

 India will become a $5 trillion economy by 2024-2025: Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri


Addressing a session on reviving the economy at the 8th national forum hosted by Public Affairs Forum of India (PAFI) and moderated by ThePrint Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta, Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri stuck his neck out and said India's economy will double by 2024-2025.

在印度公共事务论坛(PAFI)主办、ThePrint 主编谢卡尔·古普塔主持的第八届全国论坛上,印度联邦部长哈迪普·辛格·普里在一场关于重振经济的会议上发表了讲话,称到2024-2025财年印度经济将翻一番。

“The pandemic has produced an entirely different set of growth drivers. There were sectors where we were virtually absent but the pandemic and the vulnerability to the global supply chain had made us realise that unless we get our act together we won't survive," he added.


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prakash r

Mr Puri just talk sense, we need more ministers like him.



Sahib Kumar

this is called minister and it makes me proud to see such a person sitting at such a responsible post.



Abhik Dasgupta

What he is targeting is absolutely correct. Chicha Raghuram Rajan once said in 2014 that Government should consider petrol and diesel as "Giffin goods". Guess Modi Government took it seriously.



Girish Tyagi

India has best time for next 15 years at-least in terms Infra development, manufacturing, reforms, and global political power expansion.



Akshay Rao

Disappointed by Mr. Hardeep Puri. He is talking like a politician and not making any sense inspite of being civil servant himself.



Bul Thaosen

A bold claim. But if they are pushing for it I wouldn't say no to it. It's always better to have more money.



KK Chokalingam

Kudos to SG for pointing out that Mr. Puri's claim requires that India will grow at 20% each year compounded, a feat unparalleled in history for a country of India's size.



Anil Bhat

Great, One must have enough courage to set such high targets. I think if economy wheel starts taking pace then 5 would be start and there no end.



Rohan Indra

Hahha Hardeep is speaking like a lawyer in court but truly one of the exceptional ministers in govt along with Gadkari, Goyal, Jaishankar etc, BJP should make more use of him.



Abhishek Guliani

I am very bullish on the people of India and the indian economy. I know one day our economy will definitely achieve not just 5 trillion  but also 10 trillion but it can't  be done by 2024



Oris Eri

That's a bold claim. I would be incredibly happy if that happens ! But I am afraid that it won't happen by 2024-2025. Maybe 2027-2028. Had demonetization not taken place in 2016 and if there were no pandemic for 2 years, then it would have been possible. Demonetization and Pandemic have worked like speed breakers for our economy.


我担心这在2024-2025年之前不会发生,也许要到2027 - 2028。




Rahul Brahma

28:00 India needs a nominal growth of 20% to reach 5 trillion.



Tapesh Majumdar

Always a pleasure watching  articulate and suave  ex diplomat Hardeep Singh Puri .

Although , $ 5 trillion economy stretched way too far !!




Ayan Verma

For achieving this bold claim we need to grow by 12-13 % per year till 2024 which is damn hard

为了实现这一大胆的主张,我们需要在2024年之前以每年12- 13%的速度增长,这太难了



Great Program to watch on such an important subject relevance to India BJP is great to achieve this Benchmark of 5Trillion dollar economy.



Vivek Kumar

basically if India can do with service sector what Chinese did with manufacturing then India can enter a new age



Akash Vora

That's not good enough, we should try 10 trillion $, along with negative carbon footprint , reduced crime and corruption, better facilities for handicapped and also more liberal laws. We should all work together for this.



anshul mehta

He is a Prime Ministerial material....



Karjeet Singh

We need more Sikhs like him in BJP.. Sanatan is incomplete without Sikhs..



Amrit Pal Singh

I think 10 percent growth v can reach. 10 percent growth and 4 percent inflation



rohit Sharma

They are still dreaming 5 trillion dollar GDP by 25



Amit Agnihotri

Not 5 trillion if its goes or cross 4 trillion,  it will be wonderful.



Sanjay Dhote

I salute this govt for putting your great efforts to see the bigger picture for economy to boost. This govt foresight& direction is so confident.  If u won't achive 5 trillion by 2025 & if achieves in 2026. This would be great achievement.Setting the higher objectives & goals always good for us...



Anmol Singhal

How are they going to defend it if target is not met by 2025?



Shantanu Joshi

India will not become 5 trillion dollars economy, but a 5 trillion dollar stock market capitalisation.


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