What is your prediction for the United States' economy in 2021?
Joseph Nazzaro, Ph.D. University of Wales
During the pandemic, the US government has forced the roll out of 5G. 5G is intended to be the backbone of the new digital economy and digital world. To address the pandemic, an unprecedented intervention has forced us to shut down the non-digital areas of the economy, except for essential services which cannot be digitally controlled at this time.
It is like the stock market crash of 29 which shut down the under-performing less efficient industries, which allowed for a re-tooling of more efficient industries they teach. It provided a redeployment of the labor force into more modern and efficient industries. We did it in 2020 without a crash, just a lockdown. Took down the airlines, closed the borders and all doors of hospitality.
Gilbert Dominguez, Investment Consultant for 30 Years.
That all depends. It is never a good idea to simply make assumptions.
If the US overall is able to do more business and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic can be reversed or ended with people being better able to go back to work and the US able to become more productive with a buying base for it greater production output then the economy should do better in 2021 than it did during all of 2020.
You also have to keep in mind that the national debt has increased tremendously and it will only be much harder now to bring down the debt. Will we really experience an overall gain ? That is too hard to say right now.
Up to the present I have been able to consistently improve the quality of my family’s life but now my wife has a plan to further increase the quality of all of our lives which I support, but it will mean that we will need to take on a new debt of $300,000.00 we do not have right now .
For the last 5 years neither my wife nor I have needed employment income but our new plan calls for both of us to go to work in employment or running a new business or perhaps even more than one new business. There are a lot of unknowns right now as to whether we will truly end up getting ahead or not.
Sure outwardly it will appear we are doing better with new cars, a new house, more land and one or more businesses but will our quality of life be the same, better, or worse ? Will we really be improving our quality life ?
You have to look at everything from the point of looking at the big picture. Right now with our current level of income I am looking at only 5 to 7 years to pay for our proposed, and thought of increased debt but what if things do not turn out the way we are thinking that they will ? What if I should die within the next 5 to 7 years, who knows.
You can think of the overall economy in the same way, so we really do not know if the overall economy will truly become better or not.
Mike Eichenberg, BS Accounting & Mathematics, Northwest Missouri State University (1978)
My answer is this. Do you mean the real economy or the fake economy? A real economy is able to operate with minimal unemployment or real unemployment at around 5–6%, Interest rates around 5–6% and inflation at or around 1%.
So none of these exst today. Interest rates are 0–1%, unemployment is around 9%, and inflation is now around 2.5%.
This basically means that we are operating on borrowed time. Handing money to people basically diminished the actual value of the money. This is because without an exchange of value, then the money received has no real impact in the long term. An economy operates most efficiently when wages less cost of living provide a middle class life style. Not upper middle class, not poverty line, middle class.
The fact that our economy is based upon consumption gratification and people are willing to go into debt for that consumption, is proof enough.
Wages are not increasing with inflation, basic necessities are rising in cost, and debt is about to take another leg up.
I am sorry that I can’t be more positive, but we live in a fake economy for many.
Kevin Bar, Managing director at Biami Human Services
I am loosing faith in economics because everyone is focusing on business as usual. It is the end of business as usual but I do not see it any where. The financial system is destroyed and the same players are introducing a crypto currency with no asset backing. It is just more of the same “money for nothing” thinking. The water has been turned off for the farmers in Mexco so that a food shortage will happen. Australia has no economy except houses, coal and iron ore. I have no idea what Victoria will do to begin its economy again.
My prediction for 2021 is gloom, doom and civil unrest as the “weasels” in charge keep thinking only of themselves. “We, the People” are going to have to rise up and make the changes ourselves.
First half we will be fluctuating with trying to fight Covid and continuing as much activity as can be.
Second half is when we truly find out what direction this country will head towards.
I do expect higher taxes, and higher costs all around. How much is the real question.
Wages may stagnate for some, but might rise slightly for others.
Some people will take risks, but some will still be conservative with their finances.
Unemployment and underemployment will still be high.
I do expect the whole trade war fiasco to end completely.
Many more businesses will close down. Some new ones will pop up, but maybe not enough to replace the lost ones.
2021 will be a tough year.
In addition to tackling the Covid crisis, and currency issues (massive printing and stimulus , but that’s another topic) …
A big question regarding the economy is what engine are we gonna use to accelerate our recovery and prosperity. At the moment, I only have 2 scenarios:
1.Major infrastructure overhaul, possibly building entire new cities with the latest trends and technology. Might be part of the so-called Green New Deal or not.
2.Full speed with the modern monetary theory. More money put into people’s hands and we spend ourselves out of the troubles. This is extremely foolish, and dangerous according to some…but I can see people doing it. To tackle the obvious inflation problems, we’re gonna be swamp with even more imports and work more closely with the international community.
- 大规模的基础设施改革,也许用最新的趋势和技术建设全新的城市。可能会成为所谓的绿色新政的一部分,也可能不是。
- 全力推广现代货币理论。把更多的钱放在百姓的手里,通过消费把自己从困境中解脱出来。有些人认为这是极其愚蠢和危险的做法,但我发现民众就是这么做的。为了解决明显的通货膨胀问题,我们将被更多的进口商品淹没,并与国际社会展开更为密切的合作。
Jackson Rayburn
The US economy is currently going through some major transitions, so I don't see a return to growth until these multi-year transitions are done. As for what I see at the end of this long transition:
Retail jobs are going to be dead for good, as traditional retail isn't going to recover.
Manufacturing is likely to do a lot better, at the end of it all. The rise of automation means a lot for manufacturing, but one of the largest is that transportation, energy, and overhead costs are likely to be the bigger drivers than labor costs. So a rise of manufacturing output, yes, but less jobs — especially for the previous manufacturing workforce.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/52129.html 译者:Joyceliu
The economy will become much more reliant on specialized knowledge and skills. Something will have to be done to generate these skills.
The US Dollar is going to fall. Import prices will rise. It will not collapse, but much of the debts of Americans and the US government will have to be inflated away. This can provide new life into the US economy, but it will mean a decline of finance, real estate, and similar sectors, and a relative rise of the real economy.
Overall, this will be a much needed rebalancing of the US economy, and result in higher long term growth than at present. But it will be a pain to get there.
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