

 Who do the Chinese adore or detest most: India, US, Quad, Russia, Pakistan


Central European Institute of Asian Studies has released a report on 'Chinese views of the world at the time of the Russia-Ukraine war'. In Episode 1008 of Cut The Clutter, Shekhar Gupta reads into this report giving out interesting numbers on liking towards Russia, Pakistan and particular disliking towards India, US. Do Chinese still like Russians after the Ukraine war?

中欧亚洲研究所发布了一份题为“俄乌战争期间中国对世界各国的看法”的报告。在《Cut The Clutter》第1008集里,Shekhar Gupta读了这份报告,给出了一些有趣的数据,这些数据显示中国喜欢俄罗斯、巴基斯坦,尤其不喜欢印度和美国。乌克兰战争后,中国人还喜欢俄罗斯人吗?




I've always thought that Japan had to be the country the Chinese dislike the most (along with the US). This was really an eye-opener as I had the misconception that the Chinese don't care much about India other than the recent border issues.



Lakshit Mittal

Result of any customer research study depends a lot on how and by whom it was conducted.



Anshul Thakur

Interesting segment ... SG sir would love to see a comparitive study of India - China relations from a historical prespective ... and what we always heard as (cordial)China India relation was basically india Tib relation (Ancient)... How has relation changed between india and china after doklam and ladakh.

有趣,希望看到从历史角度对中印关系进行比较研究…我们经常听到的(友好的)中印关系基本上是印藏关系(古代的)…洞 朗和拉 达克事件后,中印关系发生了什么变化?


Ismail Khan

Believe me, if you conduct a survey in Pakistan, which country has best foreign policy for their people, the answer would be India these days  you’d find India on top of all good list because of Imran Khan



bang bong

Like almost all other cultures,  China is also a society which respects power and India has for too long peddled the non violence BS and remained a pushover which it doesn't want to be anymore. Chinese have got in the habit of having easy dealings with a weak and easily scared country and doesn't like the new change,  hence the hatred.

和几乎所有其他文化一样,中国也是一个尊重权力的社会,而印度长期以来一直兜售非暴 力,一直是一个容易被打败的国家,它不想再成为这样的国家了。中国人已经习惯了与一个软弱、容易受惊的国家打交道,不喜欢新的变化,因此产生了仇恨。


sendhil kumar

Finally, India must be doing something right to be consistently top the charts in a enemy country..maybe India is hitting china exactly where it hurts them the most..

Good job india..



Neelanjan Ghosh

Sir but this survey may be superficial and most of the chinese don't even know what is the official foreign policy of their state. Most of them are generally hospitable and good to Indians (in countryside )



saurabh jain

feeling is mutual. If similar survey is done in India, data would be even more stark.




No love lost anyways. It's not like Indians are in awe of China anyways. The only problem being, just like the west, we are addicted to cheap & good quality Chinese products.



malathi prabhu

Any country which puts north Korea at the top of  their most liked list isn't worth discussing and analysing.

任何把朝 鲜放在最受欢迎名单榜首的国家都不值得讨论和分析。


Monish Kapur

I think this whole report is a huge compliment to India because it combines us and puts us in the group of the USA and Japan,  both great economic and innovative powers.  So this report is actually a huge compliment to us.




From the Chinese friends I know, they dont really think much about India, their view of India is that we are a poor country but are develo.

But then again these are global English speaking Chinese citizens.



Yogesh Babu

self reliance  every citizen of hindustan should practice in the interest of our country




Public opinion here in china is always linked to their foreign policy.....cz if I'm being feeded by a greatly controlled social media ...how came I can  figure out the other side of the story. Its not that chinese people hate india or they are  enemies....the issue is that they just don't know much about India(or what they know is filtered)....same goes for us Indians back home.



Vishal Yadav

we have to understand why Nehru Chinese Policy was a disaster

We can understand from Chinese people view about India.



H Kumar

I would expect similar results, as far as India is concerned, if the survey was done in the United Kingdom. The people of Britain have not really gotten over the loss of their most valuable colonial possession.



Ghungroo Gangatesh

"Hu Shih, who was the vice-chancellor of Peking University during the Chinese Revolution has written that India has culturally controlled and dominated China for more than 2,000 years without sending a single soldier. That is the effect of India."—- Rajnath Singh…honble RM



Anand Khinvasara

Shekhar, all i want to say to chinese is, feelings are mutual mate.




10:16 That's really funny, either they don't have any idea about the meaning of "cultural values" or their survey options consist of only a few countries.

From centuries eastern civilization like India,  China, Japan etc. share common cultural values and ethos. So, how can India be the second lowest (common values) in whole of the world for Chinese.



Shiv Mel

Gobi Manchurian is actually a symbol of successful integration of Chinese culture into mainstream Indian culture. For folks who aren't aware, we have a very vibrant Chinese community in India (Pre-independence and more recent ones too). They invented Indo Chinese cuisine and all our fave Chinese dishes.




SG: Calling Russia isolated shows your pro west mindset. The majority of the world population supports Russia, including Indians.




we don't need china's likes and dislikes towards india first of all china's government don't show good things about their enemy country to their public this no surprising they have negative mindset towards india



Sir Humphrey Appleby

China is notorious for racism and we know how they see us : a poor, dirty, uncivilized place that has the gaul to threaten the Middle Kingdom.



Rallabhandi Prabhakar

Why should it matter to India what China thinks of It ? SG should avoid giving too much of importance to China . The Chinese dislike will intensify as India will become stronger economically in next few decades . China is also afraid of its  ( still)dwindling population demographics in comparison to India





karmanya kumar

Don't think our relationship will get any better



Wini Phoo

What Indians don't understand is that they do a piss poor job when it comes to image building.



Meditate with Daigo

About the topic, I think the image is largely induced by new media and propoganda machines. Niethertheless world need China in many senses as it does India.



a r

at least the Chinese are clear about their enemies




India does not have any favorable opinion about the country in question either. It’s merely a global factory for us



Paddy Subramaniam

China's sentiments towards India not surprising given how they got whipped by the valiant Indian army on the border.



Wokey McWokeface

Chinese had no interaction with the Indians. We didn’t invade each other and we never shared a border - historically speaking. Where is this hatred coming from?


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度看中国 » 印度、美国、俄罗斯和巴基斯坦,中国人最喜欢谁、最讨厌谁
