

Over the past 40 years, China has lifted nearly 800 million people out of poverty. Why has China been able to achieve a comprehensive victory in its fight against poverty?




Godfree Roberts

Author of "Why China Leads the World" [Amazon]Author has 615 answers and 12.2M answer viewsSep 24


China achieved a comprehensive victory in its fight against poverty because almost all Chinese are morally united. Almost all of them


Cherish one value above all, compassion, ren, and their political system* is based on it. A good government is, above all, a compassionate government.


Realize that compassionate people–who give their lives to serving others for little material reward–are rare.


Understand that only geniuses can run a country well.


Recruit the 27,000 smartest, most compassionate, effective 22-year-olds (IQ 140+) every year and send them to live in poor, remote villages until they raise every villager’s income 50%.


Promote those who consistently raise local living standards. china did this for his village when he was 19, then repeated it at every level for 25 years. Since his appointment, he has doubled everyone’s incomes.

提拔那些持续提高了当地人生活水平的官 员。中国就成功做到了,19岁开始担任村干部,此后25年,当地村民们的收入逐年稳步增加。自上任以来,大家的收入翻了一番。

The anti-poverty campaign was ‘comprehensive’ because it not only provided jobs, schools, and modern homes, but it also considered the feelings of people who had to abandon their villages (often on the edge of a desert). The result was new, inexpensive, low-cost villages that anyone would be proud to live in:

So comprehensive is the anti-poverty campaign that, even after its success in 2021, Beiing is continuing it, so that nobody falls back into poverty.





Wenxang Chen

Lives in ChinaAuthor has 1.3K answers and 1.5M answer viewsUpdated Thu

When I search "扶贫" in Google pictures



When I search for "help poor" in Go gle pictures

我搜索“help poor(也是扶贫,换成英文而已)”,结果如下:


See the difference?

In China, you can see the participation of the top leadership, you can see the positive actions of adults who are able to create wealth, you can see the participation of the government in decision-making, you can see business projects, and you can see practical actions.You can see the children being educated

More importantly, adults stand with children on an equal footing, rather than need children to look up, or let them eat on the ground like dogs when those “kind people” take photos




But in the west, you can only see an arrogant hand giving alms, or a group of adults feeding their children like dogs.

I'm not saying that a few pictures can reflect everything, but at least it can reflect something. You can also search "poverty alleviation" on Google


当然,几张照片不能说明一切,但至少能看出点东西。你也可以试着在搜索“poverty alleviation”(减贫)看看。


As a result, you can see countless theories, charts, knowledge structures... But you rarely see actual actions.

搜索出来的是一个又一个的理论,一张又一张的图表和思维导图 ...但很难看到实际行动的照片。


Countless Co unists and volunteers went to the poorest places.

Register the poor people, analyze their family situation and even psychology, and make money making plans and strategies for the county and families one-on-one and point-to-point, so as to solve problems for them.



More than 1800 Chinese officials died for China's poverty alleviation work, traffic accidents, diseases triggered by overwork, and natural disasters······

They did not sitting in a luxurious restaurant and enjoying expensive food, use charity dinner to "help the poor"

They did not shake hands with the poor through the barbed wire, followed by a large number of reporters and bodyguards boasting of their kindness






You ask me how China can lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.

——Blood and sweat, my friend, the blood and sweat of a real com nist.





John Wong

Worked at ChinaAuthor has 2.9K answers and 1.8M answer viewsWed

China’s method has one basic assumption: to eliminate poverty, you need to change people’s way of lives so that they can live and work above poverty instead of just handing out foods and money.


At one extreme, people were relocated to more livable areas and were provided with housing and provisions, but they did not stop there, they also found/create jobs for those people.

Another feature is that China had 100s of 1000s (i.e. 100,000s or more) of schemes each tailored to situations.



The third major difference, on my book, would be the way they defined what’s “out of poverty” which is no worry about foods and clothing and assurance for housing, education and healthcare provisions. At the end these measures were above the ‘world standard/definition’ based on $ amount. The point is that in many areas the foods and housings were free anyway and you can’t exactly measure the education, healthcare provisions or put $ values to these. There’s also the problem of PPP (purchasing power parity) because in poor areas of China the PPP factors can be greatly different from the “national average”.




