

Why does Japan admire China but look down on South Korea?




Gaku Yamaguchi, Software Engineer

I'm a Japanese live in Malaysia. I will be able to provide you with some explanation about your question from the point of the Japanese view. I believe almost of average Japanese agree with my answer:


Why does Japan admire China?


Japan doesn't admire modern China so much because of some political reason. Mainland China ... don't share the basic concept of value.


The target of Japanese admiration is only ancient China, especially the era of the Three Kingdoms Story. (A Chinese media also pointed it out.) When Japanese natives had lived in the rudimentary environment, Chinese people built the most civilised nation at that moment and disseminated their civilisation to peripheral countries. On the other hands, modern Chinese was reflected to be very uncouth, unsophisticated people to the Japanese eyes. Nowadays, this situation has been slightly changing, but there's still bad images of Chinese in Japan.






Mitsu Hadeishi, Chief Architect, Heartbeat Health

I’m Japanese-American; born and raised here, and of course Asians and Asian-Americans in the US tend to stick together — we don’t have very much animosity towards other Asian groups. Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans — we all tend to be pretty friendly towards each other, even if we might tease each other about differences between our cultures.


Regarding Korea there are of course many Japanese who have actually traveled to Korea and know the truth about it: it is a hyper-modern country which has advanced in every way, and for the most part, despite all the tensions that exst between Japanese and Korean governments, Koreans generally speaking (prior to the recent moves by Abe) actually do not hate Japan or Japanese people. In fact tourism from Korea to Japan had been steadily rising, and polling of Korean attitudes towards Japan was steadily going up — until Abe destroyed everything with his ridiculous trade moves. But some Japanese simply know nothing other than rumors and misinformation circulated among right-wing sites, similar to what we have here in the US when it comes to fringe misinformation on social media.




Those of us Asian-Americans who know something about the tensions in Asia itself generally view the conflict with a mix of alarm and derision. In particular as a Japanese-American it is quite embarrassing to me to read comments from right-wing “netouyo” in Japan who write mostly ridiculous comments about Koreans based on a lack of understanding either of Korea and Koreans as they are today, as well as the history of Asia itself. Japan doesn’t teach Japanese much about what Japan did during the war, and Japanese media tend to avoid reporting very even-handedly about things either. It’s amazing that we Asian-Americans tend to be far better informed about these things than many Japanese in Japan. On the other hand, in the US here we have a similar problem with crazy conspiracy theories and misinformation spreading across social media. It seems to be quite the same in Japan itself, with many people there completely misinformed about what is going on.






In ancient times, of course, Japan looked up to China — then for a while Japan looked down on China, and now Japanese attitudes towards China may be improving as China becomes more successful. However, what many Japanese don’t know is that even longer ago Japan looked up to Korea — this is well-known historically for anyone interested in ancient history, but not understood by many Japanese (or Koreans) today. We imported a lot of culture, philosophy, even Buddhist thought from Korea, particularly from the Baekje Kingdom. Even many of our most famous temples were built by Kongo Gumi which is the oldest company in continuous operation in the world — and Kongo Gumi was originally founded by Korean builders who came to Japan from Baekje to help teach us how to build temples.






Today, Korea is a modern country and in some ways has surpassed Japan. Rather than continually antagonizing Korea, Japan should try to bring Korea closer. The two countries would be far stronger together than they are fighting like this.



Jay Hah, Co-Founder of a VR Startup in Silicon Valley

Simply because those Japanese don’t know about what S. Korea is like today. S. Korea has been achieved a lot recently economically, militarily and in many other aspects.


When I first come to US they said which Korea I came from if I said I am a Korean never realizing US -N. Korea never has any official diplomatic relationship or whatsoever.


More than 70% of DRAM including SSD comes from S. Korea and over 80% of OLED panel and a lot other IT components such as battery packs as well. War in Korean peninsular surely ignites a doomsday like catastrophe to global IT industry.


Chinese only assembles but S. Korean makes most of what are inside your smartphones and PCs. You really don’t want your mobile to have cheap Chinese components, do you?


Miraculous and explosive growth of China is nothing but the political propaganda.... It is too much too exaggerated.



Ku Shokai, B. A. from Sophia University (1994)

Technically, I am 3/4 Japanese and 1/4 Chinese since my grandfather came to Japan and settled in Japan.


I was born and raised in Japan, but sent to an international school. Therefore, I think I stand between Japanese mentality and Western mentality. And of-course, I have been influenced by certain Chinese mentality. I had worked with many Southeast Asian countries and European countries, so I know what I am talking about when dealing with many different cultures.



I think I can contribute certain thoughts on the subject.


First of all, please do not paint all Japanese people with just one brush. Many Japanese people have different thoughts just like Korean and Chinese people.


Usually, when you look at comments on social networks, most extreme thoughts stand out.


So, there are people who admire China, look down on China or have no thought about China. This is also true for Korea. They all have different reasons.


Japanese culture is probably most different from other cultures. They are not used to diversity, they blindly believe in “common senses” and keep things vague until the matter reaches the crucial point. The people are used to follow orders rather than making decisions by themselves; some Japanese gets angry if I mention this.


Now, I wish not to discuss about political problems and historical problems. Leave them up to politicians and historians.


Do I admire these three cultures? I don’t know. I am more interested in myself than achievements by the older generations of the country I am connected with.


The older generations’ achievements won’t make me any greater. It’s all up to myself and yourselves. I have friends from many different countries and cultures. I admire them not because of the country. I admire them because they are who they are.



Yuya Motohashi, B.S. Political Science, Stony Brook University

I am Japanese American and had no clue about the views of what you stated in your question. Generally I believe Japan is a country that respects everyone, and respect is a huge part of the culture. I understand that there are political tension because of Japan’s action in the past but I don’t think the Japanese people particularly favor one country and look down on the other. There might be some people but it’s no different than extremists in America screaming “Amurrrrica” and hating on non-whites. There will always be extremes.

With that said, I know and feel that the other Asian countries may have views on Japan as a whole because of its history. Can’t really blame them considering what happened, and it’s up to the newer generations to forgive and forget if they so choose, and hopefully the Japanese to recognize the atrocities caused similar to post World War 2 nazis.

Personally, growing up in NY, over 90% of my friends are Chinese. From elementary school through college, I was always a minority and rarely met other Japanese people. Of the Japanese people I know whether if they are Japanese American, or traditionally Japanese, all of them respect and love China and Korea.

I absolutely love both countries and for the most part my Chinese and Korean friends respect me for who I am as a person, instead of focusing on my ethnicity








 译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/51954.html 译者:Joyceliu


Sato Shusaku, 

First of all, Korean people I know have normal sense but, either Korean government or Korean society seems strange. Because:


They have been reversing any kind of agreements/promises between the both countries easily.


Their history is a story. eg. Their (hi)story says Korea fought against Japan in WW2 and won their independence. NO, they fought against US and China as Japanese.


Japaneses don't look down Korea but, everybody is in amazement and drop jaw.


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