India's share of world GDP in the 17th century was around 25%. Why didn't the Industrial Revolution start in India?
Tom Billings
B.S. in Science, Portland State University (Graduated 2003)Author has 4K answers and 623.3K answer viewsSep 20
Because India did *not* get the knowledge needed until far later than Britain, Europe, and America did, in “The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith, to *start* the continuing industrial revolution. The BEIC did not force it on the local rulers of India, and in fact, opposed it in Britain. That was only approved *after* the BEIC was dissolved.
Eventually, the most competent definition of the continuing industrial revolution is:
Gwydion Madawc Williams
Read a lot about history, and note some general patterns.Author has 45K answers and 38.1M answer viewsSep 16
Because it was still a traditional economy.
The same applied to China.
India was deprived of self-government. The British Empire chose to treat all Hindus and Muslims as inferior. There was limited industrialisation based on the railways Britain built.
Both India and China needed independence to really prosper.
Jeff Rosenbury
Author has 4.8K answers and 728.7K answer viewsSep 19
The Industrial Revolution’s roots were the Treaties of Westphalia. These stabilized investments because owners of capital projects got to keep them even if their country lost the war. This was a new concept in international diplomacy.
This encouraged people to build canals. Canals were essential to moving grain to cities. Until canals, grain was usually transported by mule. And the mules ate the grain. So farms had to be near water transport if they wanted to feed cities. Canals allowed more farms which allowed cities to grow which allowed more employment diversification. This led to the invention and the need for inventions to fulfill the desires of the city dwellers. (Coal for heat was a biggie.)
Anthony Woinich
Studied History at Case Western Reserve UniversityAuthor has 3.2K answers and 672.9K answer viewsSep 19
Three things come to mind of which two go hand in hand. The strict caste system in India highly segregated and restricted talent in India. A Jeff Bezos or a Elon Musk born into the “untouchables” caste would never be more than a nothing. Along with this there was no sense of the concept of a corporation which encourages the flow of money to needed areas, like industrialization. Thirdly there was no confluence of natural resources to power that revolution. Putting a iron mine a mere canal boats ride from a coal seam makes for easy productivity.
Arden Tom McClure
Coordinator of Career and Skills Education (2017–present)Author has 4.4K answers and 745.2K answer viewsSep 29
because it didn’t. India as a cultural area is not very mechanically inclined, unlike China or Europe. And India was divided, meaning people of talent were put to doing wars. England as an island was relatively immune to invasion, and thus from fighting. And a sea captain needs to know technical things like navigation, unlike a land based military man. So that means math and science are far more common among seafaring folk.
Gregory Norton
Studied Political Philosophy & EconomicsAuthor has 18.1K answers and 7.3M answer viewsSep 20
The industrial revolution came about because of ideas and the freedom to try them.
Until recently, perhaps the last 50 years, India lacked one or both of these essentials.
Louis Cohen
Minor in Economics; took classes from a Nobel laureateAuthor has 35.1K answers and 14.9M answer viewsSep 24
I'm going to guess at two possible cultural factors:
India had a huge population of low paid workers; they had no incentive to reduce costs by mechanizing
Indian culture and the caste system in particular was very much bound to tradition. Caste in pa was linked closely to occupations. Weaving was done by the weaver caste and no one would think of changing that
And of course they didn’t have steam engines to power the factories, until the British Raj brought them.
Jonathan Abarbanel
Citizen Who Has Voted In14 Presidential Elections. (1968–present)Author has 2.6K answers and 193.3K answer viewsSep 15
Because India had a super-abundance of cheap labor, much of it often working in conditions of exploitation and near-slavery (if not actual enslavement), not only at the hands of the British Raj but also under native rulers of immense wealth and power. Also, India was overwhelmingly an agrarian economy rather than a manufacturing economy.
Ian Tully
MA in History & Political Science, University of Dundee (Graduated 1975)Author has 728 answers and 84.7K answer viewsSep 15
It did not start in much of Europe either, despite a fairly widespread culture of scientific enquiry that embraced a surprisingly large number of “gentleman scholars" and even some ladies. It needed not only that spirit of enquiry but also the economic, commercial and material conditions to come together. Although the Netherlands was a leading commercial society it lacked many of the natural resources that fortuitously lie close to one another in Britain, plentiful rivers and streams, coal seams that originally were fairly accessible, some as in Fife emerging on the shore, iron deposits nearby. Ironically it was labour shortages that spurred some early inventions. Hand spng and weaving had reached it's limits, the skilled weavers were the Aristocracy of Labour, the Spng Jenny and Power Loom let the same work be done on a vastly greater scale by Workhouse “apprentice" children and women. The Weavers became redundant and many migrated. The way in which one development inspires the next is remarkable, big factories needed lots of craftsmen and engineers, workshops were on site, including foundries; the steam engine in the factory by the river inspires the steamship.