Greg Davis


Because China offers cheap labor and global businesse take advantage of that. China lacks environmental regulations and does not care about excess polution. China does not honor patents or trademarks and steals the ideas of others to make cheap knock-off products.




Jamie Wright

How did China get rid of its poverty in a few decades?

To understand China's "secret," we must first look back to 1978, when the period of reform and opening up began. Former Chinese leader Deng , the chief architect behind China's pro-market reforms, famously said, "Poverty is not socialism. Socialism means eliminating poverty."


Since the economic reforms were launched, China has witnessed unprecedented economic growth. Decades of rapid growth have served as the bedrock of the country's development, without which China's poverty alleviation miracle would not have been possible. That said, economic development alone was not enough to completely eliminate poverty.


Ban Wei, deputy director of the Editor's Office of inhua News Agency, noted that the market is ultimately unable to deliver for those at the bottom. In an address to the International Forum on Poverty Governance and Development Towards Modernization, Ban explained that many of China's rural poor were excluded from the market for living in remote locations.

The market is a decisive and important resource-allocating factor, he said. "But market economics is based on efficiency and the market is unfriendly to those people in poverty."



Robert Walker, a professor with the China Academy of Social Management at Beiing Normal University unpacked this point further. "The market will always favor the city because the city brings economies of scale," he told Beiing-based media China Focus.

Under the leadership of, China waged an all-out war against poverty in late 2012. Officials in Beiing rallied the 91 million Co unist Party of China members, together with the private sector and members of the general public in pursuit of one central aim: The elimination of absolute poverty by 2020.




Local authorities largely took the lead over regional development, adopting a two-pronged approach that weaved together large-scale infrastructure projects with targeted poverty alleviation measures.


More than 250,000 teams were dispatched to offer on-the-ground support. In total, more than 3 million people were sent to the country's most remote villages as special commissioners for poverty relief.

A common cause for many in poverty was found to be their location. Take Tib Autonomous Region for example. Tib has historically been China's poorest region, mainly due to its remote and hostile environment. Known as the Roof of the World, the Qinghai-Tib Plateau sits at an average elevation of 4,572 meters, and is surrounded by one of the most formidable mountain ranges on the planet.


研究发现,造成很多贫困局面的共同原因是地理位置。以西 藏为例,历来是中国最贫穷的地区,主要原因就是偏远和恶劣的环境。青藏高原被誉为“世界屋脊”,平均海拔4572米,被地球上最雄伟的山脉之一环绕。

Living in the remote highlands meant being cut off from high-quality public amenities, such as healthcare and education. It meant being unable to grow a variety of stable crops. And it also meant being restricted from engaging in trade and commerce.


To alleviate this problem, local authorities launched an ambitious relocation program in 2013. Following the example of other remote regions in China that incorporated relocation programs with a mass-infrastructure drive, Tib's most impoverished people were relocated to newly built communities with full access to essential services. More than 260,000 residents across the autonomous region took advantage of the scheme. Within six years, Tib had shaken off absolute poverty.


In the hope that others can learn from its experience, China has committed to sharing its knowledge and methods with the develo world. It has made clear, however, that although China's methods worked for China, other countries must follow their own path in line with their unique challenges and environment.

The key to China's development, then, is not any particular policy or method, but rather its political economy.





Daniel Pierce

BS from DeVry University (Graduated 2015)Author has 2.4K answers and 944.4K answer viewsSep 23

Did it? Or did China simply change what it means to be in poverty, an invent systems that force each person to work?


World bank (where the China claim comes from) defines poverty as those living on less than $1.90 a day, not an hour but a day. In America a single person making less than $12,880, or $35.29 dollars a day, a year is said to be in poverty. That is 18.5 times higher than China’s or World Banks definition.

If you push the threshold up to $3.10, or roughly the old poverty level in China, a day you get 27.2% of people in China are in poverty. Which is 11.38 times higher than China’s or World Banks definition today. Below is the per capita disposable income or what China says is disposable income that they have. FYI to reach America’s definition of poverty of $12,880 you need to have 83,033 Yen. The average worker in China makes about 5,000 a year USD.




此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 过去40年中国有近8亿人摆脱了贫困,中国的脱贫攻坚为什么能够取得全面胜利
