

India not ‘emerging’ but a ‘resurgent’ power: Rajnath Singh


NEW DELHI: India is not an “emerging” but a “resurgent” power that is regaining its place on the global economic map, with the Modi government focusing on all sectors ranging from health, education and road transport to railways, defence and border infrastructure development, Union minister Rajnath Singh said during the Times Network India Economic Conclave 2023 on Friday.

Delivering the keynote address on the second day of the conclave, the defence minister quoted the famous ‘Spiderman’ dialogue that “with great power comes great responsibility” to stress that India’s responsibility will increase in sync with its rising global stature.



Noting the government was working to build a “developed” India by 2047, Singh said he envisioned an India that would ensure universal values like de ocracy, religious freedom, dignity and peace are established across the globe.

Underlining the need for India to also become a welfare state with a high standard of living, social harmony, gainful employment and equal participation of women in the development process, he said, “Together, let us dream of an India where people have the same feeling of nation building; where all Indians work together without any discrimination.”

In a developed India, political parties revolving around a person, family or caste should find no place. “Politics should be based on ideology and values… Our country should move forward on the path of credible politics. Criminalisation of politics should end,” Singh said.

辛格指出,印度政府正在努力在2047年前建设一个“发达”的印度,他说,他设想的印度将确保在全球范围内建立民 主、宗教自由、尊严与和平等普世价值观。






And India became resurgent power only in last 9 years! First control rampant corruption in defence.



K Sridhar
ACTIONS SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!!! Its all wonderful to hear of ideals rather than realities on the ground. Just one example is higher standards of living and gainful employment for the people. 1% of the population has cornered 40% of the countrys wealth and more and more of the middle class are being pushed into poverty by your skewed policies. Only the rich are become super rich. Where are the "gainful employment" for the millions who are unemployed?? Where is the "welfare state" for the millions of senior citizens who die in penury?? Whats the point of becoming the third richest economy in the world, when there is no "inclusive growth"?? Acche din seems to be only for the rich and "sabka sath, sabka vikas" have become only retorics!!!!!







只有富人才能过上好日子。而“sabka sath,sabka vikas”已经成为一句口号



Resurgent corruption and poverty. Even soldiers sit on the road for pension. Gap between rich and poor increased. read oxfam report. taxng common man and hel rich.




all this in 9 years, WOW!!!




He needs to showoff something to be seen relevant.



keep dreaming raju!



Gaana User

Come and see for yourself on cities how have been mismanaged and looted. Only corruption everywhere. You were selling dreams in the name of smart cities but see what is the status after spending so much of money.



Strategic Speaking

Yeah, we saw the power when trains collided in Odisha and claimed more than 200 lives...



Chandrasekaran S

ofcourse mr spineless. resurgence in medieval barabrism, lynching, rape, molestation, killing, ethnic cleansing, minorty bashing, burning of churches and mosques, b ull dozer demolitions, clearing of slums, malnutrition, joblessness, pvoerty, skyrocketing prices, . India indeed is resurgent but towards disaster and decay.

没骨气。中世纪巴拉布里斯主义死灰复燃、私刑、强奸、猥亵、杀戮、种族清洗、抨击少 数民族、推土机拆房子、贫民窟清理、营养不良、失业、暴力、物价飞涨。印度确实正在复兴,不过这个“复兴”的方向是走向灾难和衰退


Gaana User

Nonsense sick mind. Talk about the real problems and don't bring your hidden agenda.



Deep Bhanushali

Train accident kills 400 and india believes it's a superpower hypocrisy



I have been to india in 1999, 2009 and recently in 2022. The changes have been massive and the standard of living has greatly improved. Compared to my canada where I live, things are looking good for india.

Many of the Indian immigrants that have come to Canada have started talking about returning home. 10 years ago this was unthinkable





Compare to Pakistan India is an incredible success. A miraculous success. Compared to China, sadly despite an incredible recent success economically, India needs to attract much more foreign investment.





It makes me very happy to learn that India is seeing the end of its hard times. There is so much Human potential in that country.




I hope we Indians can also stand as equals with all of you so we can all strive for our collective prosperity



Ajay Kumar

I just hope India and china somehow stitch together by putting the differences aside. It will be an asian miracle if it happens. I visited china this year and it feels like more developed India with different race of people. I had always wondered while studying MS in US on why chinese resemble us. But after visiting china I realized that they have very similar value system as that of India. Family orientation, marriages, child bearing, schools, colleges, competition, way of life, etc etc are absolutely similar. There are differences as in the way the two countries function but as an individual I can relate a lot to chinese than any westerner. Hope the two gr8 civilizations get along somehow and make asia powerful.




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