Are the Chinese people living in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore different from each other?
Annie Ruth Harrison (夏安)
I’ll do you one better. Chinese people within the same county are different from each other. But I’ll also humor you and tell you that yes, Chinese people in three different countries are definitely different from each other.
Chinese people in Indonesia were forced to assimilate. They were not allowed to keep their family names (well, it was strongly suggested that they not keep them) but they were creative in making new names that are still distinctive of Chinese lineage. They did assimilate in language. Most of them speak Bahasa Indonesia.
Chinese in Singapore make up over 75% of the country’s population. They lost a lot of their dialects due to Lee Kuan Yew’s “Speak English” campaign, but the younger generation learn Mandarin in school. They’re a mixture of Chinese culture and Western influence. They are extremely hardworking and driven to succeed.
Chinese in Malaysia were not forced to assimilate. They’ve been allowed to keep their vernacular schools and while they learn Bahasa Malayu, they also speak Mandarin, dialects, or English. They make up about 20% of the population and they do very well in the business sector. However, many of them feel frustrated with privileges afforded to the ethnic Malay and resent that they must work harder for the same university education slots, pay more for land, or work harder for the same business contracts. Still, they’ve managed to excel over several generations and they are proud Malaysian citizens.
They’re all very different but yet have a common background and heritage.
John McEnany
Let me qualify myself by stating that I lived in the 3 countries before and well-acquainted with the Chinese communities there.
If you do a DNA test, they would all have the same results. The biggest set of differences between each other is the degree of assimilation to their respective countries and adherence to Chinese culture. It can be summarised as follows:-
Indonesian Chinese: they forget that they are Chinese, unless some right-wing nut reminds them. They are very well assimilated to the mainstream Indonesian culture. They speak Bahasa Indonesia like a boss, even within their family members. Not many can speak any dialect of Chinese. The give-away is their looks. They retain their ethnic Chinese physical features due to avoidance of inter-racial marriages.
Malaysian Chinese: they retain much of their culture, including language, food and religious customs. They even go to their own schools. Nearly all can speak at least one Chinese dialect. They are NOT assimilated to the mainstream Malay culture, except on some exceptions in food. Whether this “failed” assimilation is the result of failed government policies or the society themselves, is open for debate and beyond the scope of this topic.
Singapore Chinese: They are the dominant race in Singapore with nearly 80% of the population being Chinese. There is no question of assimilation because they are the dominant race since the inception of modern Singapore. However, due to decades of Westernisation, the majority cannot speak Mandarin fluently. However, they do retain many of the Chinese customs and culture. They think themselves as Singaporeans, first and foremost.
In conclusion, physically all 3 look identical but behave differently to their culture and country.
No historical violence against Chinese Filipinos in modern times. The most obvious difference. Unlike Indonesia and Malaysia where there have been relatively recent anti-Chinese riots in the past.
No religious difference. Unlike Indonesia and Malaysia where the Chinese minority are usually Buddhists or Protestants while the majority of the population is Muslim, in the Philippines almost all Chinese Filipinos are Catholics (EDIT: and other Christian denominations), like the native population. Only 2% of Chinese Filipinos are Buddhist.
Better integration. Chinese Filipinos speak the local languages in addition to English. They’re also largely Filipino in terms of customs and mindsets. In comparison to Indonesia and Malaysia where they are more isolated.
In terms of their mother tongue, Chinese Filipinos overwhelmingly speak Philippine Hokkien, a unique local dialect of Hokkien that evolved within the Philippines. Although this is increasingly restricted only to older generations. Younger Chinese Filipinos have the local languages or English as their mother tongue.
Intermarriage with non-Chinese families is common, especially as Spanish attitudes towards the Chinese became more relaxed in the 1800s. Though the richer Chinese Filipino families still tend to marry other Chinese Filipino families, it isn’t taboo to marry someone of a different ethnic background, unlike in other overseas Chinese communities.
There is no legal racial discrimination, unlike the Bumiputera of Malaysia which favor native Muslims. As long as you’re a Filipino citizen, regardless of your descent or religion, you have full rights. (Though it should be mentioned that foreigners, regardless of origin, can not fully own land in the Philippines).
Most importantly, they identify as Filipino first. Not Chinese. It would actually be pretty difficult to tell who the native Austronesians are and who are of Chinese descent in the Philippines without knowing their family names. And even then, some may have Chinese-derived surnames but have zero or very little traces of Chinese customs because it originated from a very old family that has long been nativized by intermarriage. This is especially true for pre-1900s Chinese Filipino surnames which don’t even look Chinese anymore because they are multi-syllable like Lacson, Dizon, Ongpin, Gokongwei, Pempengco, etc. These families are almost always already mixed Chinese-Filipino-Spanish.
20世纪前抵达菲律宾的华人家族尤其如此,他们的姓氏甚至看起来已经不像中国姓氏了,已经演变成多音节发音了,比如Lacson, Dizon, Ongpin, Gokongwei, penpengco等。这些家族几乎都是华裔、菲律宾裔和西班牙裔的混血儿。
Bear in mind that these answers do NOT apply to the more recent Chinese immigrants to the country (past 10 years or so), most of whom do not bother speaking the local languages, look down on the natives, and still hold primary allegiance to China.
They have been the target of animosity in recent years because of China’s actions with their “9-dash line” claim as well as their own refusal to integrate and the fact that they’re primarily here to set up Chinese-owned gambling businesses (and thus bring in organized crime with them, like human trafficking).
Jeff Lee ( 李 国 耀 )
I really have great respect for MLG Chan who post his/her artcile on the above content. This is the first time I read on such good description of Chinese in PH.
I shall add something in peculiar
Malaysian Chinese are not oppressed or suppressed as often stigmatized by some western writers (usually pro-western propaganda)
Malaysia allows “Chinese Schools” in the educational system but the main medium is still Malay as the National Language and in main core subjects.
Yes, there is still poor integration because of so many cultures, religions, races and languages.
Yes, there is some deprivation of “rights” esp to educational and business opportunities which is normal in most Countries.
Due to lack of opportunities, it actually makes the Malaysian Chinese more hardworking, more resilient, more resourceful to become more independent and successful.
Jeff Lee ( 李 国 耀 )
I am a Malaysian Chinese age 65, lived in Singapore, Northern Thailand before. By laws I am not suppose to speak on racial lines as most of Chinese History is slowly erased from the country’s educational system same as in Indonesia and in Thailand.
Forced Assimilation by changing of name and erasure of ethnicity in official docs.
Thailand :- Predominantly a Thai Buddhist Country. Chinese Settlers from China have similar religious culture in the form of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, so the impact of the forced assimilation is negligible.
Indonesia - Predominantly a Islamic Country so the forced assimilation has a profound impact.
Both countries are losing their Chinese ethnicity and culture at a very rapid rate.
There is very little difference between SG Chinese and MY Chinese. When SG was formed in 9th Aug 1965, there were mass emigration of Chinese from the neighbor state of Johor (did people know that the island of Singapura belongs to the now Johor State once upon a time?).
With the passage of time (1965- 2019), culturally there are slight differences as the evolution of these two countries is noticeable.
Before I proceed further I shall give personal definitions of two terms
a) ethnic cleansing
b) racial riots
Indonesia have elements of ethnic cleansing in the past, not only to Chinese.
There are both ethnic cleansing and racial riots in different parts of Mynamar now.
There are racial riots in Malaysia and Thailand in the last century but the Governments does not acknowledge it and sweep into the closet.
Singapore is spared because of good multiracial governance.
I would leave the Philippines part for your input.
A) 种族清洗
B) 种族骚乱
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