Will Russia run out of money and withdraw from the war with Ukraine?
Jernej Kurincic
There is a different economy in totaliarian infected mind. Look at North Korea - most of people are starving and freezing, but they still invest in making nuclear rockets.
If you are a big country wealthy with natural resources you can easily skip the money question altogether: you mine resources and make weapons with them and so you can wage war without the end.
Some optimists expose that they will run out of electronics, but Russians are crazy hackers and electronic improvisers, so for the military there may be primitive, but useful solutions available for long.
Russia has already run down the drain all its commercial connections and benefits, so they don’t have much to loose in the ongoing war. War is the natural state of Russia - people were lost and confused for 30 years now, when there was peace and quiet - now they are again in the saddle.
So I find it quite possible Russia will be playing this game until China sees they have become weak enough and march in from the east. Or India. Or both. And it is quite possible nobody will bat an eye. But I will be surprised if in 20 years Moscow will be still standing.
Zoltán Juhász
Russia can’t run out of money. They print as much as they want. What they can run out of, is weapons manufacturing capacities and bodies. And ultimately, they can run out of the patience of their citizens as a result.
They can switch to wartime economy anytime. That means poverty for most Russians, as beyond there most basic needs, every effort would go towards weapons manufacturing. Also they can conscript all young Russian to the army, and send them to death. That would help them win on the battlefield. But considering there is nothing there for them to win, it can easily led to a revolution.
Ultimately, in macro-economics, it is never about money. It is about how much percentage of their economy and population do they dedicate to war effort.
Dan O Brien
I can see Ukraine recovering Crimea ..and that leading to a revolution or coup in Russia . , then it withdraws to it's 1993 borders. They don't withdraw as such and they don't do apologies .. But they forfeit whatever they have in the West
Paul Lundquist
Russia doesn’t need money; all it needs is people to gather the raw materials, more to process them, more to make the weapons and ammunition, then people to use them.
Michael Ciao
Russia has the biggest natural resources in the world, Russia is the biggest oil and gas supplier to China, right next door by land transportation. China also buys timber, minerals and agricultural commodities from Russia, China is the biggest buyer in the world. Both countries have the same enemies. China has money, Russia doesn’t run out of money.
Mats Andersson
Countries don’t “run out of money” the way individuals do.
What you get instead is a state of things working less and less. This is a hard winter for Russians; many of them have to choose between being hungry and being cold, as they don’t have enough money to both eat and keep warm. Still, they will certainly survive this, they’re just intensely uncomfortable.
Things that have stopped working properly include road maintenance, district heating in some prominent cases, airlines, and car manufacturing. Now, they still make cars, only without GPS and airbags, and not very many. They still have civilian planes in the air, it’s just that they have to scavenge spare parts off other planes so that they have fewer and fewer of them. Most district heating is still working, but they can’t repair the broken and they can’t build new. You can still drive on roads with potholes, but it’s damaging to cars, and some towns in Siberia will be isolated until the roads thaw out in spring.
And all this will just keep deteriorating. Russia will be able to pay for fewer and fewer things that aren’t about the war. Eventually, this will include things that are more or less directly tied to the war effort. Oil extraction is an obvious failure point: the equipment needed to extract, refine, and transport oil depends on electronics that they will have difficulties replacing when it wears out. If the oil stops flowing, they will go bankrupt pretty quickly. (Also, their tanks will stand still without fuel.)
And at some point, they’ll be roughly where Germany was at the end of WWI: they will have difficulties feeding the people, they will have difficulties kee their army equipped, and they will have to give up the fight. Even if their soldiers are, at that point, still on occupied soil. Because the collapse is inevitable.
There’s no predicting exactly when that will happen, since relevant data is not available to anyone outside the Kremlin, and probably not to most people inside the Kremlin. But if Ukraine can keep the pressure up, which they can with our help, it will happen.
Sean Watts
Eventually, yes. In the short term, no. In the short term Russia is losing officers, enlisted men and equipment much faster than they can replace them.
Zsolt Pamuki
Not anytime soon. Russia accumulated huge currency and gold reserves before the war. According to a quick Google search they still have more than half a trillion USD worth currency and a bit more than 2300 tons of gold reserves. On the other side Ukraine is basically bankrupt and only Western financial aid packages kee her afloat.
Also Russia managed to force the AFU into a war of attrition and Ukraine has no chance to win such a war as Russia has air and artillery superiority, more manpower and more war materials, so they can slowly grind down the AFU to the bone.
Wars are won with weapons and ammunition not money. As the EU and NATO at the moment learn the hard way. Russia will only withdraw from Ukraine (if they do it at all) after they will have won the war. Give or take another siy months.
Try to use Facts, not Hearsay.
Yes a lot of people do not understand the sizes of the NATO countries economies compared to the Russian economy.
NATOs is = 45% if the global economy,
Russia's is ranked 11th in the world, even little old Britain is 6th.
Putin keeps digging himself and his country deeper and deeper into debt and trouble, eventually the money will run out.
Jeremy Cole
In time. The current Russian situation is unsustainable, not just from the lives and treasure poured in to Ukraine, but also from the loss of access to western specialists and precision materials. Its one thing to try and do without BMWs or McDonalds, its another thing entirely to do with replacement robotics and chipsets for your manufacturing plants.
The question is how long, and what shape this decline will take. Already we’ve seen Russia choose to report obviously fake economic stats, so we know the position is bad enough that they have to lie about it. But it is possible that Russia could linger on for a long time before things collapse.
Some people predicted that decline would happen in 2023, that was extremely optimistic. National economies aren’t that fragile. There have been predictions of 2024, but I suspect that feels like the same mistake, defaulting to 12 month from now, then just bum that another 12 months down the line when it happens. But I do suspect that by the end of 2024, if it hasn’t started already we will start to have seen the signs, and have a better idea if this will be a slow, contained restriction or a genuine collapse.
Michael Wakefield
They’re jacking up alcohol taxes next year, so that will bring in billions.
But they’re projecting a deficit of $9.5 billion (US), and 39% of spending will be on the war.
For reference, the US economy grew by about 1 Russian economy in each of the last two years.
Russell Miller
No, there is no indication of Russia running out of anything or withdrawing from the war in Ukraine.
It is only western nations wishful thinking.
Roland Bartetzko
It's difficult to give a date, even an approxmate one. Most of the knowledgeable Ukrainians I spoke to expect an end to all major combat operations by the summer of next year.
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