

As an American, what irks you the most about Indian Americans?




Mark Rigotti

As an American, what irks you the most about Indian Americans?

A2A - Well since my neighbors are from India….

1 - They use too much Curry when they barbeque.

2 - They tend to be overly polite. Very similar to Canadians.

3 - They always tend to the appearance of their landsca… Making mine look like shit.

Please note that this is based on my next door neighbor ONLY.










Donna Caudill


What are some things that Indians (in the US) do which Americans find annoying?


I’m an American, and not saying everyone from India is like this, but for whatever it might be worth to you…


1.     When speaking English, several Indians I’ve known put the emphasis on the wrong syllable, so it is very difficult for an American to understand. And please, SLOW DOWN when you talk. When it comes to having a conversation, if one person cannot understand the other, both lose.

2.     Just because you like spicy, heavily seasoned food doesn’t mean everyone else does. My food preferences are considered a bit bland even by American standards (I don’t like hot sauce on Mexcan food, for example). If someone does not share your food preferences, it doesn’t mean they are “wrong”, it means they just don’t like the same food you do, and that’s ok.

1.     我认识的几个印度人在说英语的时候,会把重音放错音节,所以美国人很难理解。说话的时候请放慢一点。如果一个人听不懂另一个人说话,彼此都会很茫然。

2.     你们印度人喜欢辛辣、重口味的食物,但并不意味着其他人也喜欢。就算按照美国人的标准,我的口味也比较淡(我不喜欢在墨西哥食物上加辣酱)。如果别人不喜欢你们的食物,这并不意味着他们“有问题”,他们只是不喜欢和你们一样的食物,很正常。

3.     Outside of a job interview, bragging about yourself (grades, schools you attended, your salary, and so on) is usually considered rude.

4.     Asking people personal questions that are none of your business is considered rude. (And we Americans have a VERY long list of things that are not considered to be other people’s business, lol.)

3.     在面试之外的场合吹嘘自己(分数、就读学校、薪水等等)通常会被别人认为行事粗鲁。

4.     向别人打探与你无关的私人问题是一种无礼的行为。(我们美国人通常会有一长串隐私问题,哈哈。)

5.     Outside of work, expecting us to particularly care (let alone live our lives by) what other people think of us is asking to be disappointed. Most of us believe in abiding by the law, but other than that, we do pretty much whatever we want when we are not at work. A long time ago back in Europe, the ancestors of most white Americans did not like it that people were trying to force them to live in ways they didn’t want. Our ancestors wanted to live as they wished to live, not as others thought they should — that’s why so many of them left Europe and came to America in the first place. We, their descendants, carry forth the same line of thinking in our personal lives, and in this way are no less individualistic and stubborn than our ancestors were.

5.     在工作之外,期望我们特别关心别人对我们的看法(更不用说生活方面了)就是自寻烦恼。我们大多数人都相信遵守法律,但除此之外,我们在工作以外的时间可以做任何我们想做的事。在很久以前的欧洲,大多数美国白人的祖先就不喜欢别人强迫他们以他们不想要的方式生活。我们的祖先希望按照自己的意愿生活,不愿听从别人的想法——这就是他们中的许多人从欧洲来到美国的原因。我们作为他们的后代,在个人生活中也秉承与你无关的着同样的想法。

6.     (corollary to #5) What your mother/aunt/grandfather/whomever thinks of how we conduct our personal lives is something of absolutely no interest to us. A lot of us don’t even care what our own mothers/aunts/grandfathers/etc. think about how we live, so what makes you think we will care about the opinions of yours?

6.     (紧接着第5条)我们对母亲/姑姑/祖父/任何人对我们个人生活的看法完全不在乎。我们中的许多人甚至也不关心自己的母亲/阿姨/祖父/等等。想想我们美国人是怎么生活的,你们印度人凭什么认为我们会在意你们的意见?

7.     (Corollary to #5 and #6) In America, when someone seriously disagrees with how another law-abiding citizen is conducting their personal lives, we have a specific way of handling it. Rather than attempting to lecture, shame, or browbeat the person whose choices they disagree with into living a different way, the disapproving person will respond by minimizing the social contact they have with the person they do not like. This is one of the major reasons why it is possible for most Americans to live relatively peaceful lives, in spite of how individualistic and stubborn we are.

7.     (紧接着第5条和第6条)在美国,如果我们对另一个守法公民的个人生活方式严重不满,我们有特别的处理方式。我们不会试图通过说教、羞辱或恐吓的方式,让别人改变生活方式,相反,我们只会减少和这种人的社会接触。这就是大多数美国人过着相对平静的生活的主要原因之一。

8.     Don’t go around all the time saying negative, judgmental things behind other people’s backs at work. Although some Americans do have the unfortunate habit of gossi, those people are usually not trusted. They are also considered to be “drama” and “desperate for attention”. It is important to refrain from negative, gossipy behaviors at work, because in some cases it can make the difference between being promoted and not.

