

Which country has the most disgraceful history?




Vladislav Antonov, HR Manager (2012-present)


I love reading history books and each country has its own disgraceful history. It is hard to say which one is “THE MOST”, but Ukraine is one of “THE MOST DISGRACEFUL”. Let me go step by step to explain why. ( I am sorry for some historical inaccuracy, since I am trying to give you just some general idea, not write the history book).



In 1237 Mongols started their invasion of Kievan Rus. Territories of Modern Ukraine were occupied by mongols, many cities were burned, sacked and destroyed. For hundreds of years, people had to pay taxes to Mongols. Any refusal would end up in enslavement or slaughter.

During 14th century, Ukrainian lands were invaded by Poland (and Lithuania). Later it transformed into Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Majority of Ukrainians were peasants, working on farms as serfs. In fact, the majority of population were illiterate serfs who worked for Polish masters.

Meanwhile, Ukraine was divided between Poland (its western part) and Russia (eastern part). Serf under the rule of Poland had to fight against the serf under the rule of Russian empire in frequent Russo-Polish wars  - that’s more than 12 wars. Also, Ukraine had to fight with Ottoman Empire siding sometimes with Russia, sometimes with Poland and sometimes siding with Tatars or Ottomans to fight against Russians or Polish.

1237年蒙古人开始入侵基辅罗斯。现代乌克兰的领土被蒙古人占领,许多城市被烧毁、被洗劫甚至被摧毁。此后几百年时间,乌克兰人必须向蒙古人纳税。一切抵抗都被奴役及屠杀镇 压。




Ziaddinè Chahoudi

I don’t know, even the word “disgraceful” is too much. But I would rate this nation as having the most distasteful history in the world:




If Russia has been remembered for being the most barbaric colonizer, then Romania has a very distasteful history. If you read for a long time, you may see why:


1. In the conflict over between Dacia (ancestor of modern Romania) and the Roman Empire, Decebalus having been defeated by Trajan. Trajan requested Decebalus to be in peace, the Romans wouldn’t touch on Dacia and Roman money would be used for Dacia to improve its economy. In the end, Decebalus used these money to make war against the Romans. This destroyed the independence of Dacia.

2. When the Ottomans started to conquer the Balkans, Romanian states refused to aid the Greek Byzantinians against the Turks. Only after Constantinople was taken, they started to react but too late. At least Vlad Dracula had helped to restore the honor, but it was too little to do. And then, the Romanians became a loyal ally of the Turks and it was them who supported the Ottomans to ransack Europe until Vienna 1683.



3. In modern period, Romania went later to free from the Turks after Russia and Bulgaria collaborated with each other in 1879. The first part was fine, Romania had little to care of, in the First Balkan War, Romania stayed neutral. Suddenly, in the second one, Romania backstabbed Bulgaria and invaded Bulgaria. The Bulgarians since then developed a feeling the Romanians were traitors and ungrateful, led to WWI which Bulgaria beat Romania hard, until 1918.

4. In WWII, Romania did have alliance treaty with Poland, but when Poland was invaded by the Russians and Germans, the Romanians sided with the Germans because of animosity with Hungary, Poland’s long time ally. Romania also began its persecution in a very Nazi way. Romania supported Germany to invade Soviet Union; but then deserted from Germany to support USSR at 1944. In the end, Romania only lost more land while acquiring only Transylvania which was cut to Hungary before.

3. 近代,罗马尼亚在1879年俄国和保加利亚携手合作后,才得以从土耳其人手中解放出来。初期还好,罗马尼亚没什么好担心的,在第一次巴尔干战争中,罗马尼亚保持中立。可在第二场战争中,罗马尼亚突然在背后捅了保加利亚一刀,入侵了保加利亚。从那以后,保加利亚人开始把罗马尼亚人视为叛徒、忘恩负义的小人,导致了第一次世界大战,保加利亚在1918年打败了罗马尼亚。

4. 二战期间,罗马尼亚与波兰签订了联盟条约,但当波兰被俄罗斯和德国入侵时,罗马尼亚因为与对波兰长期盟友匈牙利的仇视而站在了德国一边。罗马尼亚也以一种非常纳粹的方式开始了迫害手段。罗马尼亚支持德国入侵苏联;但在1944年又抛弃德国,转而支援苏联。最后,罗马尼亚只落得了失去更多土地的下场,只获得了原先被划归匈牙利的特兰西瓦尼亚。

5. And now, Romania calls for reunion with Moldova. Many years passed, and… internal corruption is the most discussed among them, instead of reuniting with Moldova.

6. There are also numerous accusations of Romania that Romania doesn’t side with Albania, their ancient relatives, but rather supports Serbia; or Hungary accusing Romania, etc. But I cannot list all.

