What do you think of Chinese people?
Sam Karthik
Well, this is my third year living/working in China (Suzhou, Jiangsu). My current boss is Chinese. Of course, all the colleagues are native Chinese as well. Before coming to China, I had my PhD in Singapore, and my PhD supervisor was also Chinese. In fact, I have been very closely associated with the Chinese communities, for about a decade now. So, I think I am qualified to answer this question.
Frankly speaking, I have a very good opinion about China and Chinese people. Generally they are sweet, sometimes sour, but never bad. As such, I can write a few books about them (see profile). Here is a quick list of my personal observations:
1.Chinese people are great at communicating their problems among each other. They communicate fast and very effectively. They resolve their problems very quickly. Loud arguments are rather rare.
2.They tend to be very warm and welcoming to the foreigners.
3.They are generally curious about foreign countries and cultures. So, don't be surprised if they bombard you with questions. Some of these questions could be very personal (age, salary)
4.They don't have bragging habits (like we foreigners do on Facebook, Instagram, etc)
5.Too busy with life, job, studies, etc.
6.Not much interested in political issues
7.Virtually omnivores. That's also a reason why they can live and thrive in different parts of the world.
8.Not much into religious drama
9.Getting married is very important to them, preferably before hitting 30s.
10.Chinese women control their men like anything. On one hand they say men and women are equal, on the other hand, they expect their potential boyfriend/ husband to buy house, car, etc. The movie Tiger Mom is worth checking out.
- 中国人非常善于沟通解决问题。他们沟通迅速,非常高效。他们能很快地解决问题,很少大声争吵。
- 他们对外国人总是非常热情好客。
- 他们对外国和外国文化总是感到新鲜好奇。所以,如果他们向你提出这样那样的问题,不要惊讶。其中有些问题可能会试探你的隐私(年龄,薪水)。
- 他们天生低调不爱炫耀(我们外国人总在Facebook, Instagram等上显摆)。
- 他们总是忙着生活、工作、学习等。
- 他们对政治问题不太感兴趣。
- 他们非常杂食。这也是他们能在世界各地扎根兴旺的原因。
- 他们不太喜欢宗教表演。
- 结婚对他们来说是人生大事,最好在30岁之前完成。
- 中国女人对男人的管控不留死角。她们一方面说男女平等,另一方面又期望她们未来的男友/丈夫负责买房、买车。电影《虎妈》值得一看。
11.The men here often buy house with loans, and pay monthly installments for decades to come. This is kind of a well established culture.
12.Generally family oriented
13.Hard working and diligent. They often work on weekends.
14.Usually take showers in the night, before going to bed
15.Very practical in terms of making money
16.They ask you practical questions about work, but often ask old school questions about marriage and family system. It's rare to find a Chinese person questioning marriage and family system (before he/she actually gets married)
17.They are proud of their culture
18.To much of gossip. They consistently try to find new topics to gossip. They often create a huge social pressure on each other.
19.Chinese people are non violent. I never feel unsafe in China.
20.Chinese women are usually beautiful and they know it very well.
21.Being fat is not so common in China.
22.Although Chinese would like to make new friends, they don't seem to be good at it. They generally hang out with same set of people, for years. That's also a reason why most of my colleagues are married to their former classmates.
- 中国男人基本都贷款买房,并在未来几十年里按月还款。这已经是一种相沿成习的文化了。
- 中国人基本都很顾家。
- 中国人工作勤奋努力,周末也常常忙着工作。
- 中国人通常会在晚上睡觉前洗澡。
- 中国人在赚钱方面非常实际。
- 中国人对于工作方面提出的问题都很实际,但对于婚姻和家庭制度,他们的问题都很老派守旧。很少有中国人会质疑婚姻和家庭制度(在真正结婚之前)。
- 中国人为自己的文化感到骄傲和自豪。
- 中国人爱八卦。他们总想找些新的话题来闲谈,经常给彼此造成巨大的社会压力。
- 中国人很良善,不暴力。我在中国从来没有感觉到不安全。
- 多数中国女人都很漂亮,而且她们很清楚这一点。
- 肥胖现象在中国并不常见。
- 虽然中国人想交新朋友,但他们似乎并不擅于此道。他们通常在数年时间内只和同一群朋友交往。这也是为什么我的大多数同事都嫁给了以前的同学。
Pete Truman
Ever since I landed in China, I have spent most of my time with the Chinese people obviously). In fact, I was interested to learn Chinese language and culture, and naturally preferred to spend more and more time with my Chinese friends/colleagues. As such, it's fair to say that I still don't have any close foreign friends in China (in my office, I am the only foreigner)
With this background, let me share some of my opinions about the Chinese people.
