinetic attacks on enemy targets like tanks, helipads, radars, fuel dumps and terror camps by “child” drones released by “mother” drones.


The Army Day parade in Delhi Cantonment on Friday saw 75 small to medium-size drones execute an array of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled simulated offensive and combat-support operations, ranging from Kamikaze strikes to paradrop and “hover and drop” missions of essential supplies to troops on the frontlines, without any human intervention from the ground.


Use of drone swarms, which can also overwhelm an adversary’s air defence capabilities, is still a new war-fighting concept for India.


The armed forces do have over 100 large Israeli UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), from Heron and Searcher-II surveillance and precision-targeting drones to Harop “killer” ones, apart from indigenous ones.


The government has also fast-tracked `Project Cheetah’ to arm the Herons with laser-guided bombs, air-to-ground anti-tank missiles and other precision-guided munitions for Rs 3,500 crore.


The rotary-wing quadcopter and multi-copter drones, weighing from 5 to 25-kg, used on Friday have been developed in a collaboration with a Bengaluru startup, NewSpace Research and Technologies, with an initial order also being placed.


“These drones can facilitate the execution of kinetic strikes with surgical precision as deep as 45-50 km inside enemy territory, without being controlled from the ground. Conversely, such a swarm of 75 drones can deliver 600-kg of supplies to our troops,” said a senior officer.

一位高级官 员表示:“这些无人机可以在不受地面控制的情况下,深入敌人领土45-50公里执行精确打击。由75架无人机组成的无人机群可以为我们的部队运送600公斤的物资。”

印度时报读者的评论: 译者:Jessica.Wu

Ramesh Kumar

Everything is progressive under modiji rule


GSK Dummy

These drones are bought from US... google it...



Arun Kumar

I believe India yet to be mastered in smart drone technology but positive that soon we will get that..

Hope India will give more importance for this Smart drone technology in next couple of years..




Timmy mugaseth

If only Mr. Modi had come to power 20 years ago.



Raj Singh

Wow, P\M Modi led NDA government's another step to make India a Super Power Economically and Militarily. Modi ji moving India all around towards the Future readiness without comprising and bowing down to anyone's pressure.



Gokul Krishnan

this would be a game changer. next war will be fought. by drones.




KhanGress had destroyed the country for the last 70 years.



John Tulip

Under Modi India has never been this Strong . With all siticated Jets, Tanks, Helicopters and now Drones .

My vote to Modi did count and did Magic




Vishal Khadke

Nothing wrong in having big dreams but we should address the present challenges effectively and without any furgher delay.



Deepak Mehrotra

India is on way to become superpower soon under Modi ji Jai Hind Jai Bharat



Varinder Dhawan

there can be many faults in mr Modi leadership but no one can deny that he has changed the face of DEFENCE in India in five years.



Sanjay Pande

Mastery in AI will definitely make future wars win. Jai Hind




Jai Hind. Jai Modi ji. Pappu and anti nation opposition will find a way to criticise this to please their co unist CPC and islamist masters.



HumanityFirst India

Good, every Indians should work hard to make the nation a super power.



Balhans Jayaswal

It has been a blessing from the providence that we got Modi to take the PM seat well before the dragon could spread its talons to grab and strangulate our country. Otherwise there would have been total pappoogeeree.




Superb ! Indian army nicely adopts the warfare tech of Future



Common Man With Common Sense

if we develop powerful and portable lasers, all enemy missiles & anti missiles, aircrafts will be waste


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