

China discovers a new mineral on the moon: Phosphate in crystal form is found in samples brought back in 2020


China has discovered a new mineral on the moon, a phosphate mineral in columnar crystal named Changesite-(Y), which was identified in rock and soil samples it brought back from the lunar surface in 2020.


The mineral was carefully separated by researchers from more than 140,000 tiny particles and then analyzed through a series of advanced mineralogical methods, according to the Beiing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, one of the major institutes of China National Nuclear Corp. It is not yet known if the new mineral has properties can be used on Earth.


Phosphate, which is found on Earth, is an essential element for plant growth - but its properties in crystal form have yet to be identified.


The announcement places China as only the third nation to find a new mineral on the moon - the US and Russia are first and second - and the discovery is the sixth new organic formation to be identified by humans since the first samples were brought back by NASA's Apollo 11 in 1969.


Changesite-(Y) falls in the category of lunar merrillite, which is a mineral found in lunar rocks and meteorites, and is the sixth new mineral to be found by humans since the first samples were collected during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.


Phosphate, which is also found on Earth, is the natural source of phosphorous, an element that provides a quarter of all the nutrients that plants need for their growth and development.




BG26, London, United Kingdom

Well the moonians will soon be saddled with Chinese debt.

月球人很快就会背负中国债 务。


dangermouse, South West England, United Kingdom

Please stop squabbling; it's pathetic. Work together and turn the missiles into tools of exploration and discovery to benefit us all.



Aunty Sasha, By the Sea Somewhere, United Kingdom

Oh no! The moon should be left alone.



Glory2Ukraine, Yellow Bluff Creek, Georgia

Leave the Moon alone..it effects most everything on Earth..!



Davey Rogers, The Great Northwest USA, United States

If they discover something they can use...goodbye Moon.



john, Manchester, United Kingdom

No Country can own the Moon, absolute Rubbish, it's Neutral Ground and should be treated with respect.



Elle, Fir Tree, Christmas Island

Great, lets start a war on the thing that affects gravity here on earth



Jenny. , Tutone , United States

Don't mess with the moon with excavating it for minerals. Mother nature won't like it.



Kiev1910, nowhere, Austria

So that's why the yanks want to go back



Uhtred Ragnarson, of Bebbanburg, United Kingdom

we need to substantiate these claims... anything can be fabricated in this day and age, look at all the fake handbags and designer t-shirts they make



pepsiumar, Springfield , United States

I see future conflicts in space over new minerals. I see why the US is getting ahead by creating a Space Force.



Atta, London, United Kingdom

Well done China, you are a great nation.



Reg Thornbuttock, Stoke on Trent on Thames, United Kingdom

If it had eyes or a pulse they would have eaten it.



Dissatisfied_Citizen, null, United Kingdom

I saw something similar on an episode of "Stargate SG-1"



sb4100, England, United Kingdom

Looks like they will mine the lot for jewellery



Yo yo yo, London, United Kingdom

Well there can be no mining on the moon since its a space craft



Terror of Death, Kaer Morhen, United Kingdom

Interesting find.



lou1927, cumbria

Something deeply unsettling about China's (and other governments) plan to mine the moon. It just seems wrong.



B Buchanan, manchester, United Kingdom

Probably NASA knew about it too but as we know they dont share information, good on you China.



Ma Fin, Quan, United States

Such exciting new, and one that may lead to other potentially more advantageous discoveries!



Aaggi, North of Watford, United Kingdom

So they'll be mining on the moon next. Wrecking another planet without a care for the consequences.



Sr71blackbird, Southampton, United Kingdom

Have they tasted it yet?



hundoman, Granville, United States



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