In many countries in Europe, how do they manage to give employers 4 to 5 weeks of holidays and many other benefits that in America don't exst?
Peter Batty
Ever heard the phrase “Smarter not harder”?
In Europe, like Australia and New Zealand the Economic system is run so that people actually have decent working hours and Recreation time-outs (weekends and holidays), whilst still allowing businesses to operate at a profit.
Dawn Hunt
In my opinion this is another victim of our healthcare system. In those countries, the employer is not having to pay many thousands of dollars a year for the employees’ healthcare premiums. My former job was paying $1200 a month towards the $1475 premium for my healthy teenager and myself (my share was $275). So US companies pay a huge percent of their bottom line profit for each employee to be insured. Take that expense away and they could easily afford 10% more staff which would enable everyone an extra 2–4 weeks. Not to mention refreshed, happy employees are more productive.
This is from my personal observation of living in Scandinavia, and working in an intellectually demanding field for a decade.
On an average scale (and in comparison with an average US employee), most of the employees in Europe:
Feel secure and happy in general.
Happy about - their work, role in the society, and quality of life.
Secure about - their livelihood, healthcare, and wellbeing.
Tend to think they are valued, cared for, and guaranteed to get their due share of appreciation.
Go to work with a hint of excitement and enthusiasm
These factors create significantly high productivity at work place. Thus having longer vacations and shorter working days is feasible. In fact, such down time is what recharges them and improves productivity.
Most importantly, European society (or at least Scandinavian society) tends to be socialistic and constantly strives to be fundamentally equal. That is, fulfilling basic human needs is certainly more important than squeezing the last inch of productivity from the employees. This is what drives the benefits and policies such as paid parental leaves, vacation for mental wellbeing etc.
最重要的是,欧洲社会(或至少斯堪的纳维亚社会)偏向 社会主义,并不断努力实现基本平等。也就是说,满足员工作为人的基本需求肯定比压榨员工的最后一点生产力更加重要。这就是他们推动诸如带薪育儿假、精神健康假期等福利和政策的原因。
However, it is practically impossible to generalize. There certainly are happy employees in the US and unhappy employees in the EU, sometimes even irrespective of how the employers treat them.
Iain TheCrack
Because in Europe there are laws governing inhumane treatment of employees by employers. American companies could afford to do it as well, but just don't want to. Making obscene profits off the hard work if their employees is not only striven after in USA, but it is regarded ‘good policy’. Health benefits are less common, because the health services are either free or very nearly so. Retirement pensions in many eec countries are not a ‘bonus’, but a legal requirement . So the answer to this question is simply to send the question right back…. WHY THE F@€K DONT US WORKERS DO MORE TO DEMAND THE SAME? three jobs and still relying on charity is really a third world way of doing things. Poverty in US is HUGE AND OBSCENE
Robert Newall
You could try asking the correct question. I presume you do know the difference beween an Employer and an Employee. Or maybe you are yet another poorly educated American.
Jarzombek Wacław
It’s simple as 2+2.
To simplify even more let’s assume the law forces you to give exactly one full month of paid vacation.
You estimate value of your employee for $10.000 per month.
Now you simply offer them $110.000 yearly, evenly distributed over 12 months.
If you are smart enough you can even benefit from the situation. You have to actively plan your employees vacation and disallow to disappear at work on top season months.
Thomas L
In part because the employees in those countries are paid less (for example, France’s average income is around $45k per year vs US average >$70k. So it could be viewed as a trade off, in which employees in those countries prioritize vacation over greater earnings.
I also know first hand that contractor roles are very prevalent in Europe as a result of employment laws and practices. It is more difficult to get full time salaried employment, but once you do, it’s very stable.
Tom Overton
And the fact that it’s the law. Because they know that people are not machines to be exploited for every possible financial gain. They legislate to oppose the inevitability of corporate greed. Companies manage to give these benefits because they can afford to. They all can. Even the ones in America. But if they weren’t also required to by law, they wouldn’t.
Diane Morris
I don’t know the answer to this but would suggest that it has something to do with productivity, as is being played out in companies who are moving to a four day week without reducing employee earnings and not suffering decreased productivity.
But can I just say how amazing it was to move to the UK back in 1987 to join a company that FROM OUTSET provided FIVE WEEKS annual vacation time in addition to the usual public holidays. Oh, and did I mention unlimited sick time?
Funnily enough, it seems that the UK was one of the least generous countries in Europe in terms of employee benefits.
George Wilson
European here. “Benefits"? Ahahahahaha no. That's not how it works. All these “benefits" and “European utopias" are just imaginary constructs made-up by left-wing propaganda artists in the US. They have intented fairy tales about the supposed European utopia, and they talk about free healthcare as if free healthcare is the greatest thing in the universe.
I live in Bulgaria, an European country. The situation is so bad here... Literally every single region in Bulgaria is in a state of demographic crisis and aging population, with waves of bankruptcies and deindustrialization. Healthcare isn't free, but very expensive. If you don't have a lot of money, and you get a health condition, you will be sent to a state-run hospital, where the conditions are terrible. Privately-run hospitals are simply too expensive.
Wages are so low and people many people have to work 2 jobs or even more... “but, hey, you have 4 weeks holiday per year, bro!!! You must be happy, bro!!! You have benefits, bro!!!! Europe is better than the US, bro!!!”
The US is much more powerful, better organized, wealthier, and beautiful than the EU will ever be.
Comparing Europe to the US is like comparing Nokia 3310 to Apple's newest iPhone.
Asillynert Asillynert
Made to do it either with collective bargaining or by law. And often times at no cost to consumer. For example big mac is cheaper in swedan than some parts of america.
Which is why they have less locations wont see 3 mcdonalds within a mile of each other like is common in usa. They will consolidate locations and have fewer better performing locations. And they will have to accept lower profit margins in order to be competitive due to healthier economy.
Lyssa Ryan
To be fair, many if not most US companies provide at least that much paid vacation. Sometimes more. I had nearly 6 weeks a year with my old company in the US. Now I only get 4. I had a really high income, taxes were low, health insurance amazing, and everything was cheaper. We got 6 weeks paid paternity leave on top of 1 year of maternity leave (only half paid, but paid at 100% for 6 months) You won’t get that in Europe pretty much with any company.
Steve Starkey
In simple terms. employers of other countries are not as greedy.
I worked for a small business. I was the ship and receiving department, and the computer support department. It was my job to receive the merchandise, enter it in the computer, and put the price tag on it. The markup was 100%. The owner claimed after discounts and after paying all the costs, the store profit was only 3%.
Of course I could not ask him to prove that.
Anthony Atkielski
In many European countries, a mandatory period of vacation must be given to employees by law. Thus employers are forced to do it, otherwise they wouldn’t. It’s not difficult to do, but greed prevents companies from doing it if the government doesn’t force them to. No law compels American employers to provide vacation, so greed rules.
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