France was somewhat slower because labour was cheap and plentiful. The same might be said about India.
While India has many great rivers water power works best on quite small ones. India's coal is mostly poor quality brown coal or lignite which isn't in proxmity to iron ore deposits. Although there were scholars and scientists there was no culture of science in the gentry class, which itself was seriously weakened by the wars that eventually lead to British domination. Science tended to be a series of discrete discoveries when in Europe there was an increasing pace of one development leading to another.
Once Britain had a grip on much of India it pursued it's usual approach with it's colonies, including Ireland pre-1800, of suppressing competition and extracting raw materials for home production. It is largely post-Independence that many former Colonies industrialize, not only India but notably Malaysia and several African countries, often repatriating the production of finished materials from local resources such as jute in Bengal. Certainly Britain extracted a lot of wealth from India, but often that was the same wealth that had gone into the conspicuous consumption of the Ruling Class and rarely benefitted the mass of peasants, in many areas the living standards rose once the Game of Kings ceased. The history of those famous jewels is worth checking, they were always trophies the property of Kings. Emperors and Shahs often won in war, extracted as tribute, or exchanged as diplomatic gifts.
Clara B.
34-year old woman likes to read and watch what's possibleAuthor has 2.4K answers and 206.7K answer viewsSep 29
Lack of educated people in sufficient numbers is a possible answer. There was no middle class. India has a caste system. This makes development difficult. Some jobs are seen as unclean. There’s a specific category of outcasts. These aren’t conditions for industrial production. The number of intellectuals was small.
Dhanush Dhari Misra
Former Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT (ISM) DhanbadAuthor has 2.7K answers and 875.6K answer viewsSep 29
India could not start the industrial revolution because the Indians were busy to protect themselves from the numerous invaders and plunderers.
Every temple, palace, treasury, Gurukul etc. was the target of the invaders for plunder.
What industry can you start when every day hordes of plunderers are attacking your village, nearby villages and towns?
Kennii Pinker
Lives in Europe (1971–present)Author has 1.1K answers and 46.7K answer viewsSep 23
The wealth was in the hands of rulers of small independent states, there was no cohesion, forward vision, or innovation, and the people were divided by having many religions and differing social status. It took colonialists to introduce change,sadly, and that change was very slow and difficult.
Kevin Coleman
Former Unemployable, According to Four Naughty Daughters!Author has 1K answers and 33K answer viewsSep 20
Before the East-India Company was a major player in Hindustan, Hindustan was a major exporter of textiles, raw and finished. It’s a tragic and deeply disgraceful fact that everything that could be done to destroy the Indian textile industry, was done by the Company. I didn’t know about your figure of “around 25%”, but in at least one way, the Industrial Revolution did start in India.
Balachandran Krishnamoorty
Former Cost and Management Accountant at Self-EmploymentAuthor has 21.3K answers and 1.8M answer viewsSep 15
India has always been a land of artisans rather than mechanics. Even today, industry is being dominated by the MSME rather than the large scale organized sector. India believes in small is beautiful.
Freddie Chen
Agnostic. I am not wiriting the fact but what I know.Author has 6.9K answers and 2.1M answer viewsSep 25
Do not put strange expectation on such thing on an ancient physiocratic state.
That is why it did not start from ancient China either while ancient China was one of the richest country in most ancient time.
Industrial Revolution could only occur in mercantilist states.
Keith Stevenson
Former Retired Christian Missionary, Ex-PapuaAuthor has 5K answers and 827.2K answer viewsSep 20
The climate was too warm.
Those sorts of social revolutions generally start in cooler climates. Germany and England are cold enough to stimulate such ~ but not too cold, like Greenland.
John Tan
Former now actively Retired at IT and Systems EngineeringAutho
Look at the Europeans, they spent centuries stealing, killing and enslaving each other as a way of getting rich. & then they left Europe and did the same, including committing mass atrocities around the world. Example ….
The British also “faked” a series of famine in India in the 2nd half of the 19th century to maxmise India’s grain export, which killed an estimated 30M.
Roy Chambers
Author has 14.6K answers and 7.1M answer viewsFri
Being rich doesn’t mean you will be able to grow and innovate. The range of different factors that led to the industrial revolution in Europe didn’t exst in India or China. These were rich and highly efficient economies, with a great deal of internal trade, and for India, a great deal of external trade as well.
But in Europe, a growing interest in science and engineering, industries, such as the wool and textile industries were making certain areas of the economy rich, and a growing colonial power, plus a growing merchant class, which brought in vast resources, all helped this revolution. While India was a much more structured society, and without social mobility, there was less desire to pursue changes in a comfortable society.
Interestingly enough, by the end of the 19th century, India was the most industrialised country in the world. Indian people’s interest in basically doing business and making money, along with British contributions of technology, spurred an industrial revolution in India, until the British dismantled this.
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