Declaring ‘silence is complicity,’ Biden vows action to stop hate crimes
WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris traveled on Friday to Atlanta to express grief for the victims of a mass shooting that left eight people dead, six of them women of Asian descent, describing the tragedy as part of an increase in racially motivated violence and pledging to take action against hate and discrimination.
The gruesome shootings on Tuesday in Atlanta thrust Biden and Harris into the middle of a national struggle to confront the harassment and violence against Asian Americans from people angry about the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than a half-million people.
周二在亚特兰大发生的可怕枪击事件,使拜登和哈里斯陷入了一场全国性的斗争,美国亚裔遭受骚扰和暴 力。这些施暴者对导致50多万人死亡的新冠疫情感到愤怒。
“They’ve been attacked, blamed, scapegoated and harassed. They’ve been verbally assaulted, physically assaulted, killed,” Biden lamented after a meeting with leaders of Atlanta’s Asian American community that he described as heart-wrenching to be part of.
“It’s been a year of living in fear for their lives,” the president said.
Biden expressed empathy for the victims’ families, who he said were left with “broken hearts and unanswered questions.” And he said Americans should take responsibility for failing to express enough outrage about the targeting of people of Asian descent during the pandemic.
“Because our silence is complicity,” he said. “We cannot be complicit. We have to speak out. We have to act.”
Biden had by his side the nation’s first vice president of Asian descent, who was — just through her presence — a powerful symbol of efforts to reject racial animosity and bias.
Glint Eastwood
Some Trump people are still having burnol moments after he was kicked out. Trying to create violence in the nation. Just like rabid bhakts.
特朗普被踢出白宫后,一些支持特朗普的人还试图在国内制造暴 力,就像狂热的印度教徒一样。
Too little too late. The Trumpism and racism is still alive and infused in ordinary Americans, just like Feku's Hindutva/RSS ideology here in India. There is no way to put the genie back in the bottle now, no matter how hard Biden Ji tries.
“Silence is complicity”- message for our Feku and andh bhakts,babas, moolahs ,padres who aresilent whenever hate speech or hate crime occurs.
Trump's Zombie Army feel let down as the Asian American voters dumped Trump for Kamala Harris
Says Manmohan Singh of USA
India Rising
Why is Kamala silent on Meena Harris tweets?
Fiona Feynman
Modibhakts who are also Trumpbhakts are out in full force attacking Biden because his stand im favour of de ocracy and freedom rubs them the wrong way. The bhakts are scared $hitless that the fate that befell Trump may also befall their beloved supreme leader RSS pracharak Modi
Yogesh Sharma
Joe Biden and his party are also responsible for spreading hatred and violence in America to come to power.
拜登及民 主党也要为在美国传播仇恨和暴 力而负责
Biden should also take action against Indian jhathsanghi radical group
First America should eliminate racism in universities especially against Hindus who are being deliberately targeted such as Harvard.
Y UN not lecturing? Y rihana silent now?? If anythng happens in india theyr the first to bark
Zainul Abedin
But what people thought of and what happened after Modi came to power are exactly opposite . The interfaith hatrade grew to unexpected levels , lower castes people are treated like beasts
Dr. Carmo Costa-Viegas
First give the Indigenous Peoples of The Americas their land back .
Prateek Singh
Wow Biden is turning out to be a strong, wise and balanced leader. Wasn't expecting that at all. It's a pity that while other countries have great people as their leaders we have uneducated fake degree holders leading the nation who constantly lie brazenly in front of camera and stay silent when questions are raised.
In USA the outsiders are being killed by the white Americans. In India, the intruders killed thousands of Hindus. Still India is secular de ocratic country.
Shasti Brata
The leftist media is horrendous! Had it been the Trump administration, they would have squarely blamed Him for the violence
如果是特朗普执政,他们会直接把暴 力归咎于特朗普
Uday Gohil
Abusive trolls and Jehadi are working as stimulus in such hate crimes.
喷子和圣 战分子正在刺激这种仇恨犯罪。
Uday Gohil
Humanity dies in darkness of hate and jealousy.
Sachha Hindustani
No Democracy in USA.
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