What are wrong in China but many Chinese people get used to them and they don't know that they are wrong?
Q-X Sun
Many Chinese people lack modern citizenship.
What I am referring to here is not Western concepts such as "liberal and de ocracy", but the awareness of "how to protect yourself from the government and society."
many Chinese people are not alert to privacy leaks, fraud, etc.
Just like American families usually own a gun, Chinese people should also learn to protect themselves. For example, you can have multiple non-mainland Chinese bank accounts to accept commissions or remittances from overseas (so that you don't need to convert USD into RMB). You can register a company in a small Caribbean country to enjoy some of China’s preferential policies. Note that this is legal behavior
The wording of this question is typical white trash american sentence structure. LOL
What are wrong in usa but many white trash americans get used to them…I’ll name one thing…
The routine mass shootings. China doesn’t have those.
Alan Williams
My response is ‘There’s issues in your head and you need get them untangled before you make silly comments about other peaceful developinf countries who are building a good quality of life, excellent alsmost free national healthcare and education system.’
Attend some schools and unis in China. Many have English language pograms (the Chinese / foreign lecturer speaks only English during lessons) It will blow your mind.
Wenxang Chen
1. For anyone, using piracy is a common behavior
2. It is considered normal for a person to go out late at night
3. Let young children wear open crotch pants to expose their lower body
4. When getting married, men need to provide cars, houses, money, and women don't need anything
5. Confusing one's superiors with one's elders
6. leniency towards the elderly
1. 对中国人而言,盗版很正常
2. 深夜外出很正常
3. 给幼儿穿开裆裤,露出下半身
4. 结婚时,男人需要提供车、房子、钱,而女人什么都不需要
5. 把上级和长辈混为一谈
6. 善待老年人
7. The police are more willing to let both sides stop arguing than to clarify their rights and wrongs
8. The police will go to the home of suspect, and people often attack the police with their fists because both the police and people know that the other person does not have a gun.
9. Believing that China is not a developed, prosperous, and powerful country
10. Believing that everyone in China is developed, prosperous, and powerful.
11. Believing that ethnic minorities and Han Chinese have the same moral level and ideological consciousness
7. 警察更希望双方停止争吵,而不是厘清谁是谁非。
8. 警察会去嫌疑人的家,人们会对警察动手,因为警察和人们都知道对方没有枪。
9. 认为中国不是一个发达、富裕、强大的国家
10. 相信每个中国人都发达、富裕、强大。
11. 认为少 数民族与汉族都具有相同的道德水平和思想觉悟
12. Believing that China is a peaceful country
14.Minority ethnic groups are good at dancing and singing
15. Religion can coexst peacefully. Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam advise people to be peaceful and kind.
12. 相信中国是一个和平的国家
14. 少 数民族能歌善舞
15. 各个宗教可以和平共处。佛教、基督教和YSL教都建议人们要和平、善良。
Peter Kaye
You know how dumb this is? Who say what is is wrong? And what is right? By whose criteria? What’s wrong for you, might be right for millions of others in the world, so maybe they don’t know it’s wrong, because it isn’t wrong for them? Each country has its own rules and regulations as to what is right or wrong, like the gun laws in the US compared to the rest of the world, so what’s right for the US is wrong for the rest of the world? Also you should change “ are “ for IS.
Goodi Shang
Many Chinese people lack safety awareness.
In China, society is in a state of security. Girls can walk alone on the street late at night. Property will not be lost in public places. The police can serve themselves at any time.
Abroad, Chinese people often overlook the exstence of danger.
