

Is it true that as long as the US has such strong allies in Asia as Japan, India, South Korea, etc., China's actions will always be limited?




John Wong

The countries listed above are all facing severe growth problems: Japan and S Korea in their automobile and semi-conductor industries and even ‘balance of trade’. India is still to “fulfill its (ambitious) dreams” and try to attract more FDI’s as many are ‘leaving’/suffering.

I think China will always face “attempts to limit (China)” rather than “be limited”.

It is true that China is not “suitable” for hegemony since it has countries like Russia and India and the US backed Japan as neighbours and therefore China has no such plan to ‘Rule the World’, like some countries such as the US and India etc. I think that’s a clever choice. Trying to make friends rather than try to rule over them is a wiser move.






E. Garcia

As far as I know India is not a military ally but an ideological one. I can see QUAD turning into a military alliance if China continues to push around the countries in QUAD. Japan and South Korea are military allies and are likely to remain so. China is more assertive than ever and claiming SCS territories by building artificial islands. This has forced the Philippines and Japan to invite the US to build new military bases, Vietnam and other south East Asian countries to seek closer ties with the U.S. So in summary it looks like China’s actions are likely to be limited as don’t have a strong ally in the area.






The presence of strong U.S. allies in Asia, such as Japan, India, and South Korea, can indeed influence and limit China's actions in the region to some extent. The relationships and alliances between these countries and the United States create a network of partnerships that can act as a counterbalance to China's influence.


Strong U.S. alliances can act as a deterrence factor against aggressive actions by China. The knowledge that an attack or aggressive behavior could trigger a response from the United States and its allies can serve as a deterrent.

The United States and its allies have significant economic influence in the region. This can be used as a diplomatic tool to address issues related to trade, investment, and economic cooperation with China.






John Tan

That’s a load of BS that the propaganda loves to portray.


The reality is that, yes, Japan is a puppet state of the US. In a betrayal of Asia, the US let Class A war Criminals like Nobusuke Kishi escape the Tokto War Crimes Tribunal. Kishi was one of those who approved the attack on Pearl Harbour, he was also known as the “Terror of Manchuria”, who started the “Comfort Woman” system that made many women in Asia the sex slaves of the Japanese Imperial Army, and for establishing Unit 731, a Biological warfare research unit that did experiments on living humans, including children, & US POWs.


No body from Unit 731 was ever prosecuted, they got away in exchange for letting the US have all their experimental data. Kishi himself was never brought before the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, something he was eternally grateful to the US for, & the US found their perfect puppet. In 1955, Kishi formed the Japan Democratic Party, which became the Liberal Democrtic Party (LDP) which ruled Japan for much of the post WW2 years, including the present government. (Yes, it is like having ex Nazi Party members establish a new political party that ended up ruling Germany). Kishi became Prime Miister in 1957 & it was he who signed the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty which led to the massive 1960 Anpo protests, which were the largest protests in Japan's modern history as it basically surrendered Japan’s sovereignty to the US, and made Japan totally dependent on the US for it’s defense.

731部队的相关人员从未被起诉过,他们都逃脱了制裁,而交换条件是把所有实验数据移交给美国。岸信介本人从未被提交到东京战争罪法庭,他永远感谢美国,美国也找到了他们完美的傀儡。1955年,岸信介成立了日本民 主党,后来成了自由民 主党,在二战后的大部分时间里统治着日本,包括现任政府。(没错,这就像前纳粹党成员建立新的政党,最终统治德国)。岸信介于1957年成为日本首相,正是他签署了美日安保条约,导致了1960年大规模的安浦抗议活动,这是日本现代史上最大的抗议活动,因为这个条约基本上把日本的主权让渡给了美国,日本自此完全依赖美国的保护。

This was how, in 1988, when the US realised they were not going to win the technology race with Japan, that they were able to get a very compliant Japanese Government to get Japanese industries to sniffle the ability of their companies to invent & innovate quickly. This, together with the Plaza Accord, contributed to Japan’s 30+ year recession.

