How do you understand China’s development? What changes has China brought to the world while develo itself?
Annie Ruth Harrison (夏安)
Perpetual student of Chinese history, culture, and language Author has 2.3K answers and 11.5M answer viewsSep 20
One of the qualities of Chinese civilization that has fascinated me is their resilience. I think that’s why Chinese society has lasted for thousands of years. I’m particularly fascinated with China’s period of opening up to the world. Deng had a vision for China that far outlasted his life. That kind of selflessness is rare in a statesman.
knew that for China to be a success story that it needed to open up to the world and exchange information. I feel that China has done a very good job of that over the past seventy years. He instituted practices that paved the way for China’s growth and success. He and Zhou Enlai came up with the four modernizations.
He made education compulsory and pushed for STEM subjects to take precedence. Science and Technology. This was so important. Education is the key that opens the door to the world!
He made nation defense a priority. This created a strong China. A strong China is one that can not be attacked from outside or inside forces. The PLA/PLAN that Mao had led so well also flourished under Deng’s push for national defense. Men like Qian Xuesen for example:
Qian is the father of China's missile and space programme. His research helped develop the rockets that fired China's first satellite into space, and missiles that became part of its nuclear arsenal, and he is revered as a national hero.—BBC
Satellites, missiles, nuclear weapons and eventually hydrogen weapons, their own nuclear subs and aircraft carriers, the Chinese space station, and so much more. China today is on the cutting edge of weapons development.
Industry came to China and revolutionized the job market. People no longer just worked on farms. Now people could train and work in industry. With the US and other countries sending so much of their production overseas to China, millions were able to find jobs to fill the world’s demand. The world would literally grind to a screeching halt today if it were not for China’s push into industrialization. From iPhones to Teslas, to the clothes you’re wearing, China has given us all so much.
Agriculture revitalization made a huge difference in China. China supplies huge amounts of cotton, tomatoes, watermelons, etc to the world. Yuan Long, an agronomist in China created hybrid rice.
Yuan Long was a Chinese agronomist and member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering known for develo the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s, part of the Green Revolution in agriculture. For his contributions, Yuan is known as the "Father of Hybrid Rice". Wikipedia
(inhua News)
What this one man did to prevent world hunger is amazing. He had and still does have an amazing impact on our world. If ever there was a national hero in China, this man was one.
China taught the world as the world watched China open up, grow, learn, and adapt. China also showed the world what a country built on meritocracy and ran by a majority of engineering majors could do. It makes sense really. Who better to build a nation than a bunch of engineers?
China has been an example to the world in so many ways. There is much we could learn about China and their indomitable spirit.
(The Great Wall will never fall, and the Yellow River for thousands of miles is surging.)
iaoming Guo
Born, lived and worked in China.Author has 2.5K answers and 3.1M answer viewsSep 21
China is the first country to industrialize itself without resorting to the slave trade, opium trade, colocalization oversea, and imperialist wars. The development of a country has no need to exploit others. This is the most important thing China brought to the world. It shows development can be a win-win cooperation. China’s industrialization itself is the change to the world. It change the human history. It shows the first time that Pareto development is possible and doable. China developes without sacrify any other countries and peoples, but helps other to get developed together.
This is a big advancement of human civilization. For the last five thousands years, conflict of interest is always the norm of social evolution and international politics. China opens a new era for the advancement of human progress: Human civilization can advance not by conflict of interest but by a common interest.
By mutual respect and win-win cooperation, the development of China has no conflict of interest with other countries and with the people of the world. The interest of China’s development coincides with the interest of the people of the world.
We should all support the vision of the Shared Future for Mankind. The UN should endorse the vision of the Shared Future for Mankind if the UN really wants to address globle issues successfully. Global issues such as climate change need cooperation of the world. For world cooperation to success, we don’t need conflict of interest but a congregation of interest. China’s development shows that world cooperation is not only morally correct but also operational feasible.
Alvin Lee
China's developments brought to the world is too huge to elaborate. But what China had done to Africa while it developed itself can be clearly understood.
Bill Chen
A famous slogan appeared during deng's time at the helm during the early 80s.
Whenever a village is connected to the grid by a concrete road, it transforms the lives of every villager. Farmers can raise their income by selling their produce at the regional market, healthcare becomes reachable, and utilities enjoyed.
At the national level, a highway system links major population centers across China. 2008 saw the commissioning of china's high speed rail ambitions. Within a mere 14 years, 95 percent of urban centers >500,000 are covered by hsr service today.
When hu took office in 2002, China’s gdp was less than 1.5 trillion dollars. Today, it is more than 17 trillion, or 12x as large in a mere 20 years.
Why hasn't the third world benefitted with China-like growth, especially the majority of commonwealth group of former colonies?
I posit there are three main reasons.
One. Cost of first world technology, which is often unaffordable to third world nations.
Two. Inefficiency. Proposals are often delayed due to foreign complexties such as climate and geography. For example, rail optimized for Germany's cool northerly latitudes may not be suitable for the tropics.
