Between Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, which country will become a developed country the soonest?
Abdul Rozak R. Fassah, worked at Earth
Indonesia. . Either it will come as a blessing or a curse, Indonesia is as far as I'm concerned enjoying more freedom from politics in building its economy compared to the other two.
Indonesians also seem to be more keen on buying things compared to the citizens of the other two countries and Indonesia also has a quite diverse manufacturing sector. Indonesia also somehow has a more stable economy against global economy instability as Indonesia’s economy is actually sustained more by local economy activity than export-import. Of course it has downsides that the foreign currency reserve is low, but Indonesian expats and tourism keep it afloat, not great but enough.
Indonesia's education system is bad but fortunately Indonesian smart students have a high “patriotic” value in their blood so more of them are more keen to come back and build their Indonesia rather than staying abroad, that's why Indonesian diaspora abroad numbers pretty much of insignificant percentage of population (except Malaysia and some Gulf countries) compared to the Vietnamese, Filipino, or Thai abroad. Hence, brain drain is not much an issue, some of the returnees have even created a lot of job opportunities for their compatriots here in Indonesia.
Indonesia hardly ever makes the headline of world news, except when there is tsunami, because Indonesia is somehow at global scale is just fine. Indonesia might not have a great damned prolonged war like Vietnam War or regular military coup like in Thailand, but Indonesia has learned quite a lot from its own history. Indonesia has never ending regional rebellion period across the country in the 50–60s, co unist coup in 1965, dic ship era until 1998, and sectarian conflict era until mid 2000s. Indonesians want stability, even the most extremist group in the country has never really dared to go far to ruin the country. Indonesians have MOSTLY learned their lesson, and now Indonesia has relatively reached this stability and look! Indonesia is now building toll roads across the archipelago, Indonesia doesn't build only Java anymore! Therefore, here I put my bet for Indonesia. Also, did you know Indonesia HDI has just reached the highly-developed nation category in 2019?
除非发生海啸,不然印尼很少登上世界新闻的头条,因为印尼在全球范围内的形象都还算不错。印尼可能没有像越南那样经历过旷日持久的战争,也没有像泰国那样经历着一波又一波的军事政变,但印尼从自己的历史中学到了很多。印尼也曾经历过50 - 60年代的全国叛乱,1965年的*主义政变,1998年前的独才统治,2000年代中期之前的宗派冲突。印尼人希望国家稳定,即便是这个国家最极端的组织也不敢过分破坏自己的国家。印尼人大多都已经吸取了教训,现在印尼已经相对稳定。现在印尼正在修建横跨各个群岛的收费公路,不再只建设爪哇了!因此,我赌印尼会最快发展起来。另外你可知道,印尼的人类发展指数已在2019年跻身高度发达国家水平了?
Thailand is closer to become a developed country than Vietnam and Indonesia but it also has the highest risk between them to stuck in the middle income cathegory for longer time.
Thai population is aging so fast than the other two to the extent at the same pace of European countries. Unfortunately, unlike Japan or Europe, Thailand is not that rich to replace the reduced supply of labor with technology like Japan. In addition, unlike Japan or Europe where the economy relies more on service and high-value industry sector, most of the income for the Thai economy is still from the low-value industry, agriculture, and tourism.
Next after Thailand is Vietnam, but it still has still high risk from aging population and public debt (which reach over 60% of GDP). Vietnam has passed its demographic dividend in 2018 and it should’ve been able to be used to make Vietnam as an upper-middle income country before more and more Vietnamese getting older and increasing the burden of its budget for healthcare, social insurance and pensions (demographic debt). Vietnam has the advantage over Thailand and Indonesia in terms of education and it must be utilized as much as possible to increase labour competitiveness before it lose the opportunity to increase Vietnam's per capita income due to aging population.
Indonesia takes a lot longer time than the two countries but has greater potential that neither of them has, namely a stable and higher population growth, coupled with large population. It can grow like India, but with a more manageable population number and abundant natural resources, these things can increase the competitiveness of Indonesia's human capital to increase its economic productivity. In addition, public debt is still relatively lower than its neighbours (30% of GDP). With population less than only United States, India, and China, once it become a developed country, it will not only make Indonesia a big player in Asia but an emerging superpower of the world. Corruption, the lack of infrastructure, low education standard and natural disaster are major challenges for Indonesia.
Jonri Purwak, Born and raised in Indonesia.
Currently, we know that Thailand has the most advantage when it comes to economy.
Vietnam is enjoying rapid growth thanks to the tremendous amount of factories relocated from China to Vietnam as the result of Trade War. This has created many new jobs and opportunities for the locals.
Indonesia is also one of the few countries where the economy is growing quickly thanks to palm oil industry and foreign investments. The massive infrastructure project is also promising for a long term effect.