8.     在工作中别总是别人背后说些消极负面、评头论足的话。虽然有些美国人也喜欢八卦,但这些人不会得到别人的信任。大家也觉得他们是“戏精”、“渴望得到关注”。在工作中避免消极、八卦的行为,这一点很重要,因为在某些情况下,这可能会决定你能否得到晋升。

9.     Maybe in India, it is considered normal to shout and push while waiting in lines. In America it is considered very rude, as everyone is supposed to be equal here.

10.   Please do not use too much cologne or perfume. People shouldn’t be able to smell where you’ve been half an hour after you’ve departed. It is eye-watering, to be in an elevator with someone who wears it so heavily.

9.     也许在印度,排队时吵吵嚷嚷、推推搡搡也很正常,但在美国这是非常粗鲁的行为,这里人人平等。

10.   请不要喷太多古龙水或香水。不该让别人在你离开半小时后还能闻到你的香水味。跟喷了太多香水的人同乘电梯,眼睛都会被熏坏。

11.   In most situations, outside of purchasing very expensive items (a house, car, etc.) we don’t haggle much. If you don’t like the price of a box of cereal (for example) in a given store, you don’t attempt to haggle with the poor checkout girl, who likely has no control over the prices anyway. You simply go to a different store which sells that cereal more cheaply. If enough people do this, the first store will not be able to sell much of that cereal, and the decision makers at that store will have to lower the price of that cereal accordingly, if they expect to sell any.

11.   在大多数情况下,除了购买非常昂贵的东西(房子,汽车等),我们一般不会讨价还价。例如,如果你认为某家商店里麦片的价格不满意,你也不会试图和可怜的收银员讨价还价,因为她可能根本无力改价。你去另一家麦片价格更低的商店买就是了。如果很多人都这么做,那么第一家商店就的麦片卖不动,老板就不得不降价了。

12.   Unless you are their doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer, or such, it is best not to make any comment to someone about their bodies or eating habits that could be construed as judgmental or negative. This is a verbal minefield, especially with women. If you think they are too fat, or eat too much, or eat the “wrong” food, or whatever, while you’re entitled to your opinion, it is best if you keep it to yourself.

12.   除非你是医生、营养师、私人教练,否则最好不要对别人的身体或饮食习惯发表任何可能被误会的负面评论。这是语言的雷区,尤其是对女人更是如此。如果你觉得别人太胖了,或者吃得太多了,或者吃了“不健康”的食物,虽然你有权发表意见,但最好还是别说话了。




Brent Willems


Do Americans hate Indian immigrants?

No, I don’t think there is hatred but there is frustration for the following reasons.

Companies like Infosys, Wipro, HCL, and Tata have a history of providing Indian workers at a lower wage, that compete directly with American based IT outsourcing companies.




Additionally, the number one topic among most Indians working in the US, is the green card. On day one of their employment in America I have seen Indians walking into HR, or talking to their boss, about how soon they can start the GC process. There is no proven track record that says this person can contribute effectively within the company, but they want to be here permanently starting day one.

Also, slowly but surely the Indian culture is changing the US, and it is very evident in some places, more so than others. Indians want to bring their culture, practices, build temples, cultural centers and celebrate their holidays. All this is fine but remember that this is not India any more and moving here should also mean embracing the American way of life.






John Macaulay


What should all Americans know about Indian Americans?

That they are all different.

Unfortunately, there is a wide held stereotype that Indians are one of the following: women with saris, men with turbans, 7–Eleven workers, etc. What is forgotten is just how much diversity there is in India and in the larger subcontinent. While at an Indian restaurant not too far from where I live, there were Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, South Indians, North Indians and of least a few Indian languages being spoken like Gujarati and Hindi. This amazing variety is just a taste of the Indian diaspora in America.

In addition, Americans should now just how much Indian Americans contribute to society.

It is not just in these high profile places. Indian Americans can be found in virtually every sector of the American economy and are some of the most highly educated immigrants in the country.



但美国人对印度人有一种普遍的刻板印象,认为印度人要么是穿纱丽的女人,戴头巾的男人,或者7 - 11的员工等。但大家都忘了,印度和印度次大陆拥有极其丰富的多样性。在我家附近的一家印度餐馆里,就有MSL、锡克教徒、印度教徒、基督教徒、南印度人、北印度人,至少他们说好几种印度语言,比如古吉拉特语和印地语。






Ramindeep Singh


Is it true that Indian Americans make most of their friends with other Indian Americans?


The US may be diverse but it is highly self segregated. Almost every group tends to stick to their “own kind”. California is 60% non white but you have towns that are all white. Other towns are heavily East Asian and Indian. Other towns are mostly Mexcan and other Latino. Other towns are mostly Black. There is very little interaction between Americans of different ethnicities other than in three areas I can think of: (1) the military; (2) freshmen dorms in university; and (3) the workplace where people are basically forced to talk to each other.

The US has tons of racial tension and it’s hard for minorities to socialize, date and have “normal” lives without befriending their own ethnic group. That’s just a fact of life. If you are non white and spend your entire life trying to fit in with whites you are going to probably have a struggle.



此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 作为一个美国人,印度裔美国人最让你讨厌的地方是什么
