Who has the brightest future, China, Japan, or South Korea?
Thomas Pauken II, B.A. from Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (1999)
All three nations listed in the question have great potential for bright futures. Yet China stands poised to enjoy the brightest prospects in the long-term. China has large land space, a huge population, as well as social stability.
Japan and South Korea are not as large as China. Tokyo and Seoul have close-knit diplomatic relations with Western de ocracies and maintain durable alliances with them. But the alliances could impose barriers by inhibiting Japanese and South Korean foreign policy and global business connections.
The West seeks a dominant position over Tokyo and Seoul. The US military has bases in South Korea and Japan, while Washington can dictate its terms on them. Hence, the Japanese and South Koreans must rely on the US Armed Forces to protect them and that could restrict the two countries from taking bolder diplomatic initiatives.
Meanwhile, the Chinese economy still has room for growth and rapid development, since large parts of the country remain rural and impoverished. Western China is mostly under-developed but with good land for agriculture and tourism. The eastern and southern coastal regions are more urbanized.
Many Chinese cities are located near the nation’s lengthy coastline, since manufacturers have closer access to international ship ports. China is the world’s largest manufacturer and exporter.
The country’s foreign trade surplus has hit an annual record high last year, despite the grave impact of the Covid pandemic.
The domestic economy will undergo a transition in the years ahead with structural shifts to boost the nation’s consumption and services sectors. Beiing is pushing ahead on its pledge to reach the stage of a ‘moderately prosperous society’ by 2030.
Accordingly, poverty will be eradicated and hundreds of millions of Chinese families will join the ranks of the Middle Class.
China’s total GDP (gross domestic product) could surpass the US by 2028 or even earlier. The Chinese people are hard working, resilient and ambitious to succeed. The South Koreans and Japanese hold similar character traits but they don’t reside in a nation as large China.
Japan and South Korea do have vibrant cross-border trade and investment ties with China. The three countries are famous for supporting innovations in the manufacturing sector as they are forging paths to embark on the digital automation age.
Digital manufacturing utilizes advancements in the fields of AI (artificial intelligence), smart technologies, robotics, Big Data reporting, self autonomous vehicles and much more to increase production levels and efficiency on factory floors.
Nikolaij Brouiller
There is no question about it: *Japan*.
China's economy is still and probably forever highly dependent on favorable foreign trade.
Japan on the other hand, despite being a country with many problems of its own, some very major ones; like another nuclear powerplant that may go “poof" very soon… at least Japan has internal stability and good international relations that guarantee trade for the long foreseeable future.
Korea is in a similar situation as Japan; but arguably worse because they are sitting on a huge bubble that will pop harder than Japan in the 90s.
South Korea’s population is 3.7% that of China’s. Population size alone guarantees that China has a brighter future.
China is leading the world in most technological areas, especially AI and robotics, as well as 5G and 6G.
China’s signature Belt and Road program cements China’s future as the #1 economic world power. This is in addition to RCEP, the world’s largest free trade zone.
Mike Chiew
These three countries and Russia are set to become the brightest in the world for the coming decades. They are hard working, innovative, knowledge seeking people, love to discover new inventions, self confidence, never say die attitude, fair amount of IQ, loyal to their countries, great vitality, highly responsible people, having great quality governing leaders, great at motivation, good education systems, character building and fight corruption at the roots.
All these qualities are hard to emulate by others and they never rest on their laurels if the answers are not found. East Asians traditionally have stronger country loyalty mindsets with good encouragement from family, it's certainly a strong point to drive their countries to the pinnacle of economy success.
Phen Su, Historian
China Japan and Korea are very similar in race and culture.
China has a market.
Japan has technology.
Korea has fashion.
We will unite to create the Asian century.
Dan Kim
The three countries’ economic futures are intertwined. All three nations have relatively bright future as they collectively hold key advantages in technologies that will shape the future of human race. In terms of raw potential, China’s rise still has long ways to go and China’s rise will continue to fuel economic growth of Korea and Japan.
Sonei Fu
Of course China. China will still be in relative rapid growth for next 20 years, and will replace US as world dominating power. Japan is in steady decline, will be just like a province(like Guangdong, of similar population) of China economically in 20 years. South Korea has more potential of growth than Japan but is also more fragile. However there's also a possibility that once China replaced US as the only power in Asia, Japan&South Korea might join China's economic circle and grow again with China.
Andy C
japan is a mature economy,doesnt have much room to grow, korea is almost mature too. China on the other hand still has a lot of room to grow. China has both man power and a lot of natural resources. I say, economically, China
Jesse Towne
maybe it’s east asia union lol
Roger Moore
China, Japan and Korea(both) in order History is a mirror.
in Hwang, CEO at Land and Development Office (2015-present)
Among three countries, Korea has more dynamic and liberal atmosphere. China has biggest land and population. Japan has strongest scientific and technological background. What would be a criterion for the brightest future? Is it possible for Korea to overcome its instrinsic weak point of small size? Is it possible for Japan to overcome the Galapagos behavior which restraints many Japanese entreprenuers attracting global consumers? If the size of a country is a critical point for the brightest future, how to explain the staggering situation of Russia?
If population of a country is a critical point for the brightest future, then how to explain why India has been trapped for long time at the under-developed level? If we recollect the history of the world, it could be very rare case to see any country being deteriorated incrementally like Japan. Having a big consumer market, world class technologies and scientific competency and a great deal of competitive companies can facilitate a country into decadance?
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/51991.html 译者:Joyceliu
Some many point out the incompetency of Japanese politics as main culprit resulting in present recession. In spite of political problems in Japan, it can be a very contradictory situation for Japan if it degrades into a second tier country even though all the merits I have mentioned above. What about Korea which has been facing solemn confrontation with North Korea for more than fifty years with small land of fragile natural resources? Then why many futurologists in the world used to forecast Korea positively and Japan negatively?
许多人指出日本政治的无能是造成目前经济衰退的主要原因。尽管日本存在政治问题,但如果日本沦为二流国家,即使拥有我上面提到的所有优点,对日本来说也是非常矛盾的。那么韩国呢?这个自然资源匮乏的弹丸之地已经与朝 鲜严重对抗了50多年。那么,为什么世界上许多未来学家过去对韩国的预测是正面的,但对日本的预测则是负面的呢?
I think the brightest future of a country depends on how to build an environment of inducing creativity and innovation internally or externally or both at the same time. The typical country which succeeds in creating the best environment for inducing creativity and innovation is the US. It provides ideal atmosphere not only for local people but for foreigners. Silicon Valley is the clear example of supporting my idea. Among three countries which one can be equal or surpass the capability of the US in terms of creating optimal millieu to induce creativity and innovation in the future?
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