#1 Chinese are generally “cool” in a sense that you won't have conflicts with them in terms of religious beliefs, political ideology, food preferences. There may be differences in opinions, but you won't hear noisy arguments.
#2 Although they might be traditional in nature, they are quite open minded. They are interested to understand foreign cultures and willing to appreciate your ways of thinking, if you put things into perspectives.
#3 Family values are deeply rooted in their mindset.
#4 They may be living away from parents, but they care a lot about their parents. At least once a year trip to home (on Chinese New Year) is non negotiable.
#5 Saying “NO” is somehow not so common in Chinese culture. Just have a brief conversation, and ask for WeChat contact, and you have a new friend (They won't say No)
#6 Getting married is virtually compulsory. Although the age of getting married in the cities has gone high, marriage itself is here to stay.
#6 结婚是必须完成的人生程序。虽然城市中人们的结婚年龄高了不少,但婚姻仍是绕不开的话题。
#7 Buying a house before getting married has gradually become an important part of the culture. I have personally known cases where the relationship will break down if the guy can't afford to buy a house. One of my male colleague (from Wenzhou, Zhenjiang) was dumped because he only had a 2 bedroom apartment (near Shanghai), his girlfriend's family wanted a guy with at least 3 bedrooms. ;)
#8 They go out in groups. There is hardly anything private in such groups. Lots of grapevine. You shouldn't mess up with any group members, otherwise you are going to be very famous, sooner than later. ;)
#9 It's very easy to get along with Chinese.
#10. It seems they love meetings. I can't generalise, but in my office, we have too many group meetings. One meeting happens on the Weekends, lasting 5 to 6 hours.
#11. Collectivism is preferred over individualism. Although this often leads to slow decision making, solid and stable results are preferred.
# 10 他们似乎很喜欢开会。虽然不能一概而论,但在我们公司,小组会议真的太多了。有个会议还会在周末进行,持续5到6个小时。
# 11 集体主义高于个人主义。虽然这通常会导致决策进程缓慢,但可靠稳定的结果更为重要。
#12. Women in China enjoy a much better social status. Safety is not an issue. They can dress the way they want. They can travel alone.
#13. Some of my 30+ single female friends have given up hope of marrying Chinese men. They are looking for foreign boyfriend/husband.
#14. Some reports suggest that over 90% of Chinese young adults use WeChat. You can't really imagine life in China without WeChat.
#15. Teachers are respected.
#16. I often go out to grab snacks, and end up interacting with the street vendors. Most of them work 12 to 16 hours a day, including those on the weekends. A common man puts lots of efforts to make money.
#17. Chinese people can communicate very clearly among themselves as one language works in most parts of China.
#18. Working overtime, and on weekends is quite common.
#19 students are under tremendous pressure to learn English. They want to make foreign friends.
#20. Some think that most foreigners are fluent in English.
#21. Don't worry if they ask you personal questions. They are just curious about you. If you don't like, be polite and let them know in the begng.
#22. China is diverse. So many languages and ethnic groups. You need to travel more in China to understand Chinese people.
#23 They are fine with all types of vegetarian and non vegetarian diet.
# 12 中国妇女的社会地位现在已大大提高,她们无需担心安全问题,想怎么穿就怎么穿。她们还可以独自旅行。
# 13 我身边有一些30多岁的单身女性朋友已经放弃了嫁给中国男人的希望。她们正在寻找外国男友/丈夫。
# 14 一些报告显示,超过90%的中国年轻人使用微信。你无法想象,在中国生活如果没有微信会是什么境况。
# 15 中国教师很受尊重。
# 16 我经常出门觅食,和街头小贩打交道。他们中大多数人每天工作12到16个小时,周末也是如此。你瞧,普通人为了赚钱会付出这么多的努力。
# 17 中国人之间可以无障碍交流,因为在中国大部分地区通用同一种语言。
# 18 加班和周末工作是司空见惯的事。
# 19学生们背负着巨大的压力学习英语。他们希望结交外国朋友。
# 20 有些人认为大多数外国人英语都很流利。
# 21 如果他们问你隐私问题,别担心。他们只是好奇而已。如果你觉得反感,可以一开始就有礼貌地告诉他们。
# 22 中国是丰富多样的,拥有许多不同的语言和种族。你必须亲身去中国走走看看才能了解中国人。
# 23中国人对各种类型的素食者和非素食者的饮食习惯都很包容。
Derek Hayter
I have varying opinions of Chinese people, unfortunately. For the sake of this question, I will tell you this, I am an Asian with various different cultures embedded within me. Meeting mainlanders in the South of the United States was something that was quite…unusual for me, you can even consider it a sort of a culture shock because I grew up mostly in Asia.
