

Are Chinese more intelligent than Indians? Tell me without comparing India and China as countries.




China - World Leader.

Indians are always concerned with what or who is more better and/or much gooder. Chinese when praised always protest in modesty.

So if you ask this question off of the Chinese, the Chinese will say modestly that they are hardly more intelligent than the Indians.

If you ask this question off of the Indians, the Indians will say, of course they are more better and much gooder than the Chinese.

You draw your own conclusions.








Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam


Is it because Chinese are more intelligent than Indians that China develops faster than India?

My son used to tell me when he used to do MS in the US about the difference between Indian Students and the Chinese students

The Chinese spend all their time in understanding the fundamentals. Without understanding the basic fundamentals, they dont take the next step. They are much slower in the begng and take a long time to understand the very basics of any principle, and then slowly they evolve their understanding.




Once they have done so - any way any question is twisted - they can handle it because they understand the underlying concept.

That is why they are so good in Engineering especially in Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering

Meanwhile the Indians would rather spend time to work out the basics and practice more questions and work harder. The Average Indian would prefer solving problems and learning from the solutions and evolving their understanding




This means they cannot handle u turn s in questions and falter

However this also means they are pretty good when it comes to Business Studies or MBA or Business management which is all about evolving on the spot and learning through similar solutions

The Ideal company would be one where the Research work was done by the Chinese and the Marketing and Business Strategy done by the Indians. It would mint money.







on Diplomacy & Warfare

It’s incredibly hard to even fathom such an answer.

No matter which answer, it can be the right answer.

Individual intelligence is not measured by nation GDP

China has 6x India GDP. Does it mean China is smarter? Maybe, as a whole country, they did something right. Economic performance is the result of so many things. Majority, it’s the government policies that allow people to prosper. Individuals alone can’t achieve very much without the support of the government.





Maybe the most intelligent people on Earth is Afghanistan. But tumultuous history of political upheaval, foreign interference, the people would be lucky just to stay alive, let alone challenging peaceful countries with high GDP.

10% Talent 90% Hard-work

We hear this a lot. But in this case, it does not mean to insinuate anyone is lazy.





It means without proper space to grow, IQ is useless. These are provided by opportunities. Opportunities to be properly educated, opportunities to be employed, opportunities to work in prestigious fields, opportunities to maxmize one’s potential.

China has 96.8% of literacy rate, while India has 74.4%. This speaks volumes to how much more opportunities Chinese people are afforded comparing to Indian people (not a measure of who is smarter).



I can be the best surgeon the world has never seen. But if I didn’t have an opportunity to go to medical school, I would be clueless as a surgeon. My supposed natural infinity toward medical field probably helps me bandage a wound better, but that’s it. The dumbest doctor still outperforms the smartest shaman by far in term of medicine.


But who is smarter?

IQ measures your score on a test against the averages of everyone else taking that test. It tells you how good someone is at answering certain types of questions, as compared with others. Thus, it's not about an absolute intelligence, but relative intelligence.

IQ is probably the only tool to measure intelligence, and it’s probably not that accurate either. You having higher IQ point than others are essentially bragging rights. You can’t write that on your CV/resume to stand out. The guy with more experience and other credentials will take the job from you.




Successful people just rise to the occasion utilizing their core competency.

The Mongols were a bunch of homeless people, so to speak. They knew to ride horses and shoot arrows. Then one day they found great opportunities using their skills. They nearly conquered the entire world.

Mongols won not because they measured higher on the IQ chart, but because they exploited their core competency to the fullest to advance themselves. Plenty peoples far more developed than Mongols lost at warfare, which was the crucial measure of domination at the time.

Mongols did this with great leadership. The success of a people does not fall on how high IQ they have, but how competent their leaders are at exploiting their own core competency.








Sahadevan Dhulipatti

M erased much backward cultural thinking of Chinese. And since then, all rulers of China have focused on mordernizing and creating wealth for China.

India on the other hand has been ruled for the most part by morons who advocate cow urine for ailments. It has been ruled by people who exploit divisions among people for political gains. Many Indians still believe in superstitions and rambling words of nomads in deserts who lived thousand years ago.

Indians need a rational thought process free from superstitions and religious dogma.








Jon Vanizwial

I think the two are very smart in different ways. Indians are more communicative and friendly and sometimes funny, and team workers. And one thing that’s so smart about them is their speed, lol. They talk at a speed of about 1.5x, study at a speed of about 2x, and learn very quickly. I did a physics lab with an Indian guy, he read the whole 3 page instructions in 1 minute, set up the laboratory, then did the tests, and then did the calculations, And turned in his lab. Idk if he just time stops or slows down time. It’s not because he’s smart in physics, but he’s just so quick in everything. We were also taking a world history class together. There was a whole novel of about 600 pages to be read. We were in the library studying. I was reading out it, and I was like at page 5, and he was almost done with the whole book. He raps through the pages. And he’s reading well too, with a good understanding. And he’s not American and English is new to him while I lived my whole life with English.





Comparing this with Chinese, Chinese are more of enjoyed learners and don’t study for graduation or GPA, or for the job market, like Indians do. Indians are company people, while Chinese are more of research and University people. They go slowly, and study extensively about a certain topic, until they master it. They still plan their time well though. The big difference between Chinese and Indians is that Chinese favor knowledge a lot. The way they study is as if all books are going to somehow be wiped out and removed or burned. And they will be responsible to have that knowledge to pass it down, and rewrite again, so it won’t be lost for ever until it’s rediscovered.







Sandeep Deshpande

Intelligence is a double edged sword. IQ test calculates only one type of intelligence, that too done at speed. A person maybe intelligent in maths and logic, but bit slower. He may outshine a higher IQ person over the long term. So measuring intelligence is a bit problematic. Also there are various types of intelligence, not just maths and logic related. Having said that, average Chinese is definitely more productive than an average Indian and the GDP figures reflect that. There is no getting away with that. Indians need to work hard and catch up with China. I would say more than anyone else, it is Indians themselves who let down Indians in the name of caste, religion and the very high taxes which crimp growth of economy. Also Indians are very inward looking, probably due to insecurity and don't care much about making their products and services globally competitive (except a few areas like software engineering, cricket where Indians compete and do well against the best in the world).





I would not say Indians are less intelligent. It is more of a cultural thing, in which India and Indians need to improve.



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