

Is Vietnam the Korea of Southeast Asia?





Asuma Ryu

This question is best answer in a non-serious way. Is Vietnam the Korea of SEA? Yes, it was during the 50s and 70s of last century thanks to the Korea war: both were divided, North backed by commie block while the South by the Us and Co. Before and after that period? It’s like saying Korea is the Argentina of South America.





Azhar Azmi

In what way? In economic, military, technology adoption, innovation and production, soft power? Please specify your question.

In terms of the size of economy, South Korea is the third largest economy in Northeast Asia. As of 2020, Vietnam was the third largest economy in Southeast Asia but that was just because Malaysia, the Philippines and to a certain extent, Singapore, was hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, it is expected that the Philippines will jump back to the third spot, Malaysia and Singapore taking the fourth or fifth spots, ahead of Vietnam.



In terms of GDP per capita, South Korea is the second largest in Northeast Asia after Japan, if you don't take into account Hong Kong and Macao. Vietnam is far below in the rank in Southeast Asia in terms of GDP per capita, with Singapore leading the rank, followed by Brunei, Malaysia and Thailand.

I don't want to compare in terms of military power because that is quite arbitrary.

Technology? South Korea is a global leader. Vietnam is just a low cost manufacturing base. Think of Vietnam as China was 40 years ago. It is just a sweatshop.

Soft power? South Korea is again a global leader with K Pop. The best cultural exports that Vietnam has is pho.




就软实力方面而言?韩国凭借K - Pop引领全球,而越南最好的文化出口就是越南米粉。




Thanh Tuong

Vietnam is Vietnam ourselves. No need to be attach to any other countries to share their glory or success. This is a simple answer for this dum.b question. And Korea is not very advanced compare to Vietnam at all. Don’t look at last 50 years ago till now, look at thousand years ago till now.






In the past, Vietnam was defeating Chinese armies of more than 200,000 men while Korea was spending their time being a Chinese lapdog.

Vietnam has unified their country (alone) while Korea has been divided into North and South Korea (even with heavy foreign support). Vietnam is confident in defending its own land, even when there’s a huge China to the north.



South Korea has no authority over their own land. They had to pay $3 billion annually to be protected by American soldiers. Without American soldiers, North Korea would have long unified the country.

North Korea also has no authority over its land. North Korea is literally a Chinese lapdog. Without China, North Korea would have been unified by South Korea.

Despite having kicked out the French, kicked out the Americans, defeated the Chinese, replaced the Khmer Rouge, and been embargoed by the world, Vietnam has developed independently without the help of the USA or any rich countries.




South Korea has to heavily rely on the US and its allies to fund its economy. South Korea became rich as mercenaries paid by the Americans to fight in Vietnam and by providing prostitutes to American soldiers.

North Korea, even with heavy Chinese support, is among the poorest nations on earth. They are only able to survive with Chinese support.

Comparing Korea to Vietnam is extremely disrespectful to Vietnam. Vietnam has always strived for freedom, was built up without extensive foreign support, wasn’t anyone’s lapdog, unified the country, and didn't need anyone to help defend.







Love Yourself

Vietnam will always be the Vietnam of Southeast Asia as it has been for thousands of years.





Lucia Millar

Question: Is Vietnam the Korea of Southeast Asia?

Answer: I would say No because Vietnam is Vietnam of Southeast Asia. However, some people often link Vietnam to the so-called Great East Asian Cultural Sphere/Sinoshpere of China or/and Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere of the Japanese Empire which both Korea and Vietnam are supposed to be members.



The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (Dai-tō-a Kyōeiken) was a concept created and promulgated during the Shōwa era by the government and military of the Empire of Japan. It represented the desire to create a self-sufficient bloc of Asian nations led by the Japanese and free of Western powers. The Japanese Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe planned the Sphere in 1940 in an attempt to create a Great East Asia, comprising Japan, Manchukuo, China, and parts of Southeast Asia, that would, according to imperial propaganda, establish a new international order seeking ‘co prosperity’ for Asian countries



Both Vietnam and Korea had been divided into both temporary parts -North Vietnam-South Vietnam, North Korea-South Korea. However, after 1975, Vietnam has been reunified but Korea has been still divided. Therefore, Vietnam would not be the Korea of Southeast Asia.





Tim Tran


Why does Vietnam locate in Southeast Asia but belongs to the East Asia culture sphere instead of the Southeast Asia culture sphere?


What's Southeast Asia cultural sphere? Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia are part of Indic cultural sphere. Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia are part of Islamic cultural sphere. Philippines is part of Hispanic cultural sphere. Singapore is a mixture of multiple spheres.

Where's the Southeast Asia cultural sphere?

Southeast Asia has never had a singular United cultural identity. The only reason it's called Southeast Asia is due to geography, not culture. The United States is part of the European cultural sphere, but it's in North America.








I would say no. In general if there is such thing as the Korea of Southeast Asia, I would say it is either Thailand or Malaysia.





William Lebotschy

In a way yes. It has a poor system of government, but a very inventive population . The country could be fa better if it's economy was not managed by unqualified politicians. So the government , is reminiscent of that if N Korea, but it's people can perform like the South Koreans.






In terms of economy, cultural influence or what?

One trait it has in common with Korea is highly xenophobic






Nadhiya Athaide


How come Vietnam didn't become more like North Korea is now?


In simple words, After Vietnam’s border wars with Cambodia and China, the country nearly went bankrupt and starved under the USA’s embargo. As such, a sense of concern/frustration was growing among the political elite

Vietnam gave in and essentially said “Ok hey, we’ll stop our occupation , but you have to invest in Vietnam and fix our economy” and what followed from the ’90s onwards was rapid economic development that completely transformed Vietnam.

Vietnam toda  Its economic system functions like any other capitalist country.



今天的越南,的经济制度已经和其他资 本主义国家一样了。




Huyen Nguyen


How come Vietnam didn't become more like North Korea is now?


While I could not find the GDP data for Vietnam before 1983, it is correct that North Vietnam and North Korea used to be at a very similar level of development. While hard numbers are difficult to find, if you look at the images of North Vietnam in the 70s and 80s, you can safely say it used to be one of the poorest countries in the world, not unlike NK today. War destruction, isolation and disastrous economic policies left the country in ruins. (see my answer for more details: Huyen Nguyen's answer to How crippling are U.S. sanctions on other nation's economies throughout history?)


But since the 1980s, the two countries have completely diverged in their paths:




Now we have NK still being an almost completely closed off country on the one hand and Vietnam boasting one of the highest growth rates and a dynamic economy on the other (I acknowledge Vietnam’s plenty of development issues but still infinitely better than it once was and NK).

These days, Vietnam occasionally sends food aid to North Korea. As unde cratic as Vietnam still is, one can only hope North Korea will follow through the reforms and emulate what Vietnam did.



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