

Why are Latin American countries still poor?




André de Souza

Chile cannot be considered a poor country. Guyana grew 67% last year due to oil revenues. Uruguay and Paraguay are countries with a good quality of life for simple people. Argentina and Brazil have their problems, but they are still the largest countries in South America. Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America - it designs and manufactures planes, helicopters and submarines! It is already assembling Grippen fighters with support from Sweden. There is a Space Agency. In a few years, space rockets and satellites will be made using indigenous technology. And there is Mexco, which borders the USA and is becoming the Economic Machine of North America. So, it makes no sense to call Latin America "poor", given that poverty is a human issue and exsts even in countries called "First World" and must be combated so that people can succeed in life on their own merits.

In fact, the Latin American problem is the distribution of wealth.

Trillions of Dollars in the Hands of Oligarchs.

And this is the real problem...









David Terron

It is a long story. To summarize, here we go to begin “Colonialism” in Countries like Spain, the UK, France, and the USA. Stealing the Natural Resources of third-world countries and not doing anything to help them. That’s why central America is migrating to the USA took advantage of them, and now the USA is complaining about the invasion, but they don’t remember these countries make them rich.

这说来话长。总而言之,那就是我们开始在西班牙、英国、法国和美国等国家进行“殖民 主义”了。这些国家窃取第三世界国家的自然资源,从未提供过任何帮助。这就是中美洲移民到美国的原因,现在美国在对外来者的入侵抱怨不已,但他们早已忘了是这些国家让他们变得富有。




George Williams

Catholicism dominates Latin America — birth control is not in use. The way to become desperately poor is to have a baby out of wedlock, marry young and have a child before getting any kind of education. That’s why 4,000,000 Latin Americans have come to the US illegally—total lack of birth control. Their own countries economies can’t sustain them, so they come to the US as wage slaves, knowing that they will always get substandard pay, because their illegal entry prevents them from ever applying for citizenship or residency. An illegal alien working for $4 and is ho to get a green card is like Henry VIII’s illegitimate son expecting to become king.


Slavery in the US was ended over 155 years ago, but the wealthy owners of labor-intensive businesses want them back. So the political parties, both controlled y wealthy donors, have discovered a back door to bring back slavery.

So when underorivileged Americans, which include Blacks, go looking for work, they are told there is no opening for anyone who isn,TVs de facto slave.

The most lucrative business in Latin America is overpopulating in order to send slaves to the US who will wire money back to their relatives.







Aion Biabia

The only countries in Latin America that are dirt poor are:

Honduras (Ravaged by violence, corruption, climate change) Mostly a tiny country with only 3 million people.

Haiti (No need to explain)

Cuba (co sm)

Venezuela (was rich, became poor due to com unism)

The largest countries in Latin America are actually pretty good.







Out of 198 countries out there, Latin America’s five largest rank as follows:

Brazil 9th largest economy on earth, human development index : High.

Mexco 14th largest economy on earth, human development index : High.

Argentina 21th largest economy on earth, human dev. index : Very High.

Colombia 33rd largest economy on earth, human dev. index : High.

Peru 41st largest economy on earth, human dev. index : High.







Out of 198 countries, occupying the top 25% of the world’s largest economies is hardly being poor.

Latin America overall is richer than Africa, than all of the middle East except for the oil rich oil kingdoms, than all of Asia outside Japan, south Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. Than India, Pakistan and all of Central Asia.

The question is, why are there so many latin Americans that are poor. That is due to the legacy of colonialism, the race caste, slavery, white supremacy.







Ian Thompson

Why are Spain and Italy less wealthy than their neighbours, why was the Irish Republic in trouble before they realised that by changing the tax system they could attract huge international companies. Remember it's not their hard work that's made the nation rich, individuals are not that wealthy.


