What can the US do immediately to restore full confidence to the US dollar?
Confidence in a currency is usually influenced by a combination of economic, political, and social factors. Here are some actions that the US government and its central bank, the Federal Reserve, could take to address these factors and potentially restore confidence in the US dollar:
1.Implement sound fiscal and monetary policies: This includes balancing the federal budget, reducing government debt, and maintaining low inflation levels. The Federal Reserve could also continue to maintain its current monetary policy, which includes kee interest rates low to stimulate economic growth.
2.Promote stability and predictability: The US government could work to reduce political uncertainty, promote trade and investment, and maintain good relations with other countries. This would help to promote stability and predictability in the global economy, which can lead to increased confidence in the US dollar.
3.Increase transparency: The US government could be more transparent about its economic policies and provide regular updates on the state of the economy. This can help to build trust and confidence in the US dollar among investors and the public.
3. 提高透明度:美国政府可以提高其经济政策的透明度,并定期披露经济状况的最新信息。这有助于建立投资者和公众对美元的信任和信心。
4.Improve financial regulations: The US government could strengthen financial regulations to help prevent another financial crisis like the one that occurred in 2008. This would help to promote stability in the financial system and increase confidence in the US dollar.
4. 完善金融监管:美国政府可以加强金融监管,防止2008年金融危机再次发生。这有助于促进金融体系的稳定,增强人们对美元的信心。
5.Address social and environmental concerns: The US government could also work to address social and environmental concerns, such as income inequality, climate change, and healthcare. This would help to build trust and confidence in the US dollar among citizens and investors who are concerned about these issues.
These are just some of the actions that the US government and Federal Reserve could take to potentially restore confidence in the US dollar.
However, it is important to note that currency values are also affected by a wide range of global factors, including geopolitical tensions, economic growth in other countries, and changes in commodity prices.
George Tucker
There are a lot of answers, but really they boil down to one major thing: convince creditors that the U.S. will deliver on the terms of the debt contract. It’s easy to print money and let inflation devalue currency — and tempting to do this, because it’s SO cheap to pay back old debts with new money that’s worth less.
More concrete actions:
end deficit spending
balance the federal government’s budget ($6.27 trillion a year is just way too much)
make a plan that focuses some percentage of revenues on paying off old debts, so the total national debt goes down rather than up
or possibly end Nixon’s 1972 “temporary” departure from the gold standard… though $35/oz. is no longer anywhere near the market value of dollars, even letting people exchange their dollars for a microscopic amount of gold would be a gesture that demonstrates there’s something backing the dollar beyond faith
Li Pengii
You can’t.
It takes YEARS decades to build trust and confidence.
It takes moments to destroy that reputation.
Md Shihabul Islam
The US dollar is the world's dominant reserve currency, but it has faced some challenges in recent years. The Federal Reserve's easy monetary policy, rising budget deficits, and a slowing global recovery have weakened the dollar against other major currencies. To restore full confidence to the US dollar, the US government could take several steps, such as:
- Raising interest rates gradually and cautiously to attract more foreign investors and increase the returns on dollar-denominated assets, such as US government bonds.
- Reducing fiscal imbalances and ensuring long-term debt sustainability by implementing prudent spending and revenue policies.
- Supporting global economic growth and stability by cooperating with other countries on trade, energy, and security issues, and maintaining a strong and open US economy.
- Enhancing the supply and safety of dollar-denominated assets by issuing more Treasury securities with longer maturities and strengthening financial regulation and supervision.
- Promoting innovation and competitiveness in the US economy by investing in infrastructure, education, research, and development.
These steps could help boost the demand for and value of the US dollar, as well as reinforce its role as a store of value, a medium of exchange, and a unit of account in the global economy.
Alphons Ranner
It would be impossible and not advisable: to start negotiations regarding the restrictions on trade with China and Russia and address the unfair conditions to aid provided by the IMF and World Bank.
Roger Calven
Do house cleaning. Reinstate President Roosevelt’s Glass Steagall legislation that would eliminate all speculation in nonphysical asset instruments.
this would mean the necessary of all worthless paper promises carried into bankruptcy - clean house of fictitious paper assets, and stop the inflation now being use to pay off this worthless papers of no value..
Replace the privately owned Federal Reserve with a National Bank that Alexander Hamilton originally set up.
Use the legitimate part of the U.S. National Debt as an asset in the National Bank to issue credit for the physical development of our Infrastructure, agriculture, health care, education, industrial manufacturing and scientific funding into space adventures and into Fusion power coming on line.
Stop funding the military/industrial complex and the over 800 overseas military outposts.
Follow the proposals of Lyndon LaRouche - his 4 necessities listed above in the vernacular.
Join China's international development policy using their “Belt and Road Initiative”.
Break from the British Empires colonial system now in use in America.
遵循Lyndon LaRouche的建议——他列出了上面的4个必做事项。
Jack Smith
You mean like withdraw sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea? It's important to understand these countries, along with their trading partners, are being forced to use currency that is far less stable than the USD.
These countries could quickly return to stability by not invading their neighbors, not producing nuclear weapons, and not sponsoring terrorist attacks against the United States.
Steve Gee
Those days are gone. The rot set in during the 1960s when US overspending eventually led Nixon to unpeg from gold in 1971 to make everybody else foot the bill for the US indulgence.
From that point on it was just a matter of time before some US administration would abuse their “obscene privilege” of being the global reserve currency by printing USD to the moon and using that money to buy foreign goods, thereby exporting their inflation.
And the IMF’s regime of granting predatory debt to struggling nations in order to gain political influence is no secret any more (especially after the publication of The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man).
The national debt is so high the government is having to borrow more money pay the interest on it. The debt ceiling is a joke.
The banking system is on the verge of collapse.
The petrodollar is in the first stages of collapse.
After observing how the US has weaponized USD many nations are now de-dollarizing, and those dollars will flood back to the USA and inflation will flood back with them. The term “the full faith and credit of the US government” means nothing now. US citizens will eventuall have to face facts and acknowledge that the US hegemony is over. That dog don’t hunt no more.
James Allen
Economically, “release the hounds”. Something Biden and his socialists will never do. Until they are gone, the dollar will suffer, which they relish. A weak America is a controllable America. It’s all about power for them, at any price.
在经济上,“松开猎犬的绳子”。这是拜登和他的社 会主义者永远不愿意做的。等他们卸任时,美元将遭受严重损失,而这正是他们喜闻乐见的。一个疲软的美国才是一个可控的美国。对他们来说,一切都是为了自己的权力,他们会不惜一切代价。
Marshall Gittler
Are people concerned that the US dollar may lose a lot of value?
Why are they worried about the dollar collapsing? My guess would be because people selling gold and cryptocurrencies make money if they can convince people that the dollar is going to collapse and so they should put their money into gold and cryptocurrencies to protect it when the inevitable collapse comes.
Thus people who spend a lot of time surfing that part of the web get bombarded by people warning them that this collapse is imminent and they’re soon going to be rooting through garbage cans or living in a scene like “The Warriors” or “Escape from New York” if they don’t buy some alternative to money now.
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