

Is it true that Nehru rejected a permanent seat offered to India in the UN Security Council by The US, and if so, why did Nehru do so, and if not, from whence is this rumor derived?




Dr. Balaji Viswanathan


What was the rationale behind Jawaharlal Nehru rejecting UNSC seat and offering it to China?

There was never a firm offer. That was a mere tease that would have never happened - once proposed by the Soviet Union and once by the United States. The issue is far more complicated than the simplistic statements that is claimed on this. that Here is a recent paper on this based on a Phd dissertation that was done on this topic



Sashi Tharoor - an expert on both Congress party and United Nations also wrote a detailed account on this: `Nehru declined offer of permanent U.N. seat'

While I’m not a big fan of Nehru, I don’t think he was stupid either. He took fairly shrewd moves here. And I don’t know of any respectable analyst who have both researched this issue and faulted Nehru for this.



Let me attempt to summarize that paper:

There were two vague offers - one by the US in 1950 and one by the Soviet Union in 1955. The US “offer” came around the time when took China as a republic. The Soviet Union “offer” came around the time of Nehru’s landmark visit to USSR that built the Indo-USSR friendship.

Both the cases were about India getting the UNSC seat in place of China whose seat was given to a renegade ROC government. In both cases, the superpowers feared China for their own reasons.

Both the vague offers were fairly kneejerk affairs. The first by fear and second from euphoria. They were never followed through.

Nehru still wanted the UNSC seat, just not at the cost of China’s seat.






Since the US and USSR didn’t simultaneously offer anything, India had no chance of getting through. Had India shook US hands in 1950, the Soviets would have vetoed and had India shook USSR hands in 1955, US would have vetoed. The bigger powers were interested in their own games and would not have let India into the club without being sure that it will side them in conflict. There was no way India could have sided both US and USSR.


While there was near zero chance for getting through even if Nehru had said yes to the initial proposal, there were plenty of risks:

Offend China and bring the eventual 1962 war a lot sooner.

Destroy India’s reputation as a nation with a principled foreign policy.

Lose independence in foreign policy and become a pawn of one of the superpowers.





Thus, there was no upside [no chance of getting the UNSC], but plenty of downsides by merely accepting the initial proposal. In short, Nehru received vague proposals, but immediately realized that these were not real offers but traps to get India into a bigger game.





Vikram Yashashvi


What was the rationale behind Jawaharlal Nehru rejecting UNSC seat and offering it to China?

On 27th September 1955, Jawaharlal Nehru apprised the Lok Sabha on the issue.

Nehru denied that he ever received an offer of UNSC seat, neither formal, nor informal.

Nehru clarified that vague references that had appeared in press on the issue had no foundation in fact.





Furthermore he enlightened everyone that composition of security council has been prescribed by the UN charter, so no offer can be made to India or anyone without amending the UN charter! Thus there is no truth of an offer being made or him declining it.

The great man Nehru himself clarified this 6 decades ago, I hope people should understand that what is said and accepted on the floor of Lok Sabha is not up for debate and confusion decades later. Especially when Nehru had provided a lucid and logical response.






Phil DiNuzzo


What are some reasons why India gave up UNSC seat to China?

The answer may lie in the fact that The People's Republic of China did not have a seat in 1955, that permanent seat on the UNSC was held by the Republic of China since 1945, starting in the midst of the Chinese Civil War and extending to  until 1971.



US-ROC relations were not warm in 1955, in part due to what the ROC viewed as woefully insufficient US support for retaking the mainland. It's conceivable that the US would have recommended excluding the small island nation of Taiwan from the UNSC, seeing as it had virtually no hopes of retaking the mainland and . Similarly, the Soviet Union had no love for the ROC, seeing as they had supported the PRC and had fairly warm relations with mainland China prior to the 1960 Sino-Soviet split.


Given this context, it would have made sense for both superpowers to support an end to the ROC's permanent seat in favor of a more legitimate world power.

Soviet-Indian relations were also warm at the time, to the chagrin of mainland China. US-Indian relations were tepid but not hostile. As a leader of the non-aligned movement and as a de ocracy with strong socialist tendencies, it didn't mesh well ideologically with the superpowers, but tended to get along well enough.



Having read a lot about the UN (many years ago) I can't recall learning anything about a serious attempt to get India a permanent UNSC seat in place of the ROC. But given the circumstances explained above, it's certainly conceivable, and since it never happened, it's also conceivable that this anecdote is mostly lost to the dustbins.


As to why India would forgo a seat, I can only speculate. India was a new sovereign nation in 1955 with extensive border disputes and internal conflict. It had fought it's first war with Pakistan in 1947, followed by Operation Polo in 1948 where the Indian invaded one of its own states. Over the following years and decades India would fight many more skirmishes and wars with Pakistan and China over border disputes, as well as internal disputes. Simply put, India had bigger concerns, and the UN wouldn't be much help in it's ongoing border wars.


India was also a driving force behind the creation of the Non-Aligned Movement, which was championed by India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as early as 1954. While the NAM was generally supportive of the UN, it disliked the overbearing influence the US had on the organization and considered itself to be a more representative component of the UN. I'm not sure that attitude had actually developed by 1955, but I do know Nehru himself support the UN and wished to see India as a permanent member of the UNSC, which is in complete contradiction of the Washington Post's claim.


I just found this 2004 article from The Hindu which gives the original source of the Washington Post cited factoid.


To get just a little more speculative, I'd suggest that there was indeed controversy over which China should hold the seat by 1955, and perhaps whether or not India should instead get the seat. But it does seem like a stretch to imagine an internationalist like Nehru would turn down a chance to establish his newborn nation as a permanent power broker in the United Nations.





Achal Gautam

There was never a formal offer by America. Nehru himself said on the floor of Parliament that “There has been no offer, formal or informal, of this kind. Some vague references have appeared in the press about it, which have no foundation in fact.”


Let us assume for a moment that America had given informal offer to India to join Security council as permanent member in place of China and Nehru rejected it. What would have been pre-condition of this offer ?

· Joining American led western Alliance. Buying American & British Arms.

· Solving the Kashmir issue. West was more favorable to Pakistan on Kashmir issue at that time.

· Minimizing contacts with Soviet Union & China.

· Stop support to freedom movement in Asia & Africa






Nehru also had a soft corner towards c and he hated western colonial power and he was too ideal person in international diplomacy.



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