5. 现在,罗马尼亚提出要与摩尔多瓦统一。许多年过去后,他们讨论最多的是内部腐败,而不是与摩尔多瓦统一。

6. 对罗马尼亚的指责也很多,有说罗马尼亚没有站在多年亲戚阿尔巴尼亚一边,而是支持塞尔维亚;也有说匈牙利现在指责罗马尼亚等。我在这里就不一一列举了。

So what make Romanian history distasteful?

Because Romania, unfortunately, has a long history of betraying allies, backstabbing, and, internal corruption.

I would not say it is disgraceful but, it is so ironic and terrible. Romania, for most history, it fails to fulfill promises and never been able to do without trying to stab others.

Now Romania is a NATO member, but there is a feeling among other NATO members, especially those like Poland and Hungary, that, Romania will not fulfill its commitment but rather seeking to benefits themselves than trying to do something. Not surprising that Russia doesn’t even bother to destabilize or control Romania, but because of Romania’s long record of betrayal. You may wonder why Russia tries hard to destabilize other countries in Eastern Europe but never touch on Romania? You bet.






Francesco Sponza, Ph.D. Archaeology & Asia-Pacific, University of Cambridge

Many people don’t realize that Germany is not the powerful leader, warmonger country that dominated the history of the last century. Germany actually is a country that suffered a lot of losses and disgraceful events. First of all, the 30 years’ war that basically left the diverse states of what is now Germany in tatters. German people were spread across vast areas of Northern Europe, including the Baltic countries, Poland, the infamous Sudetes, etcetera. So, when the unification of Germany happened in 1871 and suddenly the country became a major player in the international chessboard, one of the nationalistic major focus was to create a pan-Germanic nation, including all the German people divided in many states. However, it failed. Two wars were basically initiated by Germany, and both ended up in disasters. German people suffered unimaginable tragedies on the trenches and behind during the WWI, then the fragile Weimar Republic was barely able to contain social unrest and inflation. We all know who got advantage of it and, after 10 years of nationalistic intoxcating propaganda, another war started and ruined the country even more. All the peripheries of the initial German unification of 1871 were lost and assigned to other countries, such as Poland and even Russia (Kant’s Konigsberg is an exclave of Russia now), while the country remained divided in two areas, the NATO-aligned BRD, and the Soviet-aligned DDR, until 1990. With Berlin further divided in 4 areas.



I mean, when you think about Germany and you see the economic and political giant that is today, consider that this is a very recent outcome. For the past centuries this area of the world has been ravaged by wars, dismembered and scrambled by the central European powers, with few, short, blasts of energy, unfortunately boosted by a destructive ethnocentric ybris that led into further destructions.

Overall, it is incredible how Germany still manages nowadays to be such a top-player having undergone so many downfalls but, always, rising up again.




Armando E. Pattroni, History fan, specialized in the post war period (1884-1929)

Europe in general. No doubt about it. When Gatling invented the machine gun in the 1860’s, the market for it quickly collapsed since he had sold the killing machine to the US and other minor countries (Peru in 1879 for example), so he was going bankrupt. Somebody gave him an idea: Go to Europe, they are specialists in killing each other all the time. This assertion proved true, since in WWI the Gatling machine was the most dreadful invention of its time.

In South America we have had wars, of course. The most terrible of which killed about 1M Paraguayans and 100K Brazilians in the 1860’s. The Pacific War faced Chile against Peru and Bolivia, and Peru and Chile had around 30k dead each and Bolivia like 100, or maybe 200 casualties (hahahahaaa), and Bolivia and Peru still feel a deep hatred towards Chile, the winner, they are mortal enemies, almost irreconcilable, despite the consequences for Chile were that they are still a third world country, noticeable only in Latin America.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/51899.html  译者:Joyceliu

We are talking about around 600 years of history in South America.

We can not even imagine to have two wars with tenths of millions of human beings dead, women, children, the elderly, economic destruction, etc. We can’t even dream about what the Russian people suffered with Operation Barbarossa, or what the 2M German women felt when raped by the soviet red soldiers and by the “American Heroes”. We can’t conceive the cold, cruelty, typhus, family separation, dead, in the concentration camps. We can not think about the German prisoners in the soviet camps, separated from their families after the war for years, only a few of them surviving and returning home. We can not believe human beings are capable to do that.

Even in the nineties, the Balkans wars were incredible, and between people that for us are almost identical (that sounds racist, I know). Why do you hate each other so deeply?

No doubt, Europe.

There would be a lot more white people in the world if Europe were not the territory with the most disgraceful history.

And yes, we in South America are very different than you people.







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