Why do you not respect India and always put China ahead of India?
Charlie Buffett
The corruption in India is because of over population. (Too many people vying for the same stuff).
It could be food, land, water, schooling or hospital. That is where the black markets, illegal selling of stuff and the corruption starts violating all standards. For example, Maxmum people allowed in Train, Bus, schools or hospitals. Everything becomes an illegal violation of standard.
Now nobody talks of Overpopulation in India because Indian society celebrates and glorifies “Family and kids”. Indians are obsessed with marriage and procreation.
That is the only achievement worth highlighting in India. Specially among the lower economic masses (which is like 1 billion people out of total 1.4 billion). Nobody will ask your profession, your intellectual achievements, your extra-curricular talents. They will start the conversation with Are you married ? Do you have kids ?
Even if you say you have cancer and you are about to die. They will still insist ,“but why didn’t you marry ? Why don’t you have kids ?”
They actually don’t get it. That marriage and kids have no value whatsoever when the person is dying.
And it also does not have any value when it comes to Nation building. For building a nation you need quality population with sound mind, sound moral values, good education, good character and reasonable wealth. You don’t need quantity in billions but “quality”; So a 400 million people but all high quality would be much better than 1.5 billion all of worse quality.
So even if somebody is a leper or a beggar on a street in India, society will view him as a worthy man if he is married with 2–3 kids because that is the ultimate path to salvation as per Indian system (in both Hinduim and Islam)
Which means out of 1.4 billion people in India every single leper, beggar, manual laborer, driver, gardener, peon, drug addict, drunkard, criminal, thief, robber, rapist … they just have to get married to prove they are a man worthy of living in Indian society and if they have kids it is even better…then he will be hailed as hero ( the real man).
You get the idea ?.. It is the only objective of the Indian society - Family and Kids. That is the reason the libido of Indian men is so high. That is why so many rapists in India. The society promotes it. They like it when they see that the man is on the right path of sex, family and kids.
Assuming 2 kids each per person, it means very soon the Indian population will explode to 3 billion (out of which 80% will continue to be worthless rabble). And they become very dangerous because they have voting rights. So, they will elect their favorite illiterate criminal thug as MLA. And India will continue to remain a mob rule.
China fixed this problem very early on by implementing “1 child norm” with impunity. It was already blessed with meritocratic autocracy so they had the power to take right decisions.
At the same time it established quality schooling (In the 60s and 70s after implementing 1 child norm, Deng travelled to America and Singapore in the 60s and 70s to understand their schooling system) and invited “Lee Kuan yew” of Singapore and send teachers to America and Singapore for training to establish quality schooling, meritocracy, strong laws, Infrastructure for manufacturing, Capitalism and Corporate culture.
同时,中国打造了高质量的学校教育(在实施独生子女制度后的六七十年代,中国的领导人在六七十年代前往美国和新加坡研究他们的教育制度),邀请新加坡的李光耀并派遣教师前往美国和新加坡接受培训,建立起高质量的教育、精英政治、严格的法律、制造业基础设施,资 本主义与企业文化。
Which Indians never did because they were too busy reproducing continuously thinking they are almost about to achieve salvation by reproduction.
The result is that in 2020s China is becoming a world leader in every single sphere.
India is still stuck in 1960s with 5X population (out of which 1 billion is illiterate and hence worthless for an economy. they can only do two things successfully “voting” or “producing more worthless babies”).
Musa Meyer
it happens to the brains which put the ppl’s real life behind and look at India V.S China as a mere paper game work. Anyone ever been to both India and China but find China more livable , probably suffer with a type of terminal disease mentally and physically. There’s nothing special about India since it also faces many unfixed issues that are left aside.
Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
It's simple
It's not because China pays me or any of that nonsense
It's because I feel China treats its people far better than India does
Take the recent decision by Modi to reduce petrol prices by ₹8/- or ₹10/-
It's obvious it's an election strategy
Some bogus way to claim inflation has been reduced just before elections
4 1/2 years of misery and inflation and suddenly some short cut and they will claim a victory on inflation and 90% Idiots will cheer
Six months later we are back to the same story
China on the other hand has been spending the entire year with economic policies
Kee prices low is not for cheap votes but for ACTUAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS
China has seen disposable income rise and consumption rise
China has used price mechanisms to ensure the people of China don't pay more during flood crises or earthquake crises
China’s stimulus of $ 145 Billion for Post Disaster measures of floods have seen a lot of positive impacts
[When I say China, I mean the entire apparatus of the Government]
China works for their People and their economy
India works for Elections and Cheap Gimmicks and bogus numbers all for an illusion
Of course I don't respect India in the slightest and have immense respect for China and their system
Its not even a contest
Of course being an Indian, I still hope something turns Indians from the path of insane stupidity to looking at reality and working towards bettering it
Prashant Kumar
Which is ahead in technology, China or India? — Related
China. Miles ahead.
This is one of their technological monsters. It is called SLJ/32Bridge Building Machine. This monster weighs about 580 tonnes, is 91 metres long and 7 metres wide.The machine transports itself, via its set of 64 wheels, which are split into four sections consisting of 16 wheels each. As the name suggests, it is used to build bridges.
Do you know how difficult it is to build tunnels? A few years ago, only Germany and Japan could build machines that could do the job, and China had to remain dependent on other countries for boring tunnels. Not until they decided to build this monster:
Very few countries, not more than 3 or 4, can manufacture these machines. India has to import all TBMs, we don't have any capacity to build one.
They also have this monster:
It is used to build railway tracks. It can do the job, much faster and perfectly.
In manufacturing, research and development, and technology India doesn't even stand a chance against China. Comparing the two is preposterous. The pathetic state of Indian manufacturing can be gauged from the fact that 69 years after independence, India can't even manufacture products as simple as earphones. Yes, even your earphones are probably manufactured in China, though they might contain a Made in India tag, to fool the Indians.
Comparing the two countries would be a great injustice to China. Most of Chinese people don't want their country to be compared with India, they think of it below their dignity, the same way we think of Pakistan. They like to compare their country with countries like America and Japan.
Peter Kaye
Why would anyone even ask a question like this? I think it rather silly trying to compare India to China, it’s like trying to compare a milk bar to a five star restaurant, there just is no comparison, only in population, like a milk bar and restaurant they both sell drinks, but that’s where the comparison ends. China is so far ahead in technology it’s not even worth talking about.
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度看中国 » 为什么你们不尊重印度,总是把中国放在印度前面,印网民贴图:因为中国有这些巨无霸和高科技怪物