The Chinese people I met in college generally had a philosophy of doing things based on “I help you, so you help me.” At first I thought this was quite interesting because I suppose we could benefit from hel one another. Seeing as how I also came from a country far away from the United States. However, after hanging out with various different groups of Chinese people, I feel like most of them think the same way.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/51823.html 译者:Joyceliu
Ram Kumar, former Consultant (2015-2020)
- All of them are fit physically. Very less fat people.
- Tend to speak loud.
- Very fond of white skin and fair color.
- Chinese are very fond of western people. Many Chinese want to be westerner so bad that they actually have adopted a westerner name like John, Paul, David etc. Many companies hire a westerner for one day so that they could take him in a business meeting with another client.
- In general Chinese girls want a white boyfriend. Brown and black boyfriends are not easily accepted in the society.
- Women work as hard as men.
- Current form of Chinese language has so many characters that some of them are even forgotten by Chinese people how to write them.
- iaolongbao (Shanghai Soup Dumpling) is my favorite Chinese food.
(careful, soup is very hot inside so just do not put the whole in your mouth. The correct way is to bite the dumpling from the bottom and let the soup flow in the spoon, then put the dumpling in the mouth and drink the soup from the spoon.)
- 他们的身材都还不错,胖子不多。
- 喜欢大声说话。
- 追求白皙的皮肤和白皙的肤色。
- 中国人很喜欢西方人。很多中国人渴望变成西方人,甚至会取西方人的名字,比如约翰、保罗、大卫等。许多公司会雇个西方人,只上一天班,这样他们就可以带着他去见客户。
- 多数中国女孩想找个白人男友。棕色和黑色皮肤的男友不容易被中国人接受。
- 女性和男性一样努力工作。
- 目前的汉语形式有很多汉字,有些汉字甚至被中国人忘记了如何书写。
- 小笼包(上海汤包)是我最喜欢的中国食物。
- Chinese are doing pretty fine without de ocracy.
- Gold is considered very auspicious in China.
- Expat Chinese look down upon mainland Chinese.
- Mistresses are treated very badly in China if caught by their men’ wives
- Not all Chinese people are marshal arts experts.
- Mandarin is a tonal language and I have never understood how two Chinese are able to understand each other at a crowded place. Somehow their ears are trained to catch the slightest variations in the tone no matter how much noise is around them.
- Outer beauty is given a very high importance among Chinese people.
- North China Chinese are more traditional.
- Chinese society is extremely interconnected. Sometimes I feel every Chinese in China knows every Chinese in China.
- My feeling, Chinese are not proud of their history, at least the younger generation.
- Village Chinese people are way nicer than City Chinese people.
- 中国人的表现真的很不错。
- 在中国,黄金是非常吉利的物品。
- 海外华人看不起中国大陆人。
- 在中国,小三如果被男人的妻子抓住,下场是会很惨的。
- 并非所有中国人都是武林高手。
- 普通话是一种带有声调的语言,我一直搞不明白两个中国人在拥挤场合如何互相交流。不管周围有多吵,他们的耳朵都那么训练有素,可以捕捉到声音中最细微的变化。
- 中国人看重外在美。
- 中国的北方人更为传统。
- 中国社会讲究人际关系。有时我觉得每个中国人都认识在中国的所有中国人。
- 我感觉,中国人并没有为他们的历史感到骄傲,至少年轻一代是这样的。
- 中国的农村人比城里人友好得多。
Ryan Fernandez
China is a rather large country. It's about 2.2% larger than the USA. Cultures inside China can vary drastically, and the further one gets from Beiing the less control you see from the capital. Many areas have almost autonomous control. Languages very as well. Mandarin is the Lingua Franca but you'll also hear Wu, Cantonese, Hokkien, and others despite the overwhelming population of ethnic Han people.
That being said, you can't really judge all people as one unit. Thai Chinese are different from Singapore Chinese who are different from American Chinese who are different from British Chinese, who are different from mainland Chinese, who are different from Brazilian Chinese.
However, I think highly of the Chinese overall. In my travels I've found them to be overall friendly and polite, and mostly curious. I can't count the number of times I've been asked to take pictures with Chinese people in remote places where I'm the only foreigner. It makes it more interesting when they hear me speaking Chinese with them. I recall once, with my wife (who's Chinese) a guy asked “can you ask your husband if he can take a picture with me” I responded in Chinese “I'm happy to, but you can ask me if you want” and that got smiles all around.