Remember, Japan never apologised or admitted to their WW2 atrocities all over Asia, which is the reason why Asia never recognised Japan as the regional leader even when Japan was the world’s 2nd largest economy.



Many of the class A war criminals have their remains interned in the Yasukuni Shrine, and many of the LDP elites, including cabinet ministers, would visit that shrine regilarly to pay their respects to those war criminals. Which draws much protest from the rest of Asia. (Imagine the European reaction if members of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union were to pay regular respect by visiting the graves of people like Hermann Göring, or Heinrich Himmler)

许多甲级战犯的遗体被安置在靖国神社,包括内阁大臣在内的许多自民党精英都会定期参拜靖国神社,向这些战犯表示敬意。这引发了亚洲其他国家的强烈抗议。(想象一下,如果德国基督教民 主联盟的成员定期参拜赫尔曼或海因里希·希姆莱等人的坟墓,欧洲会作何反应)

& for those who thinks that was the Japan of the past, realise that as a result of stiffling their own industries in 1988, many politicians as well as industrialist like Akio Morita, Sony’s founder, wrote a “book” (more a white paper), called “A Japan that can say NO” (to the US). And this includes getting out of being totally dependent on the US for Japan’s defense, & changing their “Peace Constitution” which forbids Japan from having their own Armed Forces. And as Japan re-builds it’s own Army, Navy & Airforce, this has caused discomfort in much of Asia.


The person most responsible for the re-arming of Japan was their previous Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, who was assasinated by someone who thought he was linked to the far right religious “Unification Church”. As many Japanese are wary about far right politics, this was serious enough to make the present Prime Minister, Kishida, to make every key LDP & Cabinet member to declare their relationship with the Unification Church.

There are grounds for that suspicion. Shinzo Abe is well known for his admiration of Nobusuke Kishi, after all, Kishi was his maternal grandfather.



In Conclusion, there is still that element in Japan who are willing to be puppets of the US. But it also looks as if there are those who wants to be able to say NO to the US. And. of course, Japan would have to be mindful as to their relationship with the rest of Asia who would not be accepting of a resurrected Imperial Japan.


As to India, India will do what is in the best interest of India, and analyst has warned that the US should not assume they will side with the US in any conflict with China

As to Korea, that is left to be seen. I remember reading somewhere that there are more Korean foreign students in China today then there are in the US.. Don’t forget, China has never invaded Korea in the last 2500 years, except when the US was too close to it’s border. And hstorically, China had always gotten on well with previous Korean Dynasties.






Pher Kimhuat

Unlike the US and its lapdog allies are still having those “cowboy hooligan & war-mongering” mentality to cowardly establish more military pacts like NATO, Five Eyes, Quad, Aukus, etc which are actually “politically motivated gangsterism” to create more unrests, tensions and then escalated to wars at other countries' doorsteps far away from US to further enrich US’s politically influential, powerful and wealthy defence industry - Military Industrial Complex at the expense of others' lives and livelihood, China is always consistent with her non-alliance policy in this 21st century to be extremely sick of wars to focus on economy and infrastructure development.


It all boils down to the cunning, evil and wicked full of warmongering and killer instinct US doing its utmost in fear of China’s rise to use its three most faithful lapdogs and nearest neighbours of China i.e. Japan, India and South Korea in Asia to antagonise and disrupt the stability of China.

It’s important for US to face the harsh reality to accept that China today is no longer the weak and corrupted China in the 19th century suffered from ‘’century of humiliation” to be easily walkover and succumb to unreasonable and unfair political pressure and treatment in using whatever dirty political plots to contain China in fear of China’s rise.






Eric Wang

So far, nothing suggests that’s the case. China will continue on its course to rise no matter what.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度看中国 » 是不是只要美国在亚洲有日本、印度、韩国等强大的盟友,就能制约中国的行动
