

 Vladimir Putin, PM Modi discuss Ukraine, food and oil prices in call


NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi on Friday discussed the situation in Ukraine, including its impact on international food and energy markets, in a phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the Indian government, Modi reiterated India’s long-standing position in favour of dialogue and diplomacy.


At Modi’s request, as per Russian authorities, Putin briefed him on the key aspects of the Russian “special military operation” in Ukraine, emphasising “the dangerous and provocative nature of the line of the Kyiv regime and its Western patrons aimed at escalating the crisis and disrupting efforts to resolve it politically and diplomatically”.


This was the fourth conversation Modi had with Putin since Russia’s war in Ukraine. The US and others are currently implementing fresh sanctions targeting Russia’s defence exports and to ban gold imports from the country.


Putin is learnt to have drawn Modi’s attention to the “systemic mistakes” made by a number of states that led to the disruption of the “entire architecture of free trade of food products and provoked a significant increase of their cost”.


“Illegitimate sanctions against Russia have exacerbated an already difficult situation. The same factors had a negative impact on the global energy market. At the same time, the Russian leader stressed that Russia has been and remains a reliable producer and supplier of grain, fertilisers and energy carriers, including to the Indian partners,” said a Russian readout of the conversation.


India has refused to join the West in condemning Russia’s actions in Ukraine and the government continues to ramp up its Russian oil imports despite international sanctions imposed by the US and other Western countries. India has defended its position saying it wants to be able to reach out to both Russia and Ukraine to promote dialogue between them.





Putin is a brutal dr. No further argument needed. End of story. Drs like him make our planet a worse place. The sooner this guy disappears from teh Russian political scene the better.

普京是一个独 裁者。不需要再争论了,故事结束了。他这样的独 裁者让我们的星球变得更糟。这家伙越早从俄罗斯政坛消失越好。



First they need to talk about ending the crisis presently hovering over the continent of Europe and people all over there suffering and even the players are banned from playing Wimbledon



Balbir Singh Mehndiratta

Hope Modi plays the most shrewd.



Kiran Patel

...this War in Ukraine is NATO's own making , largely by American politicians whose ultimate aim is to box in Russia with NATO member countries and bring Russia on its knees both economically and politically. This War is in Europe and nothing to do with South Asia and thus India should continue its good relationship with Russia for the betterment of Indian economy and its Citizens.




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I think the phone conversation is based on G7 leaders meet




Russian oil is partly able to tame the inflation in India. We need to see that the trade between India and Russia remains open otherwise inflation will be such that everything from stock market to foreign reserves, all will bleed. Still we have very high risk of inflation, and slow growth, FII exodus, public debt, fiscal deficit etc. Moreover, Russia operation on Ukrain should be stopped in coming days or months to cool down financial and economic systems.


印度和俄罗斯之间的贸易保持开放,否则通货膨胀将严重到从股市到外汇储备的所有东西都崩 溃。




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He should have told Putin to end the senseless war killing civilians.



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Russia true friend that india has



1 0 • Reply • Flag

Russia stood by us during the Bangladesh war of liberation when these same paragons of de ocracy - USA, UK and France were against India and for a ruthless Paki dr. We are now reciprocating the favor for which I am sure Russia is grateful.

俄罗斯在孟加拉国解放战争期间支持我们,当时美国、英国和法国这些民 主典范反对印度,支持无情的巴基斯坦独 裁者。现在我们是时候回报俄罗斯了,我相信俄罗斯会对此非常感激。


3 0 • Reply • Flag

It is clear now that none can influence Putin to end the Ukraine war. Lucky time for oil producing countries and bad time for all the governments in the world.



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Best country for India’s progress. We should show lots of love towards Russia.



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Although war anywhere is not desirable, but this Ukraine war seems to be favourable to Indian interests provided it doesn't escalate into a global conflagration.



The Nationalist

Comrade Bladimir , please do ceasefire , dont target civilian .



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Everyone should understand that no one lectures a great nation to do something against it's will. That's why they are called Sovereign.



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well done modiji. its an indirect msg to Putin to stop the war , bahut ho gaya is the msg. they have understood. India is the best country. peace lovers, simple living always



Ken Ramsey

Russia is our tried and tested friend for more than 50 years. Relationship with the US is transactional and will only last as long as US needs India to deter China. However, India should align with China and Russia. Look at the pathetic state of politics and all around life in the US. The country is in decline and very soon will have a civil war. China is a rising power and we should be aligned with them






1 1 • Reply • Flag

Russia lost Ukraine war despite being super power and has no option other than turn to China for help.



1 9 • Reply • Flag

Modi is truly a great leader. Modi should lead, not only India, but the world



1 0 • Reply • Flag

Vladimir Putin is losing the battle. His economy as well as war effort has failed. Modi is next




India needs cheap crude oil from Russia to keep inflation low. Russia needs India to supply consumer goods and pharma products. So it is mutual requirement. Europe's problems are not India' problems.



Mohit Goyal

India's neutral stand is bearing fruits. We are getting cheap fuel from Russia



Navin Shah

Ukraine always voted against India on kashmir better support Russia on the Ukraine war


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