Are Indians and Chinese equal?
Terrence Manning
Both Indians and Chinese are unique in their own ways, with distinct cultures, histories, and contributions to the world. It's important to recognize and respect these differences instead of trying to compare and label them as equal or unequal. Equality is a complex concept that goes beyond nationality or ethnicity. It encompasses factors such as individual abilities, opportunities, and achievements. So, rather than focusing on whether Indians and Chinese are equal, let's celebrate the diversity and richness they bring to our global community. Embracing diversity fosters understanding, collaboration, and growth for all.
Shan Mohammed
No not at all. China is far more economically advanced, far more achieving in the olympics and sports in general (cricket aside), is not as much a slave to the west but a copy cat of the west.
Hence why chinese are also more racist I guess.
Some Indians will claim superiority because they have been classed by anthropologists as "caucasians", so I guess it's a matter of how weight one places on this, if any weight at all.
Steven Mak
This is what my understanding from reading many of the questions/comments on the internet. I have never been to China or India, and even today, I am indifferent to this India/China discussion.
The Chinese respect Indians just like other races. However, it seems some of the Indians are jealous of China’s success in recent years, and pounding their chest on the internet, claiming they are better than the Chinese. The Chinese responded with a laughter, as we can see that India is too far behind to be a competitor of China.
Are Indians and Chinese equal? They should be as they are all humans. However, different people will have a different answer to this question.
Peter Kaye
Yes, they both belong to the human race, but that’s where it stops, they have similar, family values, but again, not much else, totally different work ethics, and outlook, where a lot of Indians are proud to the point of arrogance, Chinese are much more benevolent, Chinese will work together in a group, and get things done, while Indians will argue about it for a week and end up doing nothing.
I know this is stretching it a bit, but that’s the way I see it.
Darren (BahJrong/Bajrang) Sohkhlet
Indians and Chinese are poles apart!
Yet they share some traits
They both have a preference for sons,
They are culturally inclined to take care of their parents,
They talk a lot about money and associate wealth with social status,
They both enjoy a good bargain,
They are equally proud of their family acheivements,
They share the same weakness of losing their temper easily,
they both love discussing politics
they both have a culture dating back thousands of years,
They both started out very poor nations,
They both worked hard although the Chinese were engaged in trade far earlier,
Although their cusine is different they both cook food using a lot of oil,
They both made their way abroad especially to the US in search of a better life,
These are a few things I have noticed having interacted and dated a Chinese back here in Shillong.
Let's hope they can be friendly neighbours.
Anand Kumar
They’re so equal that if you take average weight of all Indians and all Chinese, even that is exactly equal.
Vinay Singh Mann
Some Indians see china as a bad nation. Some people think of China as a good nation. There are many things that India can learn from China.
Chinese people are very sweet. Only the government is bad.
Hari Tsv
The Chinese people have realised that following workable orders would make their nation greater and follow them.
So, China has overtaken the rest of the world in most aspects.
In India, politicians and bureaucrats issue impractical orders. So we get left behind and will remain that way.
Sameer Chakraborthy
As an Indian its incumbent upon me to answer that the world considers Indians better. Oh I know you want people other than Indian/Chinese to weigh in with an opinion, but I’m going to use the fact that I’m part of the world to qualify myself for this answer. After all, in an election the candidate IS allowed to vote for himself.
Sam Arora
What's the biggest difference between an Indian and a Chinese person?
First, we must define: A Chinese person
Secondly, we must determine an Indian person.
A Chinese person is far easier to explain than an Indian.
Chinese are mainly ONE homogeneous race: Han Chinese (making them about 92 percent of the Chinese population of 1.4 billion).
On the other end, it is almost next to impossible for me to define Indians as not one homogeneous race; India has endless races/mixtures/religions/beliefs/languages.
Let us not open this pandora box of differences within Indians.
Let us cut to the chase and answer the question as follows.
The answer:
Highly educated Chinese and Indian - No difference, be it doctors/ engineers/ scientists/ lawyers
As the level starts lowering, differences begin to show; however, the Chinese will still hold an upper edge in productivity.
Skilled/manual work/: Chinese are killing teams/they work in teams/and there is a massive difference between Chinese work teams and Indian work teams.
No one can compete with the Chinese when it comes to skilled jobs.
These are my observations/experiences based on working with Chinese Canadians at various levels for nearly fifty years in Canada and through six visits to China.
I hope it helps.
You must be an indian to ask this question.
I lived in both China and India and worked with both Chinese and indians.
Let's be honest.
If we put politics aside, people are people.
There are nice people and nasty in all nations.
Also, nice people can be nasty if they don't get treated nicely.
Also, what's your definition of a good person? Donating money, believing in god(s), eat clean, don't do drugs, don't commit crimes…..
So, it's a very stupid question. I am sorry.
Sandeepan Bose
Are Indians better than Chinese?
Can't compare millions of people with each other.
But the Chinese leaders are definitely better than - Indian leaders. They have managed to lead their country from the cultivator-cattle rearing stage of civilization into an industrial civilization.
China has converted many small villages into urban areas. People in these places have all the facilities of a big city. This creates good employment opportunities in the service sector.
In India if you live in a rural area no insurance company will be willing to insure your life.
Sriharsha Undemane
In many respects, China and India are relative equals. Economically, in history, we have been ahead off the Chinese sometimes, while they have been ahead of us sometimes, throughout history.
Now, China has a very large economy, almost 5 times its Indian counterpart. This is mainly because China initiated reforms and liberalised the Chinese economy in 1978, full 13 years before India. India did the same in 1991. In the preceding 13 years India faced insurgencies, and came to near economic collapse. These 13 years set the course for China becoming what it truly deserves and what it is capable of. India just needs time, which truly can transform India to make it just like China in terms of the economy.
Semar Manganov
Chinese n Indian are equal in strength but Chinese independently to decide their faith while India is controlled by Western (British n USA)
Chinese don't believe in Godness n India has so many Gods.
The results as you can see by now
Jaydeep Parwan
Who is culturally more superior, Chinese or Indians?
There is no superior culture in my view point. Every country and culture has its own pros and cons. Indians will call Indian culture as better, Chinese might call themselves as better but again whether we are Chinese or Indians we all wear western clothes in this world today. So every culture has something better to offer. There was a time when Indian culture were superior, then there was a time when Chinese culture were superior, there was also a time when Egyptian enjoyed cultural superiority, now today West are superior. It is just about time and time keeps on rolling. You don’t know who might be next on their luck lists.
Aman Chuniyana
No we don't Compare India with China.
We Compare India with U.S.A as Majority of Indians don't even know about China and think about it as manufacturer of Cheap products.
We only compare China with India on the times like Standoffs.
For us U.S.A is far ahead than China.
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