Nepal looks to vaccine from India, seeks global assistance
NEW DELHI: India’s own vaccine woes notwithstanding, the government may have to find a way to bail its key neighbours out even if it means arranging vaccines for them from abroad.
As he sought help from the international community on Friday, Nepal PM K P Sharma Oli “lamented” that India hadn’t sent a “promised” consignment of one million doses and that the second wave in Nepal had resulted from the recent surge in infections in India as the two countries had an open border. Oli said a new variant had been detected and it was affecting people of all age groups.
“The first dose of vaccines will be meaningless, because without the second dose in time it won’t work,” Oli told a Japanese publication, adding Nepal had sought help from China, US and others.
Apart from Nepal and Bangladesh, India’s most solid friend in the near Indian Ocean, the Maldives, too is in dire need of help. According to sources in Male, even the extended 12-week gap for Covishield vaccine second dose is now elapsing for 60,000 people in the archipelago. Similarly, Nepal officials told TOI on Thursday that there are 1.7 million Nepal citizens who are waiting to be fully vaccinated after taking the first dose.
While expressing understanding of India’s predicament, these countries, along with Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, have been asking India to get the Serum Institute of India to fulfil its contractual obligations to them. MEA was silent on queries on resumption of supplies to the neighbourhood but on India's own shortage, it had said on Thursday that the government is in touch with the US for both procurement and scaling up manufacturing of vaccines.
以下是印度时报读者的评论: 译者:Jessica.Wu
India First
Why should we help these ungrateful neighbors? Especially Nepal, which has spent the last five years under Oli insulting India. Nepal even raised the temperature on a border issue to pressure India while india-china skirmishes were going on. Why support corrupt, ungrateful and anti-india Nepal?
Viraj Joshi
Can't Neps ask chinks for vaccine, they have great friends anyway!! India needs to stop hel people who have always returned to bite in its back.
Saravan Ram Kumar
This nepal PM is real idiot. He is blaming india for the infections in Nepal.
Sachin g
Go to china dont come to India we have our own problems
Nepal, BD and SL are not our trusted friends. They betray India and its interests .When we require their suppot, they play China card. Bloody betrayers.
Tanmoy Kar
We need to help Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh at any cost, 5 million doses to each country will not harm to us much.
Tan Aik
Nepali hate Indians. Always making bad comments about India and Indians. But when time comes then they want India to help Nepal. Why don't they ask from their most loved neighbor China? India should not help Nepal at all.
Sanjay Kumar
First of all let Nepal rollback the claim on Indian territory from their map. Indian aid to thankless neighbors should stop.
amit pimprale7
Does he have amnesia? has he forgotten that he was the one who had problems with now when problem is there he is crying for help and as soon as he will get in to a better position will try to bark at us again!
Kennedy India
PM of nepal should be named and shamed for his two faced dealing with India and China
Natarajan D
Indian Govt should use this opportunity to arm twist Nepal, srilanka for their anti India stand. Why India should help srilanka when their navy continues to harass TN fishermen
Ashok Kumar
Nepal should merge it with India to enjoy vast fruits of all species.
Ashok Kumar
If Nepal Merges itself with India, its people will be happier and naturally mingled with Indians and become part of Hindu majority India
Kamginvaiphei Vaiphei
Ask from China
Agnelo Dsa
let them buy from the foreign suppliers. when they want help, it is India, otherwise it is China.
Iam India
Nepali beggars should go and ask China
Rajeev Deshpande
India always provided assistance but Nepal took it for granted !
Let them for Chinese vax,, which they are trusting more than india...
Balaji Krishna
What happened to China, their best buddy?
yugandhar nalabolu
Where is china help for nepal?
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