

 Import duty on cars 'outrageous': Mercedes-Benz



NEW DELHI: Calling the duty on imported cars "outrageous", Mercedes-Benz - the leader of luxury cars in India - has supported rival Tesla's demand that taxes should be brought down, "or else customers get penalised by buying the cars at double to what buyers in the US and other western markets pay."


Martin Schwenk, the MD of Mercedes-Benz in India, has said that import duties in India are extremely high and should be reduced immediately to help develop the market for new cars that carry global technologies.


"Please remember that currently it is not possible to localise all new technologies, including electrics, in India due to the low level of sales volumes that we have here. We can't get customers at these duty levels," Schwenk told TOI, seeking reduction in duty in line with what Tesla and its founder Musk have also appealed for.


"I support the demand. My only submission is that duties should be reduced for all kinds of high-technology luxury products, and not just for electrics," he said.


In a Twitter interaction in July, Musk had said that his company is ready to set up a factory in India, but first wants a "temporary relief" on import duty which he termed as "the highest in the world". "If Tesla is able to succeed with imported vehicles, then a factory in India is quite likely," he added, seeking an easier duty regime initially before getting real investments.



I Am

Better continue with Bajaj Rickshaws, Indians Roads and Indian Laws are not ready for high Speed Cars , one cannot drive smoothly and peacefully even on Highways. The Truck Drivers and Police are illiterate on Highway Ethics and Rules. High Speed Car accident are deadly as any Idiot Truck Driver will stop in the Middle of the Highway to eat Guthka.



Harsh Aggarwal

Its a tricky subject as reducing the import duties on imported cars will deal a big blow to our domestic companies. Infact the domestic companies and other japanese and korean brands who are producing in India have been increasing rates knowing that the customer has no choice but to pay because the other german brands value are artificially high.



Roshan D

We can allow for limited volume duty free ev imports...there must be an agreement that mandates domestic manufacturing once those volumes per year are exceeded



Rajesh Giri

Merc and other multinationals from west are very concerned about import duties becuase they want their goods to he sold in india…but when it comes to granting visa for qualified indians there are so many hurdels because they want to protect their local jobs..so if they liberalise the visa regime only then india should bring down its import duty




Merc is free to leave India.




benz and tesla is used by rich kids.. even if you triple they will buy it.. no need to reduce it we support make in India.



Rama Nikam

In fact, only Mahindra and Tata should be selling their cards in India. test all should pack their bags and go away.



kellog smith

unfortunately Mr Aukaat doesnt realize around 90% of the customers in India cannot afford these luxury cars and they are more than satisfied with desi, Korean and Japanese cars.. And if govt doesnt levy import duty on these luxury cars how will country benefit from it? how would that encourage make in India program? tommorow every overseas car manufacturer will build factories in their respective country and sell in india...



Hassam Jussab

India is toooo backwards they need a white leader



Jayeshkumar Panchal

World is too backward, it needs a Right Leader.



Russel D##apos##Souza

The luxury car market is less than 1 % of total 4 wheeler PV sales. This is like the ultra rich 1% is asking fir a taxbreak. However tax breaks or incentives should be given for exports.




I think people can't withstand ultra luxury



Balamurugan PA

Idiot first sell ur car at less than 20 or 10 Lakhs, then talk about waiving off import duty...idiot.



Senthil Ka

Government is giving a lot of incentive for automobile manufacturers , so Why don't you manufacture all the models in India and and export instead of wailing

Import duty on cars 'outrageous'





Do not reduce import duties, unless they set up assembly lines with domestic sourcing of components and transfer of technology.



nicholas D

Why not make those luxury cars in INDIA ???

Make In India schemes are already there. Indian Govt will help the brands to setUp the plant.

Win-Win Game , will create jobs for Indians and will also create products for Indians with 0% import duty.





Sanjay Mehta

You think if merc becomes lower price that a high end customer will buy. He’s going to go for another higher end brand.



Viral Desai

never we must save our manufacturing from free trade agreements and low import duties



Alexander V Alexander

Providing ultra luxury cars to rich people should not be a priority for the Government. Indian companies are well capable of develo advanced technologies these companies are boasting about!



Kero Mal

High End Car with better Fuel Efficiency should be given lower Import Duty, 30-40% duty maxmum.


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