

If ByteDance sells TikTok to an American company, what US company do you think would buy the platform?  What company should own TikTok?

如果字节跳动要把TikTok出售给一家美国企业,你觉得哪家企业会收购TikTok ?




Kiok Khng Png

This is not going happening as China has already passed a law last year banning sale of certain companies it deemed of strategic interest. Furthermore, Senate majority leader has so far refused to put the Congress passed bill on the agenda to be debated and voted on.

Even if China decided to let Bytedance sell Tiktok and Senate passed the bill, there is a problem of Bytedance shareholders challenging the forced sale (and thus a fire sale). Keep in mind 60% of Bytedance shareholders are non-Chinese and many are American. They will likely go to court to challenge the bill.



Assuming the sales does happens, one has to go behind the motive of passing this bill to force sell Tiktok to know who are the potential buyers. More than 170 million Americans have downloaded Tiktok. 30% of US teenagers are active users of Tiktok. Unlike their seniors, in particular their grandparents, many do not view Israel favorably. Furthermore, they get their news from social media and not from traditional mass media, which are overwhelming supportive of Israel’s annexation of Palestinian lands and the current invasion of Gaza. A key source of news for these young people is from Tiktok. The ratio of pro-Palestinian videos compare to pro-Israel videos on Tiktok is about 7-to-1. Among social medias like Facebook, instagram, etc, Tiktok and X are the ones that does not censor pro-Palestinian information. To capture the minds of these young people and sway their support to Israel, it is important that Tiktok, which currently is more influential compare to X, tweak their algorithm to enforce such cencorship. The best way to do that is to own the company. This will give an idea of who is likely to buy Tiktok.











Alex Jouravlev

I don’t see ByteDance selling. However even if they do, it is much harder than it sounds.

The sudden rise in a number of “anti-Zionists” in US after the October 7 Hamas massacre of Israelis gave food to speculations that TikTok was promoting antisemitic propaganda content to advance China geopolitical interests. Which is what one would expect them to do in light of the Sino-US confrontation. So the demand from US is to sell the whole app, or US operations, including customer data _and_ the algorithm feeding the users the next clip.

The algorithm is what make TikTok tick. It is what makes the users to scroll for hours instead of tossing it away after a few clips.





Now, if you are not in software or AI, you possibly think about sale as formal transfer of ownership of an app (a paper singned, copies forwarded to Apple Store and Google Play) and an algorithm on a piece of paper.

In reality, “algorithm” could consist of massive amount of code, filled with patches, a massive data storage, and perhaps a thousand of developers and AI specialists without whom you have no chance of understanding how the whole things work, and where the gremlins are. Gremlins can be in data rather than code, giving disproportionate attention to views of some users. While some other users are given the same high attention as it increases the usage of the app.

现在,如果你不是从事软件或人工智能行业,你可能会认为应用程序的出售是对所有权的正式转让(签署一份文件,再把副本转发给Apple Store和Google Play),并把算法写在纸上进行交接。


Did you realise those people are in China?

How you think the whole transfer would work?

Facebook already has Reels that is sort-of similar to TikTok. IMHO, the only realistic scenario is Facebook buying the name and customers accounts, and serving stand-alone Reels with complete TikTok look and feel.







Julu Chan

There is no way ByteDance will sell their business to the US anyway.

First of all, the chinese will not approve it.

Secondly, public opinion in China is seriously opposed to the sale, and ByteDance’s business in China accounts for two-thirds of the entire global business. If it is sold, its business in China will suffer a devastating blow.




Why is Chinese public opinion opposed to ByteDance selling its business in the United States?

Because this is called ‘强买强卖’(forced buying and selling), it is easy for the Chinese to think of the humiliating history of the British forcing the Chinese to buy their opium after the Opium War. So if ByteDance is forced to sell its business to the United States, it will completely end its business in China.







William Yeo

ByteDance cannot possibly sell TikTok to an American company. Otherwise, their management will all be jailed. This is because Chinese law prohibits any Chinese company from directly or indirectly handing over user data to the operators of the PRISM network, which is the U.S. government.

In addition, China has several other laws:



1. If a Chinese company is maliciously sanctioned by the U.S. government, the chinese will retaliate against other American companies, such as Boeing.

2. If a merchant maliciously conceals quality defects, like Boeing, the purchaser can demand four times the punitive damages.

3. If the U.S. government maliciously infringes on the intellectual property rights of Chinese companies, then the intellectual property rights of American companies in China will no longer be protected by the international intellectual property convention.This also means that Boeing’s suppliers in China could immediately assemble the parts they have on hand into a new airplane.

1. 如果中国企业被美国政府恶意制裁,中国也会对其他美国企业进行制裁,比如波音公司。

2. 如果商家故意隐瞒质量缺陷,如波音公司,采购方可以提出4倍于订单金额的惩罚性赔偿。

3. 如果美国政府恶意侵犯中国企业的知识产权,那么美国企业在中国的知识产权也得不到国际知识产权公约的保护。这也意味着波音在中国的供应商可以立即将他们手头的零部件组装成一架新飞机。

Therefore, once the bill sanctioning ByteDance is passed, ByteDance may not necessarily be finished, but Boeing could very well be.

It seems Biden wants Boeing dead.






Peter Kaye

Forget these hypothetical questions, will never happen, Bytedance has no reason to sell their very successful platform, just because some US politicians say so? Just more delusions of grandeur.

funny thing is I read yesterday where even US politicians are useing it for their campaigns. Very funny. So why on earth would bytedance sell it?






Flyhi Gao

ByteDance will not sell TikTok in the United States because Chinese law does not permit it.





Konstantinos Konstantinides

ByteDance needs to comply (or fight) only for the US-operations part of TikTok. The US can impose rules on how companies operate in the US. Outside of the US, they can do whatever they want.





Jay Chan

Do you think ByteDance will sell TikTok to the US in the end?

Definitely possible though that’s against ByteDance’s will.

Think about the current social media market: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Snapshot … Tiktok is becoming the most valuable. Who wants to sell it if it has such a big market potential?

Whether willing or not, everything is possible with political intervention. The fun part is which US company will get it.








Terry Lambert

What major company do you think will buy TikTok, and when?

What makes you think ByteDance doesn’t have any ambitions of becoming a major company, using TikTok as a vehicle to do so?

Why would they sell their unicorn?







Suvi Sharma

Who is going to acquire the Chinese app TikTok, and why? Is it Twitter or Microsoft?

Last week, Microsoft went up by 5% on rumors of them buying ByteDance's TikTok.

That 5% made Microsoft $75 billion more valuable. If they would buy TikTok's US operations for up to $30 billion (the whole business is reportedly worth $50 billion), they would be literally making $45 billion + getting TikTok for free!

Not a bad deal if you think about it!








Aditya Khurana

Is the USA forcefully acquiring TikTok?


No country can forcefully do anything like this. After a months-long drama, ByteDance selected Oracle as its "trusted tech partner" in the US earlier this week. The partnership is yet to be announced officially but the details of the deal are now starting to emerge. Oracle will reportedly have a stake in TikTok's global business and not just the US operations. ByteDance, meanwhile, will be the majority shareholder of the entity.

TikTok might move its global headquarters to the US in order to avoid any troubles in the future. American TikTok users' data will stay within the country, sources told the FT.






Ranjana Radhakrishnan

Who will buy TikTok in the USA?

Microsoft has stated that it will buy all rights of tiktok from US and from countries like Canada,Brazil.




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