Of all the three, only Indonesia has the most promising population of young workers in the next 20–30 years as Vietnam and Thailand are suffering from the lack of young people. This means that Vietnam and Thailand have to race against their aging population. If they failed, then there will be no hope for these two countries to develop even further.
Indonesia’s mega population can lead to disaster if the poor keep having 4–6 babies. They are useful as factory workers, but they also waste more subsidies from the government. Another challenge is the size of the country. Bigger lands means that the government have to spend more on creating and maintaining infrastructure.
I would say Vietnam will be the earliest to become a developed country, but only if they keep develo before their population become old enough. One secret weapon that they have is education. Vietnam’s education is ranked as the second best in Southeast Asia. I believe that education is very important for a country’s development. For instance, many European countries were devastated by World War 2, but they quickly recovered thanks to their relatively educated population
Alejandro Peralta, studied at Association Football
Here is a thing that makes Thailand to be more developed in the future into a level of a fairly developed country:
1.Comparing to other nations, it still has a relatively young population despite it is now witnessing the rise of old population. Thailand is reinforced with high-tech developments and economic successes.
2.Thailand has let themselves untouched from wars at 20th century with the small exception during WWII. Even when Thailand suffered coup d’etats, Thai authorities were smart to not let it involve into the economy. It gives them big boost to fire up.
3.Indonesia and Vietnam have suffered too many problems. For Indonesia: geographical diversity, too many population, natural disasters, unbalance in region developed (Java is too rich but Indonesian Guinea is too poor, for example); for Vietnam: too corrupt, still healing from war, auth rian yet incapable regime, losing balance in North and South. Also hard environment to invest.
I see Indonesians believe that they will develop more than Thailand and Vietnam. However, let me explain truly: Thailand will be the first, because they have successfully had a good system that more advanced than other neighboring around. Have Indonesia? Have Vietnam? Also, how many natural disaster Thailand suffer than Indonesia? Also does Thailand suffer wars like Vietnam?
Pham Hung Lam
Vietnam has enormous potentials.
But the Vietnamese government and the Vietnamese people need to collaborate to maxmize these potentials.
Vietnam is strategically located next to the sea, with all of its main cities easily accessible to its long coastline.
Vietnam is very close to all major economic centres in Asia.
Hanoi city is:
1.5 hour from Hong Kong
2 hour from Shenzhen
3 hour from Shanghai
3.5 hour from Beiing
4 hour from Seoul
4.5 hour from Tokyo
Ngo The Hoan
I feel like Vietnam is walking on a tightrope at the moment. We have some major issue such as infrastructure development. It takes a long time for big infrastructure projects to complete and in the meantime, countries with a head start have already skipped ahead of us.
Another problem is that with globalization, Vietnamese brands need to compete with bigger established international brands that have more capital and market presence than ours. The biggest challenge is to protect our companies from being swallowed by international companies. Without having domestic champions that act as growth and innovation drivers, Vietnam won’t break through the middle income trap.
What gives me hope is the strong unity of the Vietnamese people, our ethnic pride and love for our country.
For example when China stopped buying Vietnamese farm products due to the coronavirus, Vietnamese turned leftover dragon fruits into bread, noodle and pancake. It made me so emotional to see people coming together, it perfectly captured our people’s unity and resourcefulness. I can only wish that we would do the same to support domestic Vietnamese brands.
I do hope and deep in my heart believe that Vietnam can become a developed country in the next 20 years. But I feel that we have such a small window to get this right. I don’t know about other Vietnamese people, but I feel very anxous and worried for our future.
Muhammad Chidfirul Aziz, I am Indonesian
No one can predict the future just no one ever think Syria will be in war like right now, but based on my prediction
I went to vietnam last month, and vietnam growth is staggering, in just 30 years after the war, vietnam almost surpassed indonesia`s 71 years growth
If China can be the China today, vietnam will be next China because Vietnamese is actually Chinese with Chinese attitude and culture, not to mention vietnam education is at high rank just below Singapore
The geographical position of vietnam is also very strategist, soon more business from china or anywhere else will move to vietnam as its strategic location and low cheap labour
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
Indonesian must change its people mentality and education system to beat vietnam, actually indonesia has more natural resources than vietnam or Thailand, but the abundance of natural resources make most indonesian so laid back and rely on that (country with huge population supposed not to rely on limited natural resources, but supposed to rely on its human capital)
Thailand seems to be a stuck in growth due to political problem, seeing that Thailand was not invaded by any colonialist country, actually Thailand supposed to be the most developed nation in ASEAN but the reality Thailand keep it position in par with indonesia who gain independence 71 years ago
It is just forecast, both Indonesia and Vietnam have potential, but what potential without wise policy and realisation
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