The Problem is the Roman Catholic Church. It doesn't seem to be lack of work, some work realy hard, something in society as a whole is making the nations less well off. Do they give a lot of money to the Church? I don't know. But Protestant nations tend to be quite wealthy. Perhaps people are less independent and more inclined to do as they are told.





Batool Fatima

The question of why some Latin American countries continue to face economic challenges and poverty is complex and multifaceted. It's important to note that not all Latin American countries are equally poor, and the region has a wide range of economic and social conditions. However, several common factors contribute to economic struggles in many Latin American nations:


1.Historical Factors: The legacy of colonization and centuries of exploitation by European powers, which often extracted resources and wealth from the region, has left a lasting impact. Many Latin American countries were subjected to unequal trade relationships, and their economies were structured to benefit the colonial powers.


2.Political Instability: Political instability, frequent changes in leadership, and a history of dic ships in some countries have hindered economic development. Instability can lead to inconsistent economic policies and a lack of long-term planning.


3.Corruption: Corruption is a widespread issue in some Latin American countries, leading to misallocation of resources, a lack of accountability, and a negative impact on economic development. Corrupt practices can undermine the rule of law and discourage foreign investment.


4.Income Inequality: High levels of income inequality can exacerbate poverty. Many Latin American countries have extreme disparities in wealth distribution, with a small elite controlling a significant portion of the resources and opportunities.


5.Dependence on Commodity Exports: Several Latin American countries heavily rely on the export of commodities like oil, minerals, and agricultural products. These economies are vulnerable to fluctuations in global commodity prices, which can lead to economic instability.


6.Debt and Economic Crises: Latin American countries have experienced debt crises and financial instability in the past. The burden of servicing debt can divert resources away from critical social programs and infrastructure development.


7.Limited Access to Quality Education and Healthcare: Unequal access to education and healthcare can perpetuate poverty. High-quality education and healthcare are essential for human capital development and economic productivity.


8.Infrastructure and Technology Gaps: Inadequate infrastructure and technology gaps can hinder economic growth. Investments in infrastructure and technology are often insufficient, affecting productivity and competitiveness.


9.Geopolitical Factors: Geopolitical factors, including international trade agreements, foreign aid, and political influence from global powers, can impact economic development in the region.


10.Cultural and Social Factors: Cultural factors and societal norms can influence economic development. Issues like discrimination, lack of gender equality, and social exclusion can contribute to poverty.


It's important to recognize that there is a great deal of diversity among Latin American countries, and some have made significant progress in addressing these challenges. Countries like Chile, Brazil, and Mexco have made strides in economic development, while others continue to face significant hurdles. The solutions to poverty and economic challenges in Latin America are complex and require a combination of policy reforms, good governance, and international cooperation.





David Mcdowell

Because the bit of North America between Mexco and Canada rapes their natural resources so rich men can own it's politicians.

Just look at the sanctions imposed on Cuba and Venezuela if you try and look after your own resources.






Rosina L. Wachtel

Actually, out of 200+ countries rated Brazil is the 8th economy in the world and Mexco the 14th; hardly “poor”.





Gina Creedon

Lots of studies have been done to figure that out, and most of them have come up with 3 main reasons: 1. Very unequal distribution of land results in a situation where small farmers have no credit to increase efficiency, and large ones have no incentive to do so, because the wages of agricultural workers are VERY low. 2. this leads to great disparities of wealth and societal tensions, and finally 3. Corruption and inequality before the law resulting from disparity of wealth impairs stability and productivity.





Jonathan Goslan

I have a very simple answer. Spanish speaking people seem to naturally tend towards socialism. It is an inherently unstable ideology which corrupts quickly and prevents the establishment of competence hierarchies. Today, Spain has now voted in a socialist government. It seems they never learn.

我有一个很简单的答案。说西班牙语的人似乎天生喜欢社会主义。这是一种内在不稳定的意识形态,它会加速腐败,并妨碍精英等级的建立。西班牙现在选举产生了社 会主义政府。他们似乎从不吸取教训。

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