Three. Securing financing. Due to the inherent risk of lending to the third world and the regular boom-bust cycles in the first world dominated global financial system, capital intensive infrastructure projects are often saddled with high financing cost, or unreasonable feasibility strings attached.
Martin Sebastian
Do you think China is still a develo country?
Yes. And that is why the West is crap their pants.
Think about it. China is already the biggest industrial hub in the world, responsible for 12% of the world's total production. China’s exports in 2020 were $2.5T, the US came second with $1.6T.
National GDP, second only to the US. ( the US 18T, China 13T ).
Militarily, definitely number 3, some believe it should be number 2.
Other than those, China is already ahead of the US in most civilian fields. Don’t take my words, go to China and see it yourself. I’ve been to China so many times, the progress the Chinese are making is really out of this world. Shenzen alone can make you feel like you’re in a future world.
But the craziest thing is, unlike the US that has reached maturity, China is still a develo country, she barely hits puberty and will still grow a big deal.
Haiyan Chen
Can China develop the world?
China is already develo the world.
To develop China is to develop the world.
First of all, I think the Chinese are not aliens. We are 1/5 of the earth's population. China has done everything possible to make a better life for the 1/5 of the earth's population. We are develo the world.
The potential of Asia and the world is still huge. With the development of China's economy, China will contribute more to the world.
Leo Jonathan
Why is India well developed when compared to China?
As a Chinese, let me tell you the reason.
India is far more developed than China.
The Indian enjoys the advanced de ocracy the same as the developed countries just like Europe and America. People get their legal rights from their efficient government.
Indian have belief. The Indian can get inner-peace from all kinds of gods. They will go to heaven after they die. But the Chinese will go to hell without religion.
印度跟欧美发达国家一样,拥有先进的皿 煮。人们拥有了合法权利。
Mumbai is more prosperous than any city in China. Don't always show me the photos of Pudong new area and THEY ARE BORING. If you show me the pictures of other places in Shanghai, China will be defeated in minutes by great Mumbai.
India's government is very wise and popular. Every important event in the world is under their control. When the president of the United States, Russia and China meet Modiji, they have to flatter him with long time courtesy attitude. Every time Modi goes to the international conference, he will stand in the middle of the most striking position and the leaders of other countries would be willing to be the green leaves around the gorgeous flower.
India's economic has developed rapidly and the people's living standards have been greatly improved. But China's economy is going worse recently and it even has been sanctioned by the United States. For example: India can buy advanced weapons from many developed countries, But China has to copy it and make the bad quality weapon. It will hurt themselves when they use it.
The chinese often brainwash to the Indian people who come to China. This gives them an illusion of China's very developed. But the you Indians who never went to China should keep your mind awake and not been defiled by those people who have ulterior motives.
Jefferson Yin
Can China become developed without de ocracy?
A little funny.
Some people that even don't know the history of Western de ocracy are talking about de ocracy.
有些人压根不懂西方皿 煮的历史,却也在大放厥词。
Now answer my saveral questions
1.Where is the 8 hours work system from?
2. Where is the international Labour Day from?
3.Where is modern welfare system from?
2. 国际劳动节从何而来?
3. 现代福利制度从何而来?
All of above from the sympathy of the capitalists?
No, all of above from the revolution of peasants and the exstence of USSR.
If you don't know above, you’d better learn history first.
is not all about vote but about to benefit the majority.
You just go to ask a certain Chinese
Are their lives improving in the past 70 years?
Why is China develo so fast for the past decades?
Public ownership of land.
One-party system and no meaningless quarrels.
Advocating the cultural tradition of hard work and getting rich.
Efforts to eradicate illiteracy and solid basic education.
70 years of unremitting infrastructure construction
Independent national defense.
A complete industrial system, and important industrial resources are in the hands of the government, rather than being controlled by oligarchic capitalists.
PRC's economic achievements did not fall from the sky, but the result of continuous accumulation.
Since the founding of the PRC, it has developed rapidly, simply because the Western media has paid little attention to PRC's past(Deny or distort, try to create a political image of a socialist country = poverty, famine, ), So there is a feeling that PRC is pop up out of nowhere.
It was not until PRC's development was close to that of Western countries that Western media began to pay attention to PRC..
When PRC's economic development was about to surpass that of the US, the western media started Shouting.
Mats Andersson
Professional Translator English into Swedish (1991–present)Author has 19.6K answers and 342.6M answer views3y
How far is China from becoming a developed country?
That depends on your definition of “developed”.
If you mean “industrialised”, China still has a very large agricultural sector, and is likely to keep having one for quite a while. That’s actually a strategic goal: they want to be self-sufficient, food-wise. But they also have a huge industrial sector, and export industrial goods to the entire planet.
If you mean some measure of GDP per capita, that will inevitably be dragged down by the agricultural sector. As per above, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
If you mean the best achievements of their technological development, they’ve put people in orbit. Seems pretty developed to me.
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