What was China's economy like before it became so powerful? Did people living in China notice any changes when the country suddenly became rich overnight?
Zack Hua
I can’t give you a vivid description of what China’s economy like before it became so powerful. People didn’t get rich overnight. “Overnight” here is a device of writing, yep? But what I am sure is that China is really changing steadily while the change is unbelievable. I’m the one who benefits a lot from this change.
When my memory goes back to those times when I was a child, I couldn’t eat whatever I wanted, and wore whatever I like just because my family hadn’t got so much money for buying things. At that time, I couldn’t even have a bike of my own, even a second-hand one.
Things became different later. People like my father had chance to work to make money. Accordingly, I had chance to do things that I couldn’t do before. Becoming rich (maybe not rich, but not so bad anymore) was a tough and long process, in which everybody was working hard and optimistic.
Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
I noticed it sitting from India
When Chinese visited India in the 1990s , they would request $ 20 Million revolving fund accounts and would be met by the GM Foreign Department
They would need 60 days to arrange the money
By contrast Japan would ask for revolving funds for $ 200 Million, be met by the Chairman of the Bank and arrange the funds in 7 days
Then one day in 2014, the Chinese delegation parked $ 2 Billion (₹ 12700 Crore) by lunchtime with a contemptuous shrug and had a whole delegation of officials following them like poodles
That's when you could see how CHINA HAD ARRIVED
In 1990, No Indian Bank Guarantees were accepted anywhere
No Chinese Bank Guarantees were accepted anywhere
Both needed Bank of America or UBS in Switzerland to do business as co guarantor with the West
Even DBS Singapore had guarantees recognized in 61 Countries including UK, US and Germany at that time
Fast forward to 2023
SBI Direct Guarantees without Govt of India co guarantee is accepted in 24 Countries
Five other Banks in India (Non Foreign) - have direct guarantees accepted in at least 6 Countries
27 Banks have their guarantees accepted directly in a whop 157 Countries
That's third after USA (171 Countries) and Japan (162 Countries)
Including Japan, Australia, UK, US, Germany, France - all the countries that badmouth China 24*7
The only Co unist Nation on Earth where a Banks guarantee ensures $ 10 Billion credit within 6 hours
Amelia Lake
Historically, China was always the largest economy on Earth since ancient times. The post-industrial period of the recent 200 years is but a blip on the radar.
Having said that, ordinary Chinese have always been poor since ancient times, even when the Chinese economy was the largest on Earth in history, ordinary peasants were always poor.
The biggest change is the same change that was experienced in the West, industrialisation changed the living standards for everyone. After modern China industrialised, its citizens too were able to experience the benefits of an industrial economy.
Consider this economic truth: in the 1700s, 98% of all humans on Earth lived below the poverty line, yes this includes the “mighty” West.
Ask the people living in England who were dying in factories if they noticed how wonderful their life was during the Industrial Revolution. Chances are, life was still pretty shit for them.
Even when the British Empire covered a quarter of the Earth's surface, the vast majority of ordinary people living in England would still have been dirt poor.
Likewise with China, which has had the largest economy on Earth for a much longer period of time than the UK ever did.
Thomas Anderson
A person was eating and didn't feel full after eating two pies, but felt full after eating the third one. He thought, if only he had known earlier, he could have just eaten the third pie.
——That's what your logic sounds like.
Back to the question. When the PRC was just established, it faced a situation of poverty, weakness, and a poor living standard. It also had to deal with the wounds of war and the tight blockade imposed by Western capitalist countries such as the US in terms of diplomacy, economy, and military.
我们现在回到问题上来。中华人民共和国在成立之初,是一个积贫积弱、人民生活水平低下的国家。中国还必须解决战争的创伤和美国等西方资 本主义国家在外交、经济和军事方面施加的严密封锁。
China's achievements today are the result of the strong leadership of the CPC and the hard work of the Chinese people over a long period of time. China has also proven to the world that a country can prosper and become strong not by pursuing to be a king or hegemon, but by relying on its own hands. This is fundamentally different from some Western countries.
中国今天取得的成就,是中 产党坚强领导的结果,是中国人民长期艰苦奋斗的结果。中国也向世界证明了,一个国家的富强不是靠称王称霸得来的,而是靠自己的双手拼来的。这和某些西方国家完全不同。
Kyo Syа(秋霞)
China did not become wealthy overnight.
If we take into account the changes in people's daily lives, significant distinctions can be seen over several decades. The improvement in the quality of life of Chinese people is reflected in the improvement of public services, including the affordability and efficiency of various government provided services, such as fire prevention, public security, disaster prevention, transportation, telecommunications, logistics, postal, medical, government affairs, etc..
For ordinary Chinese people, this is just a sense of improvement, but there is no direct comparison. Interestingly, due to the span appearing over decades, people have gradually become accustomed to it - many of us have not noticed that life in the Western world has been stagnant and has not undergone significant changes. Apart from the inconvenience that international students feel abroad, it makes them aware of China's economic development. Until the outbreak of the epidemic, the public services provided by China compared to overseas have made Chinese people aware of China's economic development capabilities.
In these decades, life in the Western world was initially worshipped, later looked up to, and then treated equally. Now many people hesitate about the immigration behavior of western countries. Nowadays, people often go abroad solely for completing their studies, seeking larger markets, or traveling - these people have almost the same reasons for traveling to the Western world and to Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Very few people are attracted by the quality of life in other countries.
China in 1980s:
China at present:
Akinwumi Lawanson
The only things added to any nation in the modern era is the corporate culture of doing business which led to the industrial revolution as a by product. All nations had economies five thousand years ago or two thousand years ago. They only lacked corporations and industrial capacity that resulted from it. They had a land based economy and most people were farmers or had farms by the side but there were also other industries. Textile, education, politics, soldiering, tool making, entertainment, spirituality, art working, trading, money lending, food selling, music, nursing, traditional pharmacy and hundreds of others before the modern era. All nations had vibrant economies but the industrial revolution made things better
Peter Kaye
Ha ha , is that what you think? They woke up one morning and they were all rich? Boy what movie have you been watching, your talking about a forty year long night, did they notice any changes? Are you kidding? From dirt tracks to the worlds best highway systems, you betcha they noticed the changes, and they are still happening, also from steam trains to the world’s fastest trains, also during the forty year night.
Richard Kenneth Eng
It’s a combination of several things:
China has a most intelligent and capable leadership, not the fools leading Western de ocracies. Chinese leaders are laser-focused on the prize: rapid economic development.
China’s political system faces no opposition. This means that it can enact policies without compromise and execute them without hindrance. In other words, the system is very efficient.
China has the world’s largest population which means that it has a vast pool of cheap labour.
The Chinese are particularly ambitious, clever, and hardworking.
China is rich in natural resources. Oil, gas, coal, minerals, rich arable land, well-stocked fisheries, etc.
China is geographically well-placed. It has access to the ocean for ship. It has access to many local markets in SE Asia.
China has received enormous foreign direct investment (FDI). Foreign companies are cham at the bit to make huge profits from the Chinese consumer market.
Balachandran Krishnamoorty
How exactly did China increase its economy by almost 20x in 2 decades?
Creation of world class infrastructure
By diversifying manufacture
By unimaginably large scale production
By producing for export
By achieving cost competitiveness
By mastering value chain and supply chain techniques.
By upskilling labour
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