Kevin Anderson
. the interpretation of Chinese history,
. foot binding,
. eunuchs,
. harems in the Court of the Emperor,
. Traditional Chinese Medicine,
. Confucianism,
. Daoism (Taoism),
. ethnicity,
. materialism vs. idealism (as two opposing philosophical traditions),
. people with Han ethnicity here at QUORA who praise the china but who don’t live in China,
. capitalism
. 对中国历史的解读
. 缠足
. 太监
. 皇帝的后宫
. 中医
. 儒家思想
. 道教(道教)
. 种族
. 唯物主义和唯心主义(两种对立的哲学传统)
. QUORA上那些赞扬中国但不住在中国的汉族人
. 资 本主义
What is right and wrong with regard to these issues, above?
In China, is it allowed to ask these questions and to seek the opinions of editors, scientists, economists, trade union leaders, etc.?
PS. Here in Australia, many of these issues, above - as they relate to Australia - have been settled.
About 2 weeks ago, there was a national referendum to alter the Constitution - every adult was eligible to vote.
The Federal Minister for Science and Technology has Albanian ancestry.
All pharmaceuticals sold by chemists (and similar) have to by approved following a lengthy examination and testing process.
The Armed Forces are at the direction of the (Federal) Minister for Defence, and the Government of the day, and not a political party.
AngRy Minority Kingdom
Everything is wrong. Chinese language , Chinese voices are annoying for non-chinese. Chinese has dominating attitudes, like Muslims. Chinese is smart but super dumb in learning to adapt to the bigger world especially Indo-European languages. Chinese is super opportunistic and grossly threatening to the world by their greed and ambitions. Chinese is materialistic and money worship. Chinese is super sly and deceitful can never be trusted. Chinese backstabber. Chinese spread and colonize. Chinese crocodile tears. Chinese is childish, tacky, and super ugly by DNA. Chinese don't respect people, don't respect hygiene, spit and clear throat everywhere. Burp everywhere. Snot everywhere. Chinese eat disgusting animals. Chinese fake and degrade all products
Kenneth Lim
There are different wrong doing in all countries, USA, UK, India etc with no exception. As ordinary citizens, why do we bother about the wrong doings that are not affecting our living? Do not assume we know more than the Chinese in China.We can have our different wrong doings duo to our circumstance but we till move on with our way of living, no interfering with others.
David Xu
Originally Answered: What are the things that Chinese is collectively doing wrong?
Chinese makes up literally 20% of the world population. Which is more people than the USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, and Oceania combined.
To ask what are the things that Chinese is collectively doing wrong is like asking what are the things that the entire western world is collectively doing wrong.
And whenever you are asking questions like this, you have to also state by who's standard? Because something considered wrong by the west may be perfectly acceptable in the Chinese culture, and vice versa.
Vincent Cheok
I am Chinese and I am a very proud Chinese but collectively, and that include me, for I am 'family' and equally should share and take the blame :-
(1) I am ashamed of the level of corruption
(2) I am ashamed of the lack of mutual and public concern for a clean and pollution free environment.
(1) 我为腐败现象感到羞耻
(2) 我为公众对环境污染的漠然而感到羞愧。
(3) I am ashamed of the way we expect our children to excel academically, by hook or by crook, taking away their childhood, and in our expectation of wishing them to succeed where we have not, by taking away their right to choose what what they love to do and be. In this modern world, it is wrong for us to want them to be what we want them to be rather than what they themselves would like to be.
(3) 我们期望孩子在学业上出类拔萃,用尽手段,剥夺了他们的童年,我们期望他们在我们没有成功的地方取得成功,剥夺了他们对于自己喜欢做什么、想成为什么样的人的选择权利,我为这种方式感到羞愧。
(4) I am ashamed of the way we have caught the Western disease of enjoying the good things in life, luxury and branded name clothes and attire, getting egoistic and self-centred and self-conscious; and in the process forget the hardships and sacrifices of our ancestors, their frugality and working more than enjoying.
(4) 我为我们染上了西方的毛病而感到羞愧:享受生活中的美好事物,奢侈品和名牌服装,我们变得自私、自我、自负;在这个过程中,我们忘记了祖先的艰辛和牺牲,他们勤俭节俭、勤劳工作,很少享受生活。
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