

Will India be the the world's leading power in 2050?





Venkatanarayanan Ganapathi

A week feels like an eternity in politics. And 2050 is 27 years away. Not even a sane Astrologer would dare to predict. But what do we mean by ‘leading power’? Is it in the economic or military sense? The crystal ball is fogged up. We are living in a faster-than-you-can-imagine changing world and so, there are a lot of ifs and buts to my views:


1.     Militarily we are already a leading power with sufficient deterrent capabilities. But are we in a position to project our power beyond our shores like the US? Not yet. For that to happen, India needs to build its infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities. For that you need the political vision and will. And a huge amount of money. Which leads us to the next point

1.     军事上,我们已经是一个拥有足够威慑能力的军事大国了。但我们能像美国那样向海外施加军事影响力吗?还不行。要实现这一目标,印度需要建设基础设施和制造能力。印度需要有政治远见和坚定决心,以及一大笔资金。而这就引出下一个问题

2.     Economically, India is doing quite nicely, despite the buffetting we are getting due to the weakening rupee and increasing price of oil. But again, we need to do something quickly to reduce our vulnerability to shocks such as these. But let us look at the even bigger picture.

2.     经济上,印度的表现相当亮眼,虽然我们受到了卢比贬值和油价上涨的冲击。但同样,我们需要迅速采取行动,让自己在面对冲击时不那么脆弱。我们要着眼大局。

3.     India needs to invest much, much more in building its intellectual assets. Today, we rank 130 among 189 countries in terms of the Human Development Index. Norway was ranked first. So, you can see how much ground we have to cover. We need to spend much, much more on education healthcare and infrastructure, and work our butts off to narrow the huge development gaps that exst between states.

3.     印度必须加大投资,加强知识资产的建设。今天,印度的人类发展指数在189个国家中排名第130位。挪威排名第一。所以,我们还任重而道远。我们必须在教育、医疗和基础设施方面投入更多资金,努力缩小邦与邦之间的巨大发展差距。

Can India overcome these challenges by 2050? I think we have the capability. With political sagacity (which is not a small if) and will, and a not-too-hostile external environment, we should be able to get within striking distance of the number 1.





Ray Comeau

NO, and we are talking about economic power really. Military and soft power are just as elusive as economic.


India has huge internal issues to resolve for its development and I doubt 30 years is a long enough time frame for India, given little evidence at the moment that the government has any serious plans to tackle the biggest issues before it.

India is not growing at a rate that exceeds China’s. That type of result will not close the huge gap between the two.




India has a lot to rectify to get its economy towards the potential it has.

India is forecast to add some 400 million people over the next 30 years and if there is not work for them when they reach working age, it will add to India poverty roles.






Sivaram Krishnan

Consider the following leading countries. What areas do they excel in?


Russia – Energy, Military

Britain – Automobile, Finance, Aircraft

France – Cuisine, Aircraft, Fashion, Railways

Germany – Automobile, Chemicals, Manufacturing

Japan – Automobile, Electronics, Manufacturing, Railways

China – Electronics, Manufacturing, Textiles, Railways







Now, the same list for the US, the sole sup in 2018.

Energy, Automobile, Finance, Beverage, Aircraft, Entertainment, Software, Hardware, Chemicals, Manufacturing, Military, Education, Food, Textiles, Pharma, Media, Sports



What are the chances that India will become pre-eminent in as many of these sectors? Low.

If all the stars align, India can excel in the following:



Automobile - Assembly, manufacturing and some design

Food - Already one of the largest producers/consumers

Entertainment - Bollywood and it daughters





Manufacturing - If Make in India succeeds

Textiles - One of the powerhouses




Pharma - Largest producer of Generics

Sports - Cricket, hockey, Kabaddi

But pre-eminence is still far away……….







Kaizad Mistry

India got independence in 1947

By 2047 or 2050 India will manage to achieve 100% literacy and develope better infrastructure related to faster railways having all passanger trains running between 200 to 300 kmph old bullet train technology of Japan and other transportation such as having more airport seaport riverport expresshighways etc.



India would have good supply of electricity and complete electric vehicles. By 2050

So basically by 2047 or 2050 onwards India will manage to achieve population control and gradually become 100% educated and it will take atleast another 50 years more to become a super power



Even If India manages to control population growth caste reservations corruption and many other things. Then i think India can reach the same level of developed countries in 2097 .After 150 years of independence.

May be in my next birth if I am born in 2047 or 2050 again in India. I will be able to see it becoming a super power by 2097.






Jagabandhu Mishra

Reservation, caste based politics and bribe will put brakes on the fast development of India. The middle class will not grow as the upper class or the poor grow in India. Discontent will rise among middle class. Government will not be able to manage the discontent among the middle class. The farmers lobby will also create havoc in the name of farm loan waiver and free power.

The major problem may be high price of crude and fall of Rupee. If alternative sources are not established soon, the growth may slide down very sharp. The dream of crossing 3 trillion US Dollar GDP by 2020 may not happen. The population growth in lower strata and illegal migration may also halt the growth curve.

But India will remain a very important power in the next 200 years. No one can subdue India as done in the past. It may remain at number three, four or five. But India remains a force in the world in terms of economy and military power. The voice of India will be heard by all the top nations of the world. India may not dictate terms to all. But no one can dictate terms to India after 2025. 2050 is far to visualise. By that time India may be in the big league of the nations in the world.







Prabhakar Rallabhandi

India may not become the world leading power in 2050 but it will be certainly in top 3 and that should be enough for its future- assuming that the world has one post 2050


This is because there is at present a lot of gap between US,China and India in terms of GDP and GDP per capita . Even with growth rates moderating in US and China and assuming > 5% growth in India( 2030–50) ,this gap is too big to be bridged. The demographic advantage that India has at present over the other major economies is not enough to overcome this .

我这么说,是因为目前美国、中国和印度在GDP和人均GDP方面存在很大差距。就算美国和中国的增长率放缓,就算印度(2030 - 2050年)能保持5%以上的增长率,这一差距短期内也无法弥合。印度目前相对于其他主要经济体的人口优势也尚不足以弥补如此大的差距。

But there are also several riders which can affect prosperity of different countries and Global warming is the most serious . No one knows which country will be submerged by melting of glaciers and when and how the rain and weather pattern of the world will be impacted due to global warming . We should hope that the world will not head for apocalypse and mass destruction due to global warming





Ernest W. Adams


Is India a world power? If it is not now, will it become one in the future? If so, approxmately when will it?


It’s getting there, but it has enough internal problems to prevent it from flexng its muscles abroad. Also, the never-ending hassle over J&K and the border with China keep it distracted from other things.

If India can resolve its endemic poverty and raise its standard of living and its literacy rate, it will be a world power. At the moment it is a regional power.

I suspect it will take another 50 years.







Akshay Sandu


What will be the future of India by 2050?

India will be second largest economy after china in 2050.

India’s GDP will share total 16% of Cumulative global GDP growth between 2016 and 2050.




(1.) The world economy could more than double in size by 2050, far outstrip population growth, due to continued technology-driven productivity improvements

(2.) Emerging markets (E7) could grow around twice as fast as advanced economies (G7) on average

(1) 到2050年,世界经济规模可能会增加一倍以上,远远超过人口增长,原因是技术推动生产率不断提高

(2) 新兴市场(E7)的平均增长速度可能是发达经济体(G7)的两倍

As a result, six of the seven largest economies in the world are projected to be emerging economies in 2050 led by China (1st), India (2nd) and Indonesia (4th).


The US could be down to third place in the global GDP rankings while the EU27’s share of world GDP could fall below 10% by 2050.


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