Explainer: What is a 'Widow Year' and why some Chinese are wary about it
NEW DELHI: In Chinese culture, certain years are wrapped in superstitions and traditions that have been passed down through generations. Among these is the concept of the "Widow Year," a term that sparks discussions and concerns, especially when it comes to significant life events such as marriage. As the Year of the Dragon approaches, labeled as a Widow Year, many are revisiting the old beliefs and practices associated with this period.
The upcoming Year of the Dragon is also known as a "Widow Year" in Chinese culture, a period many consider unlucky for marriage.
A Widow Year in China is a lunar year that does not contain the traditional start of spring, known as Lichun. Lichun is one of the 24 solar terms that divide up the lunar year, marking the coming of the spring season. According to some Chinese superstitions, Lichun is a time of yang (masculine) energy, and a year without Lichun is a year without yang energy.
Therefore, the term "Widow Year" (gua fu nian in Chinese) is associated with the superstition that a woman marrying during this time may face the early loss of her husband.
The name "Widow Year" originates from a misunderstanding of the term gua nian, meaning "the year lacking Spring Commences," a vital solar term in ancient Chinese culture symbolizing a blessed year.
The absence of Spring Commences in a Widow Year is interpreted as a lack of masculine energy (yang), reinforcing the superstition surrounding widowhood.
The Chinese lunisolar calendar, combining lunar months and solar terms, requires the addition of seven leap months every 19 years to align lunar and solar years.
Some lunar years have two instances of Spring Commences, while others, known as Widow Years, have none.
Despite superstitions, historical data shows that Widow Years, like the Year of the Snake in 2013, do not significantly deter marriages.
Many Chinese couples prioritize having children in years associated with auspicious zodiac signs, such as the Dragon, over concerns about marrying in a Widow Year.
Superstitions extend beyond marriage, advising against activities like building houses or erecting tombstones during Widow Years due to bad feng shui.
While modern couples often disregard these superstitions, traditional customs for ensuring a lucky marriage, such as selecting auspicious dates and times and using symbolic decorations and accessories, are still practiced by some.
However, superstitions surrounding marriage are not unique to China; they are a global phenomenon, with various cultures harboring their own unique beliefs and practices aimed at ensuring love, happiness, and prosperity in matrimonial unions. These superstitions, often deeply rooted in historical, religious, or cultural contexts, offer fascinating insights into the values and traditions of different societies.
stupid news what has Indians to do with this
这篇报道真的没水平, 我们印度人和这个有什么关系啊
Toh na karein shadi… Chinese ki life se hamein kya…
It seems like the much bandied Chinese growth is like its dragon an mystery
Capitalism promotes separation..for divide and conquer
资 本主义倡导分离。为了分而治之
Dev S
Monkey businsss… we dont care . They have no sxentific or arithmaric baxkground to these predixtiions unlike indian astrology… sometimes the xhinese horosxope is axcurate
Anirban Banerjee
this can be a problem for Indian steel companies as they will dump more construction steel to india
The dragon is believed to be the luckiest zodiac sign in Chinese culture
Good luck to everyone in Dragon Year
I like this story about dragons
My grandmother was born in Saigon in 1923 (when Vietnam, Laos and Cambodge were a french colony). We had to pass in front of her open door at night to go to the bathroom and were terrified of the dragon we heard growling at night in her room (you know the one she took with her from Vietnam). One day I was old enough to understand that she was just the loudest snorer.
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度看中国 » 印媒:在中国文化中,没有传统立春的农历年是寡妇年,一些中国人对此持谨慎态度