Ultra-rare BLACK tigers are caught on camera in India: Pair of big cats with highly unusual colouring are spotted by amateur photographer in national park
Two extremely rare 'black' tigers have been captured strolling around the Nandankanan National Park in eastern India.
The stunning creatures have only been seen in the Odisha state and experts have in the past couple of years claimed there were as few as seven to eight of them left in the region.
Black tigers get their distinctive appearance due genetic mutations called pseudo-melanism where their dark stripe pattern fuses together on light orange-golden fur, often making their pelt look entirely dark.
Amateur photographer Satya Swagat, 23, a business student from New Delhi, was only 30ft away as he took pictures of the rare animals - all males - last November and said he got 'goose bumps' at first sight of them.
He said: 'I got goose-bumps when I first saw the melanistic tiger.
'It was hard for me to believe my eyes and for a minute I forgot to pick up my camera as the big cat moved right in front of my eyes.
'I was taken aback by the beauty of the rare tiger.
'I kept my calm and the tiger obliged me with better sightings and better shots.'
Such tigers were rare even when the population of wild cats were plentiful in the country centuries ago.
Englandshark, London, United Kingdom
Great! Now some idiot will try to hunt it!
zimboinlimbo, Harare, Zimbabwe
Or China will want their bones for soup
Grouse7, DURHAM, United Kingdom
Beautiful but I hope there is TOP SECURITY for these animals in INDIA before some greedy illegal POACHER HUNTERS get them.
C Lynn Marie, Somewhere, United States
They are beautiful! I really hope people leave them in peace.
pistoffman, fomerlondon, Czech Republic
All Tigers are stunning to look at, I remember going to a zoo on an Island off the coast of Southampton in the 90s and seeing white Tigers. Maybe best if they are left to live in the wild with a bit of help from mankind.
C Lynn Marie, Somewhere, United States
I never liked going to the zoo. It always made me sad to see all the animals cooped up in cages.
steelgirl, London, United Kingdom
Wow. Unbelievably beautiful. PLEASE don't let them get shot by some soulless Trophy Hunter!
withcat, Manchester, United Kingdom
Don't tell China they'll eat it
Joe_Jupanski, Danville
Leave them alone. Don't reveal where they are.
Me, Here, United Kingdom
Article needs to be taken down or someone will want to hunt them down to kill them.
Freightload, London, United Kingdom
Magnificent. Just ho they live a full life span ...and no-one harms them.
PiperMoon, Denver, United States
Agree with most commentators. The less attention given to these beautiful exotic animals, the safer it is for them.
Carine 88, West Midlands, United Kingdom
beautiful majestic animals, hope they get to live a long life
One.whoknows, Verona, United States
It's the year of the Tiger, baby!
pigglesnausage, Oxford, United Kingdom
Stunning. Now protect them
LotusLeaf, Perth, Australia
Won't be long they'll be extinct from some nutcase human.
Schnuckel, Roseau, Dominica
Glorious beasts!!
wisdom and peace, heaven, Honduras
Support the Protect Tiger project, which protects Tigers from poaching and other threats.
Snowpeas, Somewhere Over The Rainbow, United Kingdom
I hope they are able to stay safe from poachers. Such beautiful creatures, so many types of tigers hunted to near extinction.
Diana218., Sunnyvale, United States
Beautiful animals. I'm so sorry for what humanity has done to you :'(
adehayes1972, Nottingham
And now they're targets
HotHatch100, City of London, United Kingdom
I wish the location had not been revealed
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