

In what ways will a 33 trillion national debt affect the United States and ultimately the whole world?




Bill Chen

The “national debt”’ of America isn’t 33 trillion.

That’s merely the debt owed by the federal government, which primarily taxes income, and funds with shortfall by issuing treasury bonds.

There is another set of government debt that is completely separate. State and local governments tax property, and fund the shortfall by issuing municipal bonds.

The total outstanding today is 33 (treasuries) + 4 (munis) = 37 trillion.

That’s 37, followed by 12 zeroes, or 14 figures.




现在未偿债券的总额是33(国债)+ 4(市政债券)= 37万亿。


How big is 37 trillion, relatively speaking?

It is more than 75% of the combined GDP of the world’s top 5 global economies: US, China, Japan, Germany, India, totaling ~3.5b in population.

It is more than 85% of the combined GDP of the rest, the >180 nations outside the big 5 club. That includes all of the first world beyond the US, japan and Germany. That’s 4.5b people.

America has a population of ~330m.





It takes the annual economic output of a population that’s an order of magnitude larger to repay the debt owed by the American government. Note this does not include unfunded liabilities, and private debt from households and corporations.

This is far and away the greatest threat to global financial security, on sole account of size.






United States of America

History shows that once an enormous debt has been incurred by a nation, there are only two ways to solve it: one is simply to declare bankruptcy – repudiate the debt. The other is to inflate the currency and thus to destroy the wealth of the ordinary citizen.

Adam Smith






United States of America

it will mean higher taxes for all Americans and a lower standard of living. At 5% interest it will cost each and every American $5000/year. Thank you Democrats! It is potentially more than the Democrat inflation tax we are paying now.

it means that govt has wasted $30 trillion of our money or $90,000 for each person in America. Imagine what each American could have done with that money. Instead it was used by Democrats to solve “real” problems, but oddly the problems are now worse than ever and so Democrats are calling for more huge tax increases yet again.


这意味着政府浪费了30万亿美元的钱,或者说每个美国人浪费了9万美元。想想每个美国人能用这些钱做什么。可惜,这些钱被民*党用来解决“真正的”问题,但很奇怪,现在的问题比以往任何时候都更糟糕,所以民 主党又在说要大幅增税的事了。




Jon’s political corner

We will be in a worldwide depression before 2024. We will be so far into it that even a total Republican takeover will not be able to fix it. And when they can't fix it, they will be blamed for it.





The African American perspective


Almost all of that debt is owned by Americans, who find it supportable. In fact, our debt is in tremendous demand, both domestically and internationally.

Most of the debt is just investments we have made for future development. And war-making, which was deemed a responsible investment at the time.







Citizen Kain

There are $33T in timed payout savings accounts. The interest on those savings accounts (securities) will increase the money supply, almost exclusively in areas of the economy that have extremely low velocity or productivity. Other than that, not really anything will be affected. The public sector debt is not something borrowed and is not a funding mechanism. Those are popular misconceptions.





M Mesmer

Don’t worry the national debt only needs to be paid back in FRN’s. Just like your mortgage if you are lucky enough to have one. Ask any homeowner, inflation is a gift. The real problem arises when we ask the Chinese to continue to invest in U.S. government debt notes. Private persons aren’t allowed to use a collection of credit cards to “pay” each others monthly mininium due. Only big finance and national banks are privileged to play that game.





Steven Mak

As long as the US can maintain the USD hegemony, it will be fine. However, with recent sanctions against Russia, other countries are thinking about the alternative.





Marl Reds

I think America has one of the smallest national debt / per capita GDP ratios of any nation in the world. Further, the debt is denominated in United States dollars, the value of which we all known Biden if rapidly devaluing. That said, I sure as hell don’t want him as my president.





James H.

“When will United States’ 20 trillion-dollar debt be paid?”

It is being paid. The United States is constantly paying its debt.

The government borrows money by issuing bonds. The investors/bondholders are paid interest and when the bond matures the bondholders are paid the principal.

The investors/bondholders depend on the interest payments, and depend on the full repayment of the principal. Government bonds are low-yield investments but they're an extremely safe place to park your money.




The Social Security trust fund is made primarily of these bonds.

These bonds are used to keep foreign governments and foreign markets interested in kee large stocks of the US dollar on hand, which assists in kee the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.

We don't ever want to eliminate the debt completely, as these bonds perform functions which are important to the economy in general and to private individuals.

The answer to your question, “When will United States’ 20 trillion-dollar debt be paid?” is both always and never.








Ken M


Is the national debt of the United States good debt or bad debt?

BAD debt. It’s BAD debt because it is debt used to pay the day to day bills.

It’s used to buy weapons and bomb other countries. In short there is no pay off to the debt.

Good…or better debt is when you get into debt to build infrastructure or some sort of investment that creates economic opportunity or cost savings later on. There’s a saying about Build roads and they will come (prosperity).








Paul Sutton


How big a problem is the US national debt?


First, the size of the debt and where it sits.

The total debt is about $21 Trillion. Of that some $5.5 Trillion or so is owed to Social Security (>$4 Trillion) and other intragovernmental agencies, leaving us about $16 Trillion.

Of that $16 Trillion, over $9 Trillion is held in US pension funds, ETFs, Mutual Funds, and so on, with some $6 Trillion owed to foreign governments (sovereign funds), roughly $1 Trillion to China, $1.1 Trillion to Japan, and the rest in increments of less than $500 Billion to other foreign holders.

So, if we default, we screw Americans, mostly. So I’m guessing that defaulting isn’t in our best interests.


美国国债大约5.5万亿美元是欠社会保障(> 4万亿美元)和其他政府间机构的,剩下还有大约16万亿美元。



While some like to blame Keynesian economics for the debt they seem to forget that while Keynes advocated deficit spending to get an economy out of the doldrums he also advocated that when the economy had recovered they should pay their debts down. Obviously, the debts owed Social Security, Medicare, and other agencies won’t go away. During the Clinton years 80% of the debt then was owed to Social Security, and the actual amount owed to Social Security hasn’t changed substantially in 20 years.


The problem? Republican administrations, specifically Bush 43 and Trump, have made the assumption that in order to make themselves look good, they put the emphasis on “growing the economy” while growing the debt. The main complaint about the Obama years was that “GDP growth wasn’t accelerating as fast as it could,” at least according to Trump. However, since Trump took office, his first budget deficit is larger than almost any Obama year, and in 2019 will exceed every Obama year.

So, we vote for politicians who promise prosperity while financing it with increasing amounts of debt. As some have pointed out, like with Russia, debt isn’t a problem until it is.



And now we want to engage in an arms race with China in a way not dissimilar to the arms race Russia got into with the US. In the end, the outcome is obvious. With four times our population, and with a GDP that will eventually dwarf the US, the US is engaging in a contest that will eventually bankrupt us if carried forward at a similar pace. We get the government we deserve. Maybe if we just stifle the macho nonsense and think strategically we’ll begin to assimilate ourselves into the global community instead of trying to dominate